The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Fifty Eight Chapters Teach You To Be A Bad Person

On the lonely mountain peak, there were sounds of crying and laughing, mourning and indignation.

"Don't haha, ah ha ha ha...don't, ah ah... ha ha ha villain, big villain, I hate you to death."

Wang Yin knew from Han Buduo's mouth that this world is called the Ancient Continent, and it is a world full of great powers and cultivating sects. Ten thousand miles to the east there is the Nine Heavens Sword Palace of the Saint-level Immortal Cultivation Sword School.

The green-clothed female sword fairy is the sword cultivator of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, and she is already a golden core power at such an age, which is enough to prove that she is extremely talented in sword repair, but her brain is not very easy to use.

The power of the golden core is something that Han doesn't say much about. For ordinary people, the sword cultivation of the golden core period is indeed something that you will never see in your life.

It's just that this great power is being caught by Han Buduo now, taking off his shoes and socks, Wang Yin sitting next to him has nothing to say, this Han Buduo is also a fool.

He made it very clear that it was fine for him to tease and tease the green-clothed sword fairy, but in the end, this guy had a wretched face.

"Hey Han, are you a dude? Do you know how to deal with women?"

"Of course I know, senior, you can't question the few majors, I told you that women are most afraid of getting itchy.

"So your tricks are just scratching your head? Don't you know that what women are most afraid of is being bullied by ugly men they don't know?"

"Senior is bad, rape women is such a tasteless thing, how could I do it if I don't know much about it, I am inspired to be the first person in the world of dandies, and quality is very important." Senior, don't slander people who don't have much quality ."

"Besides, senior, you also said that what women are afraid of is being raped by strange ugly men. I, Han Buduo, are handsome guys. Isn't it cheaper for them to be raped?"

Seeing the twinkling stars in the sky, Wang Yin suddenly felt very tired and wanted to retire.

"So when you caught Meng Yiyi, you didn't want to force her, but just wanted to tickle her, right?

Han Buduo looked at Wang Yin in disbelief, and didn't understand why Wang Yin had such an idea. Sure enough, this senior is a bad person.

"Yeah, yes, did seniors think that most people would play such high-end games as love and sex in such rough tents in the wilderness? I, Han Buduo, am not a beggar.

Wang Yin was furious, and when he went up, he burst into tears. Who are you calling a beggar?

But poor Meng Yiyi, I didn't expect that Han Buduo was just a sheep in wolf's clothing, and it was a tiger's mouth when he met him. Fortunately, the king compensated her with a copy of the secret book of heaven, otherwise the king would feel ashamed.

Forget it, if she can cultivate to the Heavenly Immortal, give her another copy of Da Luo Jinxian.

In a small town a hundred miles away, Meng Yiyi hid in his room anxiously like ants on a hot pot, turning around with his belly in his hands.

"Who belongs to whom? It's terrible. Ben Guliang didn't give anyone a chance, woo woo woo, how can I go out to meet people in the future, and grow up so fast, it's a disaster.

On the top of the mountain, Bai Ling finally couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed up to kick and beat Han Buduo.

"Han Buduo, is there something wrong with your brain? It's been so hard for Ben Guliang to betray his best friend, yet you just want to make fun of it. I'll kill you bastard."

After the beating, he twisted his waist and walked towards Wang Yin with a smile on his face: "Senior, why don't you rape me, I love strange men the most, giggle."

Wang Yin kicked her away: "Get out, I am not interested in women like you now.

I'm not interested in women like you now, do you understand, I was very interested in women like you before.

Well, this king's appetite has been spoiled. He thought that a woman who was uglier than Bai Ling was a goddess.

The main reason is that he went to Qianye God Realm recently, and saw too many fairy emperors who are all over the country and the city. Now looking at this ordinary woman in the world, it feels like chewing wax.

Han Buduo commented on Bai Ling's ordinary beauty, but aimed at those in the world of cultivation and immortality, who are always super-celestial beauties, the evaluation of women in the world.

In the ordinary blue star world, this kind of six-point beautiful woman in the world of cultivation and immortality is directly at the level of an otaku international goddess.

The skin nourishment and maintenance of Xianli Lingli is not comparable to the food in the ordinary blue star world, and it is comparable to cosmetics.

After laughing until she lost her strength, the green-clothed female sword fairy looked at Wang Yin with a weak face, and said pitifully, "Senior, please let this junior go. I really don't know how to get mad."

"How about going to the Nine Heavens Sword Palace with the junior, senior, the junior master must know how to go crazy."

Bai Ling looked at the sword fairy in green with disbelief on her face: "You can do it, but you dare to bring the enemy up the mountain openly.

The female sword fairy in green circled in confusion: "What are the enemies? Are you enemies? Oh, oh, don't kill me. Master, help me, Lu'er has encountered an enemy."

After shouting, he hurriedly yelled at Korea: "Hurry up, hurry up, where did you put my shoes and socks, give them to me quickly, there is a sword symbol for help in those shoes.

"This heroine is going to send out a distress signal now."

The portable spirit sword that was spinning around her anxiously next to her slipped and fell to the ground, then quickly bounced back to the scabbard, flew to her head, and the scabbard shuddered down.

I can't even look at her portable spirit sword anymore. This year's doll is so hard to bring back to the mountain and has to change its owner.

Wang Yin has already ignored her stupidity. If this girl lives in the modern society, she has to work to earn money and hand it in after giving birth to a baby. Xixi brain.

Put the green-clothed female sword fairy into Qiankun's sleeve, since she can't be expected to go crazy, go to her sect to find someone who can go crazy.

0…ask for flowers……

If she can't do it, there are her brothers and sisters, as well as the master and uncle, and if she can't, there are also master ancestors, the whole sect and so on.

At worst, in front of them, all the brothers and sisters of their sect, masters, uncles, elders, and ancestors were all thrown away. I don't believe that none of them are crazy.

Put away the green female sword fairy and look at the handsome and dandy Han Buduo, Wang Yin said earnestly.

"Xiaohan, it is fate that this king and you met in the ancient times. This king warns you, if this man is bad, he must be completely bad. Yes, let me help you."

"Senior, what did you say?"

Wang Yin ignored Han Buduo's question, and suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was holding a young and handsome woman in a luxurious dress, and threw it to the ground.


When Han Buduo saw the young and pretty woman in luxurious dress, her complexion changed drastically, and she rushed forward and shouted eagerly.

"My lady, what's the matter with you, my lady, wake up.

Turning around and crawling to Wang Yin's side: "Senior, why did you arrest my wife? What's wrong with my wife?"

Wang Yin laughed straight: "Nothing, nothing, don't worry, this king is just teaching you how to be a bad person in the future.

After speaking, the black light flickered, and a book stained with black blood appeared in his hand.

On the cover of the book is a sinister and evil eyeball, which is constantly turning, exuding an unknown, strange and filthy aura.

Throwing the book in front of Han Buduo: "Look, this king finds that your root bone is very suitable. This book is Nether Bloodthirsty Nine Turns Grinding Yin Gong."

"It's a pity that it's your thoughts, not bloodthirsty and evil enough, so this king brought your wife here to help you strengthen your mind.

Looking at the mysterious and evil cheats in front of him, Han Buduo was sweating profusely, backed away in fright and shook his hands.

" no, senior, Han Buduo doesn't like it, practice this."

Wang Yin chuckled: "That's up to you, you are the destiny pawn of this great world chosen by this king, otherwise it would be a coincidence that this king will come to this world from your side, and from the moment you meet this king, you will never be there again." It’s because there aren’t many Han in the past.”

This senior who appeared mysteriously ordered him to forcefully tease and induce the green-clothed female sword fairy, but after she failed to become obsessed.

Inexplicably, he captured his wife and took out a secret and evil cheat book to give him to practice.

Han Buduo was already flustered, and his fear of the unknown about the future prevented him from hearing what Wang Yin said clearly.

He just protected his wife and stepped back as far as possible, as if he could stay away from Wang Yin, and he would be able to avoid this unpredictable man. .

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