The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 162: This King Can Make Swords

Bai Ling left, and Wang Yin changed his body into a blood fly.

Otherwise, he always felt that it would be shameful and bullying for him to use the third-level galaxy to dominate his identity, and to deal with these cultivators who were only able to build foundations, golden cores, soul souls, and transcend tribulations.

Although the blood fly of the second physical body is equivalent to the nine-star strength of Jinxian peak, it is also very shameful and bullying.

But anyway, he can deceive himself and others, but not to cover up his shame.

Separate a true blood clone, appreciate the second physical body and the human body, standing side by side is very satisfying, the appearance is exactly the same.

He is firm in the blood fly of the second physical body and does not follow the route of transformation, so the second physical body does not have transformation.

When people really need to walk, they use mimicry. For example, now, after mimicking, it is not only exactly the same as the main body, but also can restore the body of a blood fly in minutes.

The level of this cultivation world is too low, and the king standing at the top of the world is only the Patriarch of Crossing Tribulation, which is equivalent to him at the peak of the eighth rank of the world of mortals, and he has not even reached a star of life strength.

According to the comparison, the one-star life is the mortal in the cultivation system, the three-star life reaches the celestial, the four-star life is the middle stage of the celestial, and the five-star life is the late stage of the celestial.

The six-star life is at the peak of the Celestial Immortal, the seven-star life is at the peak of the Golden Immortal, the eight-star life is the late Golden Immortal, and the nine-star life is the peak of the Golden Immortal.

In the Supreme God Realm of the Heavens, the strength comparison is as follows: the first-level galaxy life is equivalent to the early Da Luo master, the ninth-level galaxy life is equivalent to the peak Da Luo master, and is also equivalent to the ten-party drunk.

Break through the peak of the ninth-level galaxy, dominate the peak, and enter the realm of saints at 807 at the peak of Daluo. Saints are divided into early-stage minor saints, middle-stage great saints, and late-stage heavenly saints.

After the sage of the heavenly way, he will be in harmony, which is equal to the war between the supreme sage and the supreme chaos. Whoever wins will control the way, and the other side will become the trophy of the leader, thereby breaking the heavens and reaching Poyu.

But Zha Jing said that no one in the entire heavens knows about this step, including the one who has become a sage of the way of heaven, and has not yet found a way to successfully join the way.

But there is no guarantee when he will become enlightened, so Wang Yin is required to reach Poyu quickly.

If he is successfully enlightened and united with the Dao, all the life worlds of the heavens, including Wang Yin, will be wiped out.

Wang Yin was silent after hearing this, he already had a feeling that the slag scriptures did not simply exist, and he would not get the slag scriptures inexplicably either.

I always feel that his enemy is the one who breaks through the universe faster than him, and that is the saint of the Supreme God Realm, and the pressure suddenly mounts.

It's just that it's more difficult to advance to the later stage. Even Da Luo Jinxian is divided into nine levels. It takes at least a million years for ordinary Da Luo Jinxian to rise to a level.

In the middle thousand world and the small thousand world, there is no direct way to get out of the big Luo ruler, the life of the galaxy.

For example, Qianye Tiandao can only reach the peak of Da Luo's dominance, because the ceiling of Qianye Daqian World can only accommodate the peak of Da Luo's domination.

So not only life needs (aecg) to ascend to the higher world, but even the higher world needs to advance to the highest world.

But these have no effect on him, Zha Jing chooses to break through the boundary, so that he has no advanced restrictions, and the whole heaven can become his resource.

Don't break the boundaries with hatred, but advance with the laws and exercises born in the heavens. Life will always be lower than the heavens. Every world has its own heavens. The heavens want to transcend. You practice the exercises born in him How detached.

Even in the heavens and worlds, only one in a trillion trillion exists, and can get the great opportunity of the heavens to reach the realm of saints.

Such a specific proportion of realms came out after he inquired about the Zha Jing after he reached the third-level galaxy. When he did not reach the third-level galaxy, he asked Qing Jing why he didn't say anything.

It shows that the third-level galaxy is a dividing line that can know the level information of the top powers of the heavens, or a dividing line that cannot be deduced by the powers of the heavens.

So this ancient world is really weak, if it wasn't for looking for clues from the demon, he really didn't want to waste time here.

He blinked his eyes and turned his head, his human body can actually go to the ancient god realm to find resources at the same time. Although it is a prototype god realm, there might be a lot of innate essence liquid. Now the third-level galaxy does not have high requirements, and the golden fairy level is also high. can suit his needs.

Besides, the rudimentary God Realm is only what Qianye Tiandao said, and he still doesn't know the actual situation.

The heart is not as good as the action, the blood fly body continues to stay in the ancient continent, looking for clues from the demons, the human body has penetrated the barriers of the world [entering the upper realm of the ancient continent and buried in the ancient gods.

Anyway, he is already a third-level galaxy, ruling life, and entering the fledgling Manggu God Realm, there should be no problem with his safety, but if he encounters danger, he will just run away from the Dream Realm.

Only when I came to Manggu God Realm did I realize that Qianye Daqian’s neighbor, Daqian World, was originally called Manggu Daqian World, and it was just upgraded from Zhongqian World. The gods fight, filling the gods and immortals.

Regardless of how the main body went to Manggu God Realm, Bloodfly shook his sleeves and released the green-clothed female sword fairy, bowing politely as a gesture.

"Trouble fairy, take me to the fairy sect, I will reward you myself."

Although he can reach the Nine Heavens Sword Palace with just one thought, it is more interesting to follow this female sword fairy in green. As he said before, if he can come to that location and meet them all, he will have his own destiny, not to mention You can see the scenery.

Otherwise, he would directly spread the true blood avatar to countless cultivation time and space, and he would not believe that he would not be able to catch the Heavenly Demon.

The female sword fairy in green opened her mouth wide and looked at him incomprehensibly: "You really dare to go to this Guliang sect, okay, okay."

"Dare to bully Ben Guliang, Ben Guliang will go back and ask Master to clean you up."

Happy to move the sword finger, the spirit sword hums and vibrates to become the size of a door panel, leaps forward and turns into an incandescent sword light, piercing the sky and roaring away.

Not bad, but not too stupid, this female sword fairy has improved a bit, she didn't call herself a heroine, she changed her name to Ben Guliang, and she also knew to run away without saying hello "Do you want to escape from the owner quickly, haha.

Just threatening people face to face, or threatening one, she clearly knows the unfathomable boss, this progress is also limited.

He ran so fast that the green-clothed sword fairy could no longer be seen with the naked eye. Wang Yin swayed slightly, and stood behind the green-clothed sword fairy.

If you want to get rid of this king, you can't even go to Daluo Jinxian.

The green-clothed female sword fairy used her sword art and ran away while the big villain was not paying attention. She flew a hundred miles away in the blink of an eye, standing on the sword light and laughing: "Hmph, I want to go to the sect with this heroine, but I don't know that this heroine Speed, is it the number one golden core in the sect? Let this heroine eat ashes, hehehehehe....

Satisfied, two fiery arms suddenly stretched out from her waist, hugging her into the solid chest behind her, and the voice of the evil villain came.

"The heroine seems to be very happy. I just said what I want to eat. Don't tell me, this king has never tried eating ashes. Why don't you give me the ashes from your body?"


The green-clothed female sword fairy froze and stammered: "Big villain, you, why are you here.

"Come up if you want to. You like to use swords so much. Come on, come and teach you a few tricks. This king can also use swords."

Lying on the sword with the female sword fairy in her arms, she quickly flew across the sky. It's not bad, it's better to change back to the body of the blood fly, and the feeling of vitality has returned.

Before using the human body, he always had a feeling that he was superior and regarded the ancients as ants.

He didn't regard life as an ant, but directly regarded the ancient land as an ant. Even after Bai Ling took the Golden Immortal Beauty Pill, he was indifferent to all the temptations. This phenomenon is very abnormal, but he likes beautiful women very much.

It may be that the level of the human body is too high, and it is already another kind of life in a high-dimensional world. It is really impossible to find resonance with life in a low-level world like the ancient continent.

Thinking about it, there is a shape like a sky-reaching giant sword on the edge of the sky, piercing directly into the sky and mountain peaks, and there are eight huge giant peaks around the giant sword.

The green-clothed female sword fairy cheered happily, jumping up and down excitedly: "It's here, it's here, did you see that this is my sect, the number one sword sect in the ancient continent, the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, and our suzerain is the top three masters in the heavenly realm, scared to death You big bastard."

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