The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter One Hundred And Eighty Two

The middle-aged man and the middle-aged beautiful woman brought their two apprentices and their niece Ji Xinmei not far away from Juyu.

Mainly the middle-aged beautiful women, Wang Er and Ji Xinmei, took the opportunity to eat many ten-thousand-year fairy peaches and heaven and earth spirit fruits on the Internet.

As a result, the strength of the three of them has skyrocketed, and they have already exceeded the boundaries of the barren ancient continent, and are one level higher than the lowest mortals in the Manggu God Realm.

In particular, Ji Xiaoyuan, a beautiful middle-aged woman, has already reached the realm of human immortality. Human immortals are also called earth immortals, and ordinary immortals are the initial state after transcending the tribulation and ascending.

After ascension, there are three realms in the early stage. The mortals are the weakest. Most of the ancestors who have just ascended are mortals. After that, there are human immortals, also known as earth immortals. After the earth immortals, they are the realm of heavenly immortals. , In the mid-Golden Immortal period, at the peak of the Golden Immortal, the Da Luo Golden Immortal dominates.

The three levels of heaven, earth and human correspond to the heavenly immortals, the immortals, and the immortals. Fanxian is a monk who has just ascended to the upper realm and has zero power of immortality, so he is called Fanxian.

Many people think that mortals are human immortals, but in fact they are not right. Human immortals already have the foundation to accumulate immortal energy and spiritual energy, so they are real immortals.

But Fanxian doesn't have the aura of immortality, so he is still a monk who crosses the tribulation, but he has one more process of ascension than the monk who crosses the tribulation in the lower realm.

In the vast world where cultivating immortals is the mainstay, human immortals are the mainstream of the world, the real majority of ordinary people, and ordinary immortals are the poor households among the ordinary people.

The levels of the two are actually the same, but the background is very different and the strength is different.

The three of Ji Xiaoyuan clearly felt that once they walked out of the range of a thousand meters, they would be forced to fly away.

But after the middle-aged man Jiu Gufan went into a rage, his meridians were damaged by 960 and his cultivation base has not yet recovered. Now he is worse than ordinary people, and he cannot bear the influence of the three people's forced ascension fluctuations.

If the three of them ascended first, and finally Jiu Gufan regained his strength, and then ascended after eating the fairy peach, he might not be able to meet the three of them in the upper realm.

There have been many Ascension Ancestors in the Desolate Ancient Continent. The Manggu Immortal World was once vast and boundless, and there was a message passed down by the Ascension Ancestors.

What's more, Manggu Immortal Realm has now advanced into Manggu God Realm, and its territory is so vast that I don't know how much time and space it includes.

Of course, they didn't know that Manggu Immortal Realm had been upgraded to Manggu God Realm, but they knew intuitively that if they didn't ascend together, it would be difficult to find each other after ascending.

Unless one of them can become a Golden Immortal and dominate the upper world after ascension, the others can come here famously, but that's impossible. It's their shit luck that they can ascend now.

So the few people stopped within a thousand meters away, and Jiugufan forced his last bit of energy, reached out his consciousness and entered the space ring he got, and took out a ten thousand year fairy peach.

The treasured celestial peach is shining and coveted, and it wants to turn into a streamer and escape several times in the hands of Jiugufan, but it is firmly restrained by an invisible barrier, unable to fly out of Jiugufan's palm.

The tall disciple's eyes were stupefied, his eyes were fascinated, and he knelt down in front of Jiugufan, his hunger for Xiantao was self-evident.

Jiu Gufan hurriedly covered (aedj) the fairy peach and swallowed it in one gulp, the entrance turned into a warm current penetrating the heart, vigorous immortal energy, instantly scattered all over his limbs and bones, and all the damaged meridian cultivation bases were restored after he went mad.

And with the help of Juyu Zhongshen's power to protect him, the huge power of immortality pushed him from the middle stage of Yuanying all the way to the peak of crossing the catastrophe, reaching a realm that he had never expected.

At this moment, he felt that the entire ancient continent was trembling under his feet, and his pride and ambition spontaneously arose.

Looking at the middle-aged beautiful woman Ji Xiaoyuan, after secretly communicating with the voice, Jiu Gufan ignored the tall disciple's pleas, picked up the tall disciple, and called Yun'er and Ji Xinmei to leave at the same time.

As soon as he left the giant's protection range, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, cracking a thousand-meter-long space crack, and the destructive hurricane whizzed and whirled inside, revealing a corner of the fairy shuttle faintly, and the golden dragon danced in a beautiful world.

Jiu Gufan quickly shook his hands, and threw the tall disciple far away, followed by something like a cloth bag, and the sound came from afar.

"Han'er is a master and apprentice. As a teacher, I will give you the possessions of Wuyou Valley as a gift, and there are three top-quality spirit stones. From now on, you can do it yourself."

After speaking, he brought the three middle-aged beauties Ji Xiaoyuan, Xuan'er and Ji Xinmei along with the force of attraction from the crack in the sky, and flew towards Manggu God Realm like meteors.

The tall disciple was flustered and was thrown for an unknown distance by the power of the mortal, and shouted: "Master, master, don't give up on your apprentice, master, take me with you.

"Master, master."

Gong'er regretfully glanced at the direction in which the tall disciple disappeared, and muttered in his mouth.

"'s not that the younger sister didn't help you, even the master gave up on you. Why did you offend the master? You should review yourself."

The middle-aged beautiful woman also murmured in her heart, Xianggong said that Han'er had unreasonable thoughts about her, how could she never feel it.

Han'er, Han'er, how can you let your master notice that you have such thoughts, now your master doesn't take you with you, and a master's wife can't help you.

I hope you will continue to work hard and practice hard, soar up and reunite with your master and wife as soon as possible. If you want to marry me before you have finished learning the skills, your master will be soft-hearted if you don't kill you.

The tall disciple was thrown hundreds of miles away like rubbish thrown by the master, holding the cloth bag that was thrown over at the same time, looking up at the sky and flying up to the upper realm, the master, wife, younger sister, and Mei'er called out loudly.

Seeing that a few people ignored him, he secretly hated, turned around and rushed back to Wuyou Valley without looking back.

He didn't know why his master gave up on him, but he remembered that one day he would ascend to the upper world, so that they could have a good look at his abilities.

Wang Yin used the same method to capture Prince Sangshu's heart demon, and also threw a space ring to Prince Sangshu.

The mulberry prince couldn't wait, took two ten thousand year fairy peaches on the spot, gradually entered the realm of human immortality, and took his two confidants, soaring away under the angry eyes of the princess

A voice came from afar: "Don't worry, my concubine, the prince promised to do what I've promised my concubine, but I really don't feel anything about my concubine. When this prince enters the space channel of the upper realm, I will throw my concubine's share to my concubine." , I will never see you again."

Finally, in the midst of lightning and thunder, the mulberry prince entered the upper realm ascension passage, and threw an ordinary mustard bag in front of the princess. Inside was half of the fairy peach and law spirit milk bestowed by Wang Yin, as well as the top-grade spirit stone and the immortal spirit crystal. .

I have to say that this Prince Mulberry is really particular. Although he doesn't love his princess, he didn't do anything wrong to his princess, and he promised to give him a lot of treasures.

The concubine watched sadly as the mulberry prince ascended and left, and silently picked up the mustard bag. This mustard bag was a treasure that only belonged to the top families in the barren ancient continent and the big sects of cultivators.

Although it looks very shabby in front of the space ring, on the barren ancient continent, it is also a top-level treasure that can only be worn by the big family, the top sects with Nascent Soul and above.

If ordinary disciples carry this thing, they will basically be murdered to seize the treasure, and they will die.

Jian Yutian led Yao Lutian, and stood on the shaft of the chariot, watching the scene of successive ascensions, shaking his head and sighing. The scenes that were rarely seen in a thousand years appeared in batches today, and I don't know how many people were frightened.

If it wasn't for Senior Shangshen to isolate this vision of heaven and earth, I'm afraid that the entire barren ancient continent would be overturned by this news.

Said to Yao Lutian: "Look, Lu'er, what I said is right, as long as the strength breaks through the peak of Transcendence Tribulation, and enters the celestial being, it will be forced to ascend and cannot stay in this world."

"The lives of these few people are really good. They directly ascended to the upper realm under the blessing of the upper god, and they were spared even the tribulation."

Seeing the sad face of the Crown Princess, the same woman suddenly couldn't bear it, and took the Crown Princess's fat pig's trotters and fat hands to comfort her:

"Don't be sad, your appearance is actually not bad, it's just that you were instilled with too many spiritual substances and medicinal materials by your elders when you were a child, and you didn't have a suitable guiding exercise, so your aura is stagnant and your flesh is so fat.

"Among the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fruits bestowed by Senior Shangshen, there is a kind of effect that can channel spiritual energy and beautify the skin. After you take it, it will return to normal, and it will even be more beautiful."

The crown princess smiled in surprise, and looked at Jian Yutian: "Really, thank you, Senior Sword Master."

He raised his head and shouted wildly: "Brother Prince, Senior Sword Master said that concubine body can restore your appearance, you have to wait for concubine body, dare to find female fairy concubine body to hack you to death.".

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