The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 213 Fly Egg Vs Starship

The man in red ancient costume, Master Taibai cloned himself into a spirit formation, took a look at the life with blazing seven stars shining on his head, picked up the spirit crystal cup in his hand, took a sip of spirit tea and let out a long sigh of relief.

The treasure spirit tea given by the main body is very useful for him to gather his spirit body and restore his strength. After thinking about it, he replied: "No... these human beings are the people of this seat, and they want to overthrow this seat because of their ambitions. They cannot be wiped out all at once. .”

"Since there is no galaxy-level threat, I will give this seat a hard hit, especially those monsters and spirit beasts. After clearing all their monsters and spirit beasts, they will be honest. Remember not to cause too many casualties to humans."

He is very clear about the foundation of those monsters and spirit beasts. It is the chance that the human boy who was driven away by him got it from nowhere.

As long as it is a human being can practice, it is called the dream kingdom of the gods, but it is a pity that he cannot practice because he is a spirit.

However, when he escaped at the beginning, he had already captured a human woman and sent her to the Supreme God Realm where the main body was.

Based on the initial strength of the original saint, after completing the Dream Realm Divine Kingdom Kung Fu, he can directly pull out a world saint's initial fighter. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the strength is turned upside down.

But why didn't the main body want to come to Blue Star and subdue these human beings? The man in red ancient costume leaned back and meditated silently towards the starry sky outside the transparent hull of the giant ship.

His physical performance is very strange, it is reasonable to obtain such a supernatural power in the dream world, and obtain a thug of the same level as ~ the world.

Even if you don't need these thugs, according to the cultivation method of the Kingdom of God, after absorbing these thugs, you will be promoted to Zhongsheng Dasheng just around the corner, which is a very happy opportunity.

Because at the highest level of the God Realm, the highest level of saints, it is extremely difficult to make progress, reaching the sky.

Mainly, the strength of the saints in the Supreme God Realm has reached the peak of the heavens, and the world can no longer provide opportunities. They can only polish their realms a little bit, and it is difficult to go further in the destruction of many eras.

Now that he provided such a great opportunity for the main body, he felt that the main body was not only unhappy, but also as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Forget it, this seat should not be too rough, there must have been some changes in the main body that I don't know about.

If the hometown base can be recovered, it will be closed, and if it cannot be recovered, it will leave. At worst, find a place to arrange the body of the base.

If Wang Yin knew the current situation of Taibai's formation spirit, he would definitely laugh. Taibai's formation spirit clone is really a pig teammate, and he actually helped his main body, Master Taibai, "cultivate the Dream Spring Divine Kingdom.

This is assisting him, turning Master Taibai's body into his dream slave, no wonder Master Taibai didn't come forward, instead he called Master directly, and he even gave a fart.

Master Taibai's body is already in the realm of a sage, and he must have found out that he has been tricked immediately after practicing, so he must have a beeping dog expression on his face.

He guessed right, Master Taibai put his direct master, Nunu, under house arrest, trying to get out of Nunu's control everywhere, but he was doomed to waste his efforts, once the Nunu law was established, he could not escape.

Even if he eats, drinks, serves, and is under house arrest, he doesn't go anywhere. He doesn't know how many generations of slaves are on top of his slave master. The relationship is complicated and he still kneels.

The ball head, because of the protein's soft hands and feet, had no choice but to agree: "Follow my god's decree."

Turn around and leave the bow of the ship lightly, came to a command hall full of light mirror screens, waved and ordered: "accept my oracle, launch a full-scale attack on the enemy, target to clear all monsters and beasts, don't hurt human life, capture all alive Humanity."

There was a chattering sound in the hall: "What are you doing, it's useless to beat those monsters and spirit beasts, those are the cannon helmets released by the humans on the opposite side."

"There are so many monsters and spirit beasts. When we fight, human beings are the root cause. Launch a galaxy attack to kill all human beings, and the battle will be over."

"Humans can only catch and fight, isn't it just a target for humans?"

"Let's talk less, my god is human beings, and those are my gods, I just need to execute the oracle.

At the same time, various attack commands were issued: "Attack, target monsters and spirit beasts, covered by five-star death light.

"Attack, target monsters and spirit beasts, covered by six-star death light."

"Attack, the target monster and spirit beast, covered by the seven-star immortal cannon."

"Attack, target monsters and spirit beasts, seven-star Buhuo cannon fixed-point coverage."

The muzzles of countless starlight giant ships began to shine with blazing light, piercing the sky and illuminating millions of kilometers of cosmic void, covering all the monsters, spirits and beasts standing in front of the human race.

A piece of monsters and spirit beasts exploded and turned people off their feet.

The human-led command group laughed straight away, did these star giant ships want to use the tactics of destroying monsters and spirit beasts to force them to obey, or this was the idea of ​​the crystal star array spirit, it was simply too naive, the command group quickly ordered.

"Order all the monsters and spirit beasts to disperse their attacks, target all the starlight giant ships, and penetrate one of the battleships if they can, and adopt hand-to-hand combat tactics with the enemies inside the battleship, and strive to capture the crystal star array alive and recover the crystal star array."

As a result, both parties are trying to capture each other alive, and they both regard each other as a resource for their own growth.

0…ask for flowers……

The monsters and spirit beasts who received the order gave full play to the ants' tactics of killing elephants, and rushed towards the opposite white starlight giant ship like a swarm of ants, and then dispersed with a coaxing sound [Climb to the front of the starlight distance and struggle to dismantle it.

After a while, the shell and gun barrel of the starlight giant ship at the front were dismantled to pieces, but the shield of the giant ship was too rigid, so it was difficult to break into the ship for a while.

There are five-star and six-star light points of life on the heads of several balls, and they floated to the side of the ball-headed life that came back from the bow.

"General Zhizhong, this style of attack is not good for us. The enemy's monsters and spirit beasts are flying around like mosquitoes. Our attack with the Star Destroyer Cannon is simply a cannon attacking mosquitoes, which is a waste.

"Yes, general, we should aim at those humans and shoot. The monsters and spirit beasts are released by those humans. When humans die, these monsters and spirit beasts will disappear."


The ball-headed life that came back from the bow, General Zhishige waved his hand: "I know all about these things, but this is an oracle issued by my god, we just do it."

On the head of a ball, there was a five-star blue light that marked life and said: "But general, this formation god is not my god. My god is in the kingdom of God in the Supreme God Realm. This formation god is just my god just like us. subordinate."

With the life of the ball head coming back from the bow, General Zhizhong's complexion turned red and he said solemnly: "Major General Zhibu, please pay attention to your words, Lord Zhenshen is my god's avatar, representing my god's will, and my god's will cannot be questioned .”

"Remove your annual bonus as punishment and go back to your combat post."

There was a five-star blue light logo on the ball's head, and the major general named Zhibu retracted his six soft hands and feet, stood at attention and saluted, and replied: "The branch will be punished."

A crisp siren sounded in the hall: "Alarm, an unknown weapon has appeared in the enemy. The weapon has an SSS level of corrosion performance. Hundreds of starship shells have been melted. Please solve it as soon as possible, please solve it as soon as possible."

Zhi Zhong, Zhi Bu and other ball-headed life generals quickly floated in front of the command light screen, and saw countless monsters and spirit beasts in the starry sky, mixed with six-star and seven-star monsters that shuttled back and forth, throwing them on the starship like rain. There are unknown eggs that are as tall as human beings, with red and green colors.

These egg bombs hit the starship and shattered, and pools of green and red egg liquid flowed out. When the egg liquid touched the starship's shell, it made a sizzling corrosion sound, and it corroded the starship's shell for several meters in a short while. Big holes left and right.

Countless monsters and spirit beasts cheered and gathered from all directions, desperately tearing open the enlarged hole, and drilling towards the interior of the starship like flowing water. .

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