The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 233 Zombies Fight Back

In a small town ten miles east of the City of Ten Thousand Corpses, millions of zombies followed one after another, besieging 30,000 blood monsters, and the evil spirit filled the wild and roared to shake the sky.

"Roar...roar...kill, tear up the blood monster...roar...."

"Kill kill kill... ho ho... kill... go to the blood monster... die... ho ho.

"Quack quack quack quack.

Remnants of limbs and arms flew in the town, and zombies piled up like locusts crossing the border, pounced on 30,000 blood monsters.

With the creaking sound of the blood monster piercing through the eardrums, the blood packs of the zombies were densely packed, and they exploded collectively. The scene was simply horrible.

Covered by zombies, 30,000 blood monsters bathed in blood all over their bodies. It was hard to tell whether their bodies were blood red or the thick blood of zombies exploded into their bodies.

On the periphery of the zombie army, hundreds of thousands of polluted second-generation blood monsters and third-generation blood monsters came to support the zombies while guerrilla and devouring them.

Zombies driving flying equipment densely covered the sky, and were shot down by lightning from more than a thousand innate winged monster blood gods. The healthiest and most beautiful females were all taken away. It didn't take long for there to be more blood monsters on the battlefield.

Stepping on the kitchen knife, Wang Da swooped down perfectly. With his innate demonic aura combined with the electronic matrix, he swung his dazzling saber aura to slice off the heads of a large number of zombies, and abducted two snake-man women by the way.

It only has a special liking for the snake woman, and the zombies only kidnap the snake woman. The king and two monsters next to him are breezy, and they laugh with several human zombies.

"Brother Wang, your taste is very unique. My younger brother only looks for girls with two feet."

The screams of the zombies on the battlefield were deafening, Wang Da didn't bother to talk to Wang Er, it now wanted to improve its strength as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, the Biyi Yaozu invaded the alien blood race, not only to fulfill the innate desire for a partner, but also to draw strength from the alien blood race to strengthen themselves.

More than a thousand younger brothers are all stronger than it. As the eldest brother, Alexander, he has no time to fight with Wang Er.

Behind Wang Baijiu, the one hundred and ninety-ninth brother of the Biyi Monster Clan, a dozen dog-headed human bodies are wrapped in the demon wind, and the female zombies are swaying happily with their tails.

"Second brother Wang is very weak. Big brother Wang let the brothers be the last one to come to Ten Thousand Corpse City, and he will soon catch up with you."

"You are the first to come to the city of thousands of corpses, and your strength is not as high as that of your brothers, so come on."

Wang Er yelled at Wang Baijiujiu's disappearing direction: "Brother is for love, you only upgrade for upgrade, demand for need, do you know what love is.

After taunting Wang Baijiujiu, Wang Er heard the roar of the furious tiger in the City of Thousands of Corpses, and quickly disappeared with his mouth shut.


The second-level peak corpse king is a ferocious giant tiger, the right corner of his mouth is rotten, revealing dense white bones and sharp teeth, agitating his muscles and screaming to the sky, calling for more alien blood to join the battle.

Unexpectedly, a white light swayed from the sudden change, and a white-flowered boa constrictor sprang out from the alleyway downstairs. The boa constrictor was about ten feet long and wrapped around the giant tiger like lightning patterns.

"The Ten Thousand Corpse Tiger King... What tricks are you doing behind the scenes, Master Python will accompany you to practice."

The Giant Tiger Corpse King did not expect that in its territory, in the downstairs alleyway, an opponent of the same level as it was hiding. After being entangled by the python, he was furious and furious.

" shameless worm, you only sneak up on the back, and you have a kind of duel with the ugly."

The white-flowered boa constrictor finally saw the opportunity, wrapped around the corpse king, how could the giant tiger give up, its body became tighter and tighter, and rolled into a ball with the corpse king, the explosive corpse king plus the power of monsters, like a road roller rampaging into the surrounding houses, rumbling, knocking down tall buildings within a kilometer The building was riddled with holes.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise of dust in the city, and the zombies and living things were frightened and fled everywhere.

The white-flowered boa constrictor took power and mercilessly mocked the corpse king giant tiger: "Myriad corpse tiger king... are you out of your mind? This is a war. We living creatures are fighting with your rotten creatures. Who will behave with you? Go to hell! You hiss... Hehehe.

The giant tiger corpse king roared angrily, and the claws stretched out from the wrapped tiger's palm, constantly tearing at the waist of the white-flowered boa constrictor.

However, the white-flowered boa constrictor was extremely slippery, it lifted its head seven inches high, and let the corpse king scratch its waist and abdomen until it was bloody, and even strangled the head of the tiger family to death with all his might.

Three kilometers away, in a building that looks dilapidated on the outside and three feet thick on the inside, hundreds of humans watch the zombie battle on the screen in front of them, their faces solemn and silent.

Among the first five people, the leader was a man with a strong figure and eyes like a falcon, and asked his comrades at the same level: "What do you guys think, should we join the war?"

There is a scar on the forehead of the comrades in arms, and the vicious middle-aged leader continued: "Look at the results of the laboratory. If it is confirmed that the blood god is only infected with zombies, we can join the battle. If we are not sure, let's sit and watch what happens.

"The building is the last base of our surviving human beings in the City of Thousands of Corpses...the consequences of exposure cannot be gambled."

A woman's voice came from among the five: "What Team Wei said is very true. If the blood god and blood monster are a worse source of infection after participating in the war, we will be the one who refuses the wolf and advances after the tiger. Not only will we lose the base in the city, but the entire army will also be wiped out." .”

Sheng Sheng is the only woman among the five, with a body as strong as a cheetah, with one hand showing a sharp alloy claw, but she is a hero among the only one-armed women left after fighting the zombies.

Her face, which was supposed to be beautiful, was dark and shiny, and her crystal eyes were shining, showing her infinite hatred and murderous intent towards the alien race.

There was the sound of slight footsteps, and two men in white coats walked quickly to the five people and handed over the information in their hands to report.

"Report to the five lords that we sent 60 healthy women and 60 healthy men to the place where the blood god and blood monster haunted. Thirty-one healthy women returned and 10 healthy men returned."


"After questioning and testing, among the 60 healthy women, 31 came back and all came into contact with the blood god, and 10 men also came into contact with the blood monster. There was no sign of mutation in the test, and it was confirmed that the infection of the blood god and the blood monster was only for the alien race.

"There are not many hidden substances left in the other building. Please, the five lords, arrest the alien blood race as soon as possible, and refine the hidden substances to paint the building."

The only female leader among the five was sad: "What about the others, why is the chance of a man coming back so small?"

Then he waved his hands: "Zombies are zombies called different blood races. Lowly dead things are not worthy of being called clans. You don't need to worry about catching zombies. Your most important job right now is to confirm whether the blood god and blood monster can infect us humans."

One of the two men in white coats replied respectfully: "Report to the leader of Buyu, the sixty women and the other twenty-nine, fifteen were reduced to alien blood, and fourteen were devoured and sacrificed by alien blood, all of which were voluntary by our Doomsday Alliance Or, they have no regrets for the future of human beings.”

Another man in a white coat followed suit: "Sixty volunteer men, ahem, the casualties are not that big. According to the feedback from the tracking equipment on their bodies, only three were infected and became alien blood while waiting for the blood monster, and two were infected by alien blood." Devour sacrifices.

"The remaining forty-five men all chose to go to the blood monster and did not come back. The ten who came back were all those who hated the different blood races extremely, and those who were weak and strong-willed in their desire for the opposite sex."

He raised his hand to look at the latest communication data, and reported the situation of the sixty men. The white coat continued.

"The latest data shows that among the forty-five men who chose to go to the blood monster, forty of them died fighting for the blood monster.

"Because the other five were favored by the blood monster, they all hid in the blood monster's lair to avoid the war."

The head man with a strong figure and eyes like a falcon held his forehead with one hand: "If the blood god and blood monster will not infect us humans, I now order all survivor men to stay away from the blood monster woman. A real confidant."

The first one spoke in a white coat and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "This order must be issued. Those blood monster women are too attractive to human men. I saw it on the surveillance, and I can't wait to join them immediately."

The leader of the woman, Bo Yu, was expressionless: "Not only did I order the survivor men to stay away from the blood monsters, but I also ordered the survivor women to stay away from those second-generation male blood monsters. The second-generation male blood monsters are also not less attractive to ordinary women. .”

With a knife scar on his forehead, the vicious middle-aged leader Wei agreed: "Yes... the second and third generations of male duck-billed blood monsters are much more powerful than real ducks.".

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