The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 257 Desire And Light

This is an incomparably scarlet place... There is no time flow speed space, the woman in the green skirt of the demon and the heavenly way is haggard, crawling towards the light of the space with all her strength.

"Master soul, you must persevere and don't give up."

"The First Holy Empress... It's the fault of Yu Mo that I didn't discover such a big security hole."

She has been crawling for an unknown number of days, and since that day when she was raided by the sage of Taiyin and fell into the scarlet space, she has no regrets.

Unexpectedly, the sage of Taiyin has such a deep heart, and he is the first saint queen of the alien blood race.

She knew about the history of the heavens and the siege of the first saint queen by the saints, that is, as a demon of heaven, although she was invincible in attack with spirit and soul, she had no physical attack ability.

This is when the main soul separated her, he worked out the law ability to protect her, and at the cost of losing the means of physical attack, he created an invincible barrier in the heavens and ten thousand realms, where no one can enter the demon world.

The premise is that she cannot enter the heavens and worlds through other means, and can only absorb energy through the monk's madness.

This time the main soul was taken away by the sage of Taiyin, and she broke the convention for the savior soul, and the will of the soul directly entered the heavens and the world.

Originally, after assisting the main soul, he was supposed to return, but Yin Wu became the main soul dream slave and relaxed his vigilance.

Unexpectedly, the enemy is Yin Wu, and she was carelessly banned by Yin Wu from entering the space of doomsday law, blocking all time-space soul channels, trying to obliterate her in this space.

Yinwu succeeded, the source of the Dao of the Heavenly Demon Realm is the will of the soul, lost the support of the time-space channel 433 of the soul, and was obliterated by the law of Yin Wu and the law of doom in turn, she has lost most of the source of the soul.

The first saint queen disappeared for endless years, and no one expected that this alien would transform into Yin Wu, the supreme saint in the lunar sky.


The uncontrollable pain came from the depths of the soul, and the doomsday law of the scarlet space turned into a sharp blade of law, peeling off cocoons to remove the origin of the demon, heaven, and soul, making her cry in pain.

Fortunately, it is in the cage of the law of doomsday, otherwise the heavenly demon will cry and hear those who lose their souls, and an unknown number of sentient beings will become vegetative because of this.

Scarlet is all over the space, and these bloody breaths are the breath of the law of the doomsday corpse.

It is the sharp blade of law released by the first generation of different blood sages, obliterating the demons and heavenly ways of the woman in the green skirt, and the original soul.

The sage of Taiyin is really a good method. He uses the law of Taiyin as a cage and the law of doomsday corpses as a sharp blade. If the demons and heavens do not have the means to connect to the outside world, they will disappear in this scarlet space sooner or later.

Finally paying the price of being crushed and stripped of most of her original source by the corpse energy of the doomsday, the woman in the green dress struggled to climb into the scarlet space, a bright and spacious place.

Light and darkness are the inseparable origin of the heavens. Without light, there will be darkness. The scarlet doomsday space of the first generation of alien blood saints, scarlet can't enter the darkness but there is light.

The woman in the green skirt, Tianmo Tiandao, sighed, turned over and lay in this position without moving, her beautiful eyes wandered around the scarlet space, and let the law of doomsday corpses cut her the origin of the avenue.

The red lips squirmed, calling silently with a strange frequency: "Light, little light...I am desire, I want light."

Following the call, the light in the bright place began to twist and squirm, as if in an instant and tens of thousands of years had passed, incandescent spots of light appeared in the light, and these incandescent spots squirmed in combination, drilling into the will of the demon, heaven, way, soul, and will like a snake. Form a line of text, and communicate with the demons and heavenly ways.

Light dot text: "My Lord, are you calling for the light?"

Tian Mo Tian said: "Yes, Xiao Guang, I need your help."

Light dot text: "Good Lord, this is your soul world and no one is bugging, please give me your instructions."

Tianmo Tiandao: "Our main soul is deeply trapped in the doomsday. The Taiyin and Tianyin are not the first holy queen of the Nirvana Heaven. You are the light used by the main soul to illuminate the darkness. I need you to look up all the information about the first holy queen Yin. How many heavens and worlds have been polluted by strange blood."

Following the voice of Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Dao, countless particles of light entered her soul and will, boiling and rolling, and the answers surfaced line by line after a while.

"Returning to the Lord, the first blood saint queen of Nirvana, and the sage of Taiyin, Yin Wu, is the person whose main soul divides the blue star Z1 time and space."

"Blue Star Z1 time and space 100,000 years ago, with the Blue Star monks evacuated from the Blue Star Time and Space, halfway through the Blue Star Great Thousand World wandering around, 90,000 years ago, through the Blue Star Great Thousand Kylin World, the galaxy power left behind the ancient teleportation array, entered the distance About 100 billion light-years away from the blue star, explore the holy tomb of the saint who fell from the sky."

"The time and space of each great thousand time and space are inconsistent. Please refer to the time and space of Z1 only for the time here."

"Yin Wu enters the Holy Tomb of the fallen saints of the old days, and obtains a chance in the holy tomb, activates the Great Thousand Transfer Formation of the Fallen Saints, and reaches the Great Thousand World outside the Blue Star Great Thousand 1770 Great Thousand Worlds called Play .”

"Infected with the alien blood virus (aebf) in the Great Thousand World, the Yin will dominate the Great Thousand World and mark the Great Thousand God Realm for a hundred years, polluting the Great Thousand World and the God Realm into alien blood races."

"During the millennium, the hundreds of worlds around the Great Thousand World became the sphere of doomsday alien blood. Yin Wu took advantage of the situation to perfect the law of doomsday, and established the first law of doomsday in all heavens and myriad worlds. The Holy Queen of Alien Blood kills God."

"After that, there are more than a dozen other supreme gods in the Holy Realm, and see the different blood doomsday race... It is a death race that accelerates the extinction of the heavens and the world. Wan.

"And chased and suppressed the first generation of saint queens, who escaped and devoured the number of saints, cultivated the perfect law of death qi, and mutated anger, returned to the Blue Star Great Thousand World by the same route, rebuilt the Taiyin Avenue, unified the old fairy world of Blue Star time and space, and established the newest Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm.

"According to the law of Taiyin, the saints who have not yet entered the empty Taiyin sky, and became the later Taiyin saints, and used the identity of Taiyin saints to cover up the identity of the first generation of saints."

"The basic situation is these, and you already know the other desires."

The woman in the green skirt of the Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Dao was silent for a while: "Are there no statistics on how many holy places in the God Realm have been polluted by strange blood in the heavens?"

Light dot text: "There are many lurkers with different blood in the holy land, who won the first generation of holy queens to hide their anger and cannot be counted.

"Light can only tell desire. The light clan and the dark clan are not life, and they have not been polluted by foreign blood for the time being. The race of life cannot be determined."

"By the way, the infinite holy master of Liutiedi is a quantum race. Although he is a holy land of mechanical civilization, he is connected with the sun, the moon and the sky."

"Unless the chaos of the main soul is refined, we, the Light Clan, the Dark Clan, the Quantum Clan, the Mechanical Civilization Clan, these are not life races, and it is difficult for them to be polluted by alien blood."

After providing the information, the dotted text seemed to ask in doubt: "I want to be the master, the master soul has been silent for many years, when did you learn about the master soul's information?"

"Looking at you imprisoned here, you are inseparable from the first generation of the Holy Queen, what happened, and you said that the main soul is in the doomsday, what is going on.

Tianmo Tiandao and the woman in the green skirt replied with a sigh.

"Don't mention it, the main soul has launched the nirvana rebirth plan, in order to prevent the powers of the inner universe from knowing about refining the main soul, even I don't know why his rebirth is.

"You Light Clan and Dark Clan are all over the heavens and all realms. Although the main soul illuminates the darkness and covers the daytime assistants, nothing can escape your observation, but you are also the light and darkness of the heavens and all realms.

Enemies in the Holy Realm will use the Avenue of Light and Darkness to inquire about the information you have browsed. "

"That's why the main soul isolated you, and didn't let you know the current situation of the main soul.

"A few days ago, the main soul finally came to the Heavenly Demon Realm. I helped the main soul give birth to the Heavenly Demon Desire Queen, and when the main soul went out, it met the sage of Taiyin.

"Unexpectedly, the sage of Taiyin, who was secretly the queen of Ji Mietian, pretended to be Yin Wu and was accepted as a dream slave by the master soul. He took the opportunity to find out the details of the master soul, advanced the heavenly saint, and got rid of the master-slave law, and imprisoned the master soul in the Taiyin sky. , now the main soul is probably going to be refined."

"I am also imprisoned in this cage of the law of doomsday corpse energy, and it is difficult to escape. It will not be long before I will be corroded and dissipated by the law of doomsday corpse energy, and I will return to the supreme source of chaos. I will become the first generation of different blood saints, and refine the main soul's chaotic will nutrients ."

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