The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Two Hundred And Seventy Crawling Out Of The Grave

Wang Yin was originally from Longguo Time and Space, and Jianshan Village in Fangzhong County fell into panic.

"Let me tell you, the head of the family, the boy from the Wang family has come back to life and crawled out of the grave."

"Alas, the sky has undergone a great change, evil spirits will appear, the sky above is boiling with blood, and the dead below will be resurrected and climb out of the grave, so be careful in your words and deeds."

"What are you afraid of? If you say a few words, you will die."

"No one will die. The two boys from the Fan family bumped into the boy from the Wang family and climbed out of the grave. I heard that they are already crazy. Crazy is worse than death, you know."

"Yes... this kind of weirdness, we still stay away from it."

"Hey, I haven't heard of what you are talking about.

"It's the boy from the Wang family who crawled out... Hey, what did he crawl out of? What did I just say?"

"Why don't I remember what I crawled out of, oh, oh, I remembered, it was the boy from the Wang family who fell into the gutter after drinking, and scared the two boys from the Fan family crazy when he crawled out.

"No way, is there such an outrageous thing, crawling out of the gutter will scare crazy people."

"Haha, it's true. I've heard about it too. The two boys of the Fan family keep shouting that A Piao has A Piao. Maybe they saw the Wang family boy crawling out of the gutter and thought he was frightened crazy when he met A Piao.

"The two boys of the Fan family, are they so stupid and so timid? When I see people crawling out of the gutter, I treat them as monsters at most, and I won't recognize them as A Piao."

"It's hard to say, without knowing the circumstances, the combination of light and shadow in the atmosphere of the scene, maybe it's like Ah Piao.

"Hey, hey... I said, did you forget something, why do you always feel like there is something in the sky above your head, let us forget it.

"Hehe, you Wang Ji's name is forgotten, what can you remember, what is in the sky above your head, is there a fairy. 27

"Let's see, let's see, there are no fairies, but tonight the moon is shining brightly and the stars are shining, so we can ask a little fairy to have a heart-to-heart talk under the starry sky."

"This suggestion can be called quickly, some girls in Zhengzhai Village have just returned from work.

The man named Wang Ji was a young man, sitting on a stone bench in the village with his brows furrowed, looking up at the night sky carefully. His intuition was that he didn't come to see the night sky.

Usually he is not interested in the night sky, he just stays at home and plays games.

He came out to chat with everyone in the village, as if to see what happened in the sky during this time, he came out to watch the big events in the sky.

Why can't I remember anything? Could it be that he remembered it wrong? Wang Ji rubbed his brows vigorously, and a strong strange feeling came to his mind, which could not go away for a long time [There is a problem, there is a problem 100%.

He is very confident in his memory. When he was just one month old, he can firmly remember the details of when he peed hard in his mouth.

This kind of situation has never happened before, and I clearly know what happened, but I just forgot the situation of no memory.

The problem was with the boy from the Wang family. The most special topic tonight was the boy from the Wang family who fell into the gutter drunk and crawled out to scare the two boys from the Fan family into madness.

Pay close attention to the boy of the Wang family, maybe you can find out the reason for his fuzzy memory.

Wang Yin was originally standing in his small courtyard, looking up at the night sky. On the sky in Fangzhong County, Jianshan Village, a sea of ​​blood boiled and a bloody wind raged, and countless gods, demons and monsters shuttled through it.

"These... what are these."

Last night he crawled out of the grave and walked back to the village to frighten many people. He was an orphan and was brought up by his grandpa. When he was struck by lightning, not long after, his grandpa also died of depression.

He is a dead man, I didn't expect him to have been dead for so long.

Before the grandfather died, he asked the villagers to sell their inheritance and wrap it up for their grandfather and grandchildren. The grave of my grandfather is not far from his grave.

Staggering back to the village, the two boys of the Fan family cried out heart-rendingly, causing the whole village to get up.

After seeing him, he was terrified, and in a few words he knew the fact that he had been dead for three years.

It is impossible to deceive everyone with suspended animation, but three years is not three days, and three days can still be said to be dead.

But for three years, you lie in the coffin for three years, try to say that you just suspended animation, this kind of panic is not easy to talk about.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​blood above the village, he even suspected that it was not that he came back to life, but that his life in hell had started.

Fortunately, there is an endless ocean of blood in the village, so that the villagers are not so hysterical about him being resurrected. The gods and demons are all alive, and the resurrection of the dead does not understand.

It even appeared this morning. Everyone began to forget that he crawled out of the grave. They all remembered that he fell into the gutter drunk and crawled out to scare the two boys of the Fan family crazy.

But the people in the village of his grandfather only remembered that some time ago he had died of natural old age. Before he died, he prepared a grave for his beloved grandson, and asked his grandson to be buried next to his grandfather after a hundred years.

And the vast ocean of blood in the sky, everyone can't see it, but only he can see it clearly, as if this ocean of blood exists only for him.

Wang Yin, the ancestor of the bloodfly in the sky, separated to find Jianshan Village, a trace of Poyu transcended the will of the soul, and was very satisfied with his own methods.

He successfully resurrected the information of the original body in Jianshan Village and Longguo time and space, and solved the troubles around the original body, making everyone forget the fact that the original body had died.

In this way, the original body can grow quietly and quickly enter the main soul consciousness aperture.

That's right, all the people in Jianshan Village and Fangzhong County who remembered the death of the original body had their memories erased and changed by him, and he blocked the sight of the sky and the chaotic sea of ​​blood, making everyone forget about it.

The flaw is that his will to separate spirit and soul has been disintegrated for many days, and it has become an information channel connecting the world of innate gods and demons and the chaotic sea of ​​blood of the ancestor blood flies.

The energy of the innate world of gods and demons brought out in it has leaked a lot into Jianshan Village and the blue star time and space of Longguo.

Some people with excellent talents have long been affected by the energy leaked from the world of innate gods and demons, and have the original evolution.

Wang Ji in the village is such a person with excellent talent since childhood.

Wang Yin's ancestor, the bloodfly, separated his mind and soul, and the method of changing memory could not be done to Wang Ji completely. If he really cleared his memory completely, Wang Ji would be useless, and he would be able to restore his memory when the opportunity was right.

In the small courtyard, Wang Yin was in a daze, and he couldn't imagine what happened to him. The flowers, trees and grasses in the courtyard bowed and smiled to him, God, God, you wake up.

What is a god...why do they call him a god, how can he understand their language, and know that they are bowing and smiling.

In the sea of ​​boiling blood in the night sky, a thick and thick blood light covered the small courtyard across the space, painting the small courtyard strangely bright red.

The waves of the chaotic blood sea protrude from the deepest, and the terrifying giant blood flies, vaguely looking at the small courtyard, are full of endless calls.

"Come back, come back, my main soul, I need your control."

Shaking his head vigorously, Wang Yin's original body threw all the chaotic information out of his mind, and his vision was bright and clear again.

The neighbors in the village whispered constantly, entraining the two boys and the old mother of the Fan family to cry loudly.

"What kind of evil is this? Why did my two boys become crazy? The head of the family didn't go to the Wang family and ask him to take responsibility for my two boys."

The old man of the Fan family: "Why are you's nothing to do with the boy of the Wang family, he just crawled out of the gutter, didn't even move twice, and pointed at him.

"Fan Shan and Fan Bin, who have been bold since childhood, how could they treat the person who climbed out of the gutter as Ah Piao, and they were frightened crazy."

"There must be something strange in it, I have already called the police, and the police will investigate the truth, so stop bluffing.

The neighbors: "Fan Shan and Fan Bin, these two brothers didn't get their names well, either they are stupid or sick, no wonder they met Ah Piao.

"Do you really believe that they met Ah Piao? It wasn't something else that scared them crazy."

"Of course I believe, these two boys have been bold since childhood, apart from meeting Ah Piao, nothing can scare them crazy.

"The old man of the two boys also believes that it is A Piao, otherwise he would have troubled the boy of the Wang family."

"Yes, the kid from the Wang family fell into the gutter drunk and climbed out. At best, it would be scary. I wouldn't be able to scare me crazy, and it's even more impossible to scare two daring brats crazy at the same time."

The original body sighed, turned and went back to the room.

Since everyone has forgotten about him crawling out of the grave, he will naturally not take the initiative to say that the two boys of the Fan family saw him crawling out of the grave and frightened him like a Piao.

Under the pale moonlight in the middle of the night, seeing ghosts crawling out of the tomb, most people would indeed be frightened crazy. .

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