The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 39: Takoyaki In A Big Pot

Leaving Tupeng Bay Wang Yin is 300 kilometers in the blink of an eye. I am secretly happy that if I continue like this, one day I will be able to travel through time and space faster than the speed of light alone.

He heard Dolphin Ai'ai's voice from afar, and he ignored it. Everyone is just taking what they need for evolution, so why pretend to be so in love with each other, scumbag.

For Jing Xiaoxiao, forget it, let her play with the silly whale, the speed of a turtle is too lazy for me to wait.

In high spirits, why are there two pillars in the sky, but he is too fast to see clearly.

Breaking through 300 kilometers per second with all his strength is not because he is anxious to go somewhere, but because he really wants to experience the progress of the past few months and what is the bottom line of his speed.

However, the speed of the physical body has increased so high, and the strength has also evolved and become stronger by countless times. It is that the brain reaction and eye reaction have not kept up. The spiritual reaction is enough, but the brain reaction cannot keep up.

Just when he saw two pillars appearing in the sky, he bumped his head against a layer of viscous transparent liquid. Before he had time to get away, the viscous liquid quickly rolled over, wrapping him layer by layer in the middle and making him unable to move.

Yaoshou has been tricked again. Is the grass mud horse this ocean my nemesis? How come I hit the iron plate one after another.

I knew in my heart that I was drifting again, the ocean was originally the largest water area of ​​Blue Star, and it was so mysterious that the humans of Blue Star hadn't explored it clearly, so I forgot the old witch's lesson when I came out.

Layers of viscous and difficult liquid on his body struggled to get rid of, and it seemed that he had been set up by a top monster and fell into the net.

If it is the ordinary substance of the blue star, with its own physical strength and speed, Qinglong Mountain with a thickness of tens of kilometers can go back and forth through several holes, so how can it be impossible to move.

Observe that the connection of the viscous liquid network around is just two giant pillars, and the giant pillars are inlaid with circular and large suction cups.

What kind of monster is this so idle? What are you doing with this huge net of transparent slime in the sky and the earth? Although this place is in the center of the ocean, there are few humans, and occasionally there will be ocean-going tankers passing by. Are you afraid of humans discovering it?

What he didn't know was that the giant monster with its slime net was really not afraid of being discovered by humans. If it didn't like the land itself, it would have climbed onto the land long ago.

Just like falling into a spider web, while Wang Yin was struggling and shaking, the vibration of the sticky giant web finally alarmed the sleeping behemoth that sank to the bottom of the sea to rest.

From the middle of the two sky-supporting pillars that Wang Yin saw, the waves suddenly surged, setting off a wave as high as a thousand meters and rushing towards him.

Two huge pillars pushed the golden mountain and fell the jade pillar and smashed it ten kilometers away beside him, and the stormy waves they set off were accompanied by a thousand-meter wave, just like a huge wave sweeping the world in a movie that the human world has seen in the end of the world.

Wang Yin is smaller than a mosquito in such a huge wave, trembling is too frightening, and amidst the dull and dull roar, this is the big sound, the sound of the elephant, and the invisible.

The ocean plane bulged out of thin air with a diameter of several kilometers. A huge head with a bare land-like head protruding from the ocean, and two huge eyes like mountain peaks shone brightly.

Along with the huge head came out eight arms and legs that were several thousand meters long and hundreds of meters thick and covered with terrifying and disgusting suction cups.

Observing this scene in his consciousness, Wang Yin was stunned, unable to describe the monster in front of him, and could only complain about how big...too big.

Isn't this just a pot of octopus balls? Oh no, it's an extremely huge octopus. Judging from the boundless demonic aura on its body, it is still a top-level octopus demon king.

"Ang Hung woo woo woo... Hehe... Hehehe, after waiting for several months, our family finally caught you, a little mosquito."

Just like the whistling sound of the air flow passing through the mountain peaks between the sky and the earth, the super-large octopus makes the ang humming sound that makes the sky and the earth dull and changes the color of the situation.

Take a deep breath to calm down, and then take a deep breath, be sure to calm down, Wang Yin's eyes are sweating, is he in the protagonist mode, he can hit big prizes everywhere.

Hearing this tone, he still stands here and waits to catch his big monster.

"I have no enmity with you, Wang Ying of Qinglong Mountain. You are the demon king. I have no grievances with you. Why are you here to arrest me?"

Well, this king is also a scumbag who changes the rudder according to the wind, so let's just let it go and let it go.


The gigantic octopus laughed loudly while whimpering, its body might be too huge, and its voice was muffled and unclear.

Like the dull whistling sound of air passing through the mountain between heaven and earth: "You all know that our family has no grievances or enmities with you, so naturally we set up the natal sticky net just to catch you."

"It's strange that you, a little demon who hasn't even reached the world of mortals, can transform into form... Tell our family why."

Another trouble caused by transformation, Wang Yin looked up to the sky and rolled his eyes. This king told you that this king is a human being, and he became a demon clan after seizing his body. Transformation is transformation, will you swallow this king in one gulp, of course you can't say that.

"This senior, this junior is the young master of the Qinglong Mountain King Fly Clan in the Human Race Continent. Please don't embarrass this junior. Otherwise, with such a huge body, if something happens to this junior, it will be easy for my seniors to find him."

No matter what, first pull a piece of tiger skin on it and put it on the insurance first, betting that this ten thousand year old octopus will not dare to swallow itself alive after knowing that it has a backer.

Sure enough, the huge octopus fell silent after hearing the words.

"Our family is not difficult for you. A few months ago, our spiritual consciousness saw that after you broke through the mermaid kingdom formation, you followed the grandson of Jingkun's family all the way to Tupeng Bay, and have been waiting here for your arrival. .”

"As long as you tell the secret of how to change form, our family will let you go, and we owe you a favor."

"Transformation is very important to our family. You have also seen that our body is too huge. Without transformation, we cannot do without the ocean."

It turns out that this is a giant monster that is trapped in the ocean and cannot be separated from the transformation form. It cannot be the eight giant monsters that my sister Guozong said. It turns out that I have seen myself attacking the mermaid kingdom a few months ago, and I have been squatting Guard yourself here.

Being a monster really shouldn't be too high-profile. After attacking the Mermaid Kingdom formation once, he was targeted by the big octopus with eight claws. The most important thing is that his level of monster clan is too low. Well, the octopus can really trap itself to death with this natal mucus.

Sure enough, the octopus with eight claws continued, "Don't even try to run away. Our family knows you are fast, so we set up this giant net of natal slime world."

Seeing that the way out was blocked, Wang Yin could only say sincerely: "Senior, this junior really doesn't have any secrets of transformation. This is the cultivation talent of the junior family. As long as the demon power reaches a certain level, it will naturally transform into form."

"If the senior needs it, the junior can tell the senior the method of natal cultivation in the junior family, and please let the junior go."

When the octopus with eight claws heard this, it laughed happily.

"Really? Well, well, as long as you tell our family the truth, our family will let you go."

Wang Yin asked cautiously: "I don't know what state senior is now, but the cultivation method of our family has a limit, and the state is too high to practice."

Feel the situation first to see if there is a chance to find a loophole.

The eight-clawed octopus became anxious after hearing that there was a limit to its cultivation. Eight huge terrifying tentacles waved across the sky, dispelling the boundless black clouds caused by the surging waves, thunder and lightning, revealing the sun shining on its huge head.

"It's okay to tell you that our family's mortal realm is at the eighth turn, just waiting to break through the star life, but the body is too big and the energy of the blue star cannot be supplied to our family to break through. Don't ask how our family can still stay in the blue star. The innate natal mucus on our family can protect our family from sinking and dormant at the bottom of the ocean, so that it will not be rejected by Blue Star's will."

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