The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Four: A Fly As Big As A Puppy

In Qinglong Mountain, a fly as big as a puppy was looking for prey in the dense forest.

If someone goes into the mountains and sees it, he will definitely be frightened. Such a big fly may have become a sperm.

Wang Yin is now looking for prey not only to devour the essence, but also to feed his hunger. The main reason is that he has no teeth and can only eat by sucking. The small wild fruits in the mountains cannot satisfy his appetite.

There are no big fruit trees in Qinglong Mountain, just some small wild fruits like hawthorn, which are fine when young, but now they have grown into a puppy-sized body, and he has no teeth.

As for the rotten and smelly food on the ground, he would not eat it even if he was killed. He is a human, not a real fly.

It is said that this family of flies is also peculiar, with a large sucker on the tail and a sucker on the mouth, and they all rely on sucking for a living.

After sucking the blood of an unknown big bird, it hiccupped and flew to the top of a nearby tree, looked at the traffic in the distance, and considered whether to go back to the city to develop.

There are not many birds in this mountain enough to harm him, not to mention that he has grown up now, the vitality of these birds can't satisfy his appetite.

There are many wild boars, snakes and other animals, but as a human, he still yearns for the human world.

The main reason for him to have the idea of ​​going to the city is that he has grown up to the present, and he found that the devouring ability has changed.

Maybe his strength has increased, now he doesn't need to kill the opponent, he can easily absorb the essence from his mouth for a life of the same size.

The method is similar to that of a movie about Journey to the West that he saw when he was a man, and the old black mountain demon sucked the yang energy of a stranger, so he really turned into a monster. Laughing at himself, now he no longer regards himself as a human being, and begins to call outsiders human beings. .

If you don’t want to go to human society, you can actually choose the ocean. Life in the ocean is active, dolphins, sharks, killer whales, and whales are good targets to devour. But it’s unrealistic to go to the ocean now, and it’s more realistic to go to a human place.

In front of a residential house at the foot of the mountain, the male owner just came down from the mountain, holding a pheasant whose blood had been sucked dry, and threw it under the faucet to be washed and cleaned up later.

The hostess walked out of the house: "Husband, I found a wild animal again."

The male host nodded: "Yeah, I don't know what killed it. There are all pheasants and rabbits. They don't eat meat and only drink blood. The old Gao's kid even picked up several of them."

Hostess: "Maybe it's a weasel, only this guy likes to suck blood."

The male owner didn't talk to him, and didn't tell his wife that the thing was not bitten by a weasel, but it seemed to have fallen to death. That's why he said it was killed but not killed. If it was a weasel, he could recognize the tooth marks.

I tidy up the straw knives by myself, and use the straw singeing to clean up after plucking.

Wang Yin doesn't know that his prey has been picked up, and he doesn't care if he knows it. He has no teeth and can't eat. He can only suck blood. Hunting food is a waste. He lies in the branch and sleeps soundly.

Naturally, he fell the prey to death, without sharp teeth and claws, he could only kill them by using mental power to stun the prey, then pick up the prey and fly high into the sky and throw it on the stone.

This method of devouring after falling to death is more bloody and hurts the peace. He is not willing to continue, so he tried other methods of devouring to evolve.

So he was very happy when his devouring ability was advanced and he could devour primordial liquid without killing. This meant that he could devour higher-level intelligent creatures without killing.

What's more, the six fly feet are not sharp, so they can't bear the task of assassination.

The race of flies is really useless in other aspects except for the sucking talent of the mouth sucker. Oh yes, there is also an indescribable sucking talent.

Now Wang Yin has evolved mental attack skills, which finally make up for the shortcomings in attacking and hunting. It is not very useless.

The night came as promised, the mountains were silent, a big black shadow like a puppy made a low buzzing sound, and quickly flew down the mountain. For mosquitoes and flies, there is no difference between day and night, and there are more activities at night.

Outside the window on the third floor of the residential building at the foot of the mountain, Wang Yin looked into the house through the gap in the window. A couple was sleeping soundly in the house, swallowing a mouthful of saliva. It was the first time they tried to go out to swallow human vitality, and they were a little nervous.

Quietly opened the window, just enough to get in through the gap of the anti-theft window, and quickly climbed to the ceiling.

Hanging upside down by the lamp in the bedroom from the ceiling, I carefully looked at the couple on the bed. They were about thirty years old. The man was thin and the woman was plump and greasy.

Buzzing, low-frequency buzzing sounded, the sound penetrated the man's ears, the man turned over and rubbed his ears, opened his eyes in a daze, just in time for a pair of big black eyes on the ceiling, his throat gurgled twice in fright, his head A crooked faint fell asleep.

The woman didn't respond, she turned sideways and continued to sleep. She felt itchy on her face when she was half asleep, and she stretched out her hand to scratch as if she had caught something, thinking it was her man's arm, and opened her eyes to tell the man to sleep away.

Only then did I realize that it wasn't the man's arm that was pushed aside, but a paw several tens of centimeters long, swarthy and covered with barbed hairs.

Shocked with fright, she hurriedly looked up, and through the moonlight outside the window, she saw a fly-like monster lying on the bed, and what she pushed away was the monster's forelimb.


He screamed in fright and screamed, but was knocked dizzy by Wang Yin's mental attack and passed out.

Wang Yin buzzed triumphantly, successfully captured the prey, this mental attack is really useful, quietly landed on the bed, put his big head to the woman's mouth, and began to devour the woman's natal essence.

As for the male master, forget it, he was a man when he was a man, he couldn't do mouth-to-mouth sucking if he didn't kill him, and it was his fate to repel the same sex.

The hostess had a very strange dream that night. In the dream, she saw a huge fly, as big as her own domestic poodle. Eat her flesh and blood.

She was so scared that she kept screaming in her dream and didn't wake up until dawn, so that when she woke up early the next morning, her whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

While eating breakfast, seeing her husband staring at her, she turned pale and inadvertently stroked the hair beside her ear and asked.

"What are you looking at, don't I look good with makeup today?"

The male host: "No, I just feel that you are a little strange in the morning, did you not rest, okay, your face is very strange and a little pale."

Hostess: "Is there no way, I feel fine."

She couldn't help but panic, could it be the reason for the dream, she didn't want to tell her husband that she had a nightmare all night, for fear of being laughed at by her husband for being cowardly and useless.

The host: "I don't know if it's because I'm in a bad mood these days, but last night I actually saw a big fly on the ceiling of our room, as big as our poodle."

The hostess covered her red lips and said in surprise, "You dreamed about it too. In fact, I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed that big flies kept eating me, so I didn't sleep well. What a coincidence."

The two looked at each other, feeling a sense of horror in their hearts at the same time, there must be no unclean things in the house.

From this day on, there will always be people in front of the mountain and behind the mountain in eight towns and miles around Qinglong mountain.

People who dream of weird flies are excited and radiant on the one hand, and gradually become weak and thin on the other hand.

The good thing is that this strange dream won't happen all the time. When a person loses weight to a certain extent, he won't dream again.

Slowly, the body will return to health, so that some people are both afraid and longing for this dream, and feel that this dream is very enjoyable if it is not life-threatening.

Strange legends slowly appeared in the mountainside villages, saying that there was a magic fly fairy in Qinglong Mountain, who feeds on human vitality and soul, so don't go into the mountain if you have nothing to do.

In the family of people who have had strange dreams, the male host is angry and irritable, but at the same time he has nothing to do. He is a bold and bold man, so he makes an appointment to go into the mountain together to check the situation.

I don’t know if it’s because of preconceived ideas. In the past, it gave people the beautiful scenery of Qinglong Mountain, but now they always have a feeling of scalp numbness when entering.

Occasionally, when encountering the bloodless animal corpses that have been sucked, this feeling is even more terrifying, as if in the dense forests of the mountains, there are always a pair of malicious eyes always staring at them.

So these men didn't even dare to go up halfway up the mountain, so they hurried back, and some superstitious family hiding places even started to enshrine the statues of teeny-headed male gods.

They offer incense every day to pray to the magic fly fairy they think, to bless their families with health, safety and wealth.

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