The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 66 Seeing The Dream Again, Sister Yan Exclaimed

My name is Wang Yin. I am 30 years old. I am an ordinary young man with a puffy figure and a monthly salary that is extremely low.

If there is no unexpected change in hits, life in this life will be nothing more than a dick waiting to die.

At most, I can see beauties on the street every day to satisfy my eyesight, use a few poor money to find a few crooked melons and cracked dates to eat wild food, and eat rough tea and light meals that do not exceed fifteen yuan per meal until I die of old age. Buying a house or a car is impossible. don't think so.

Fortunately, my golden finger is here, life is no longer hopeless, and I deserve the era of my brother's ups and downs.

Why do I have cheats? Who can tell me that I am waiting online in a hurry.

Or he came out drunk and hit the wall last night, watching a TV series in his mind, what else is the blue star dad Tiandao dad, Wang Yin is confused, who is he and where is he, is he suffering from schizophrenia? .

Fanning his hands vigorously, I fly, I fly, fly, fly a wool, how could he really believe the evil in his head, thinking that he really has wings.

But this cheat is not a lie, it really exists, don't ask him how he is sure that he has a cheat, because he has just done something that he never dared to do in his entire life...

And the ability of this golden finger is not limited by distance, as long as he has seen and impressed people in his mind, he can pull her (him) into the virtual dream in the spiritual world.

And it can make the parties clearly remember the things in the dream after waking up in the real world, and it can also make these people forget the things in the dream.

The most frightening thing is that this dream can seamlessly connect with reality, making it difficult for people to tell whether they are in reality or a dream.

As if he understood something, he gritted his teeth. In the series in his mind, the characters are all evil Masek, maybe it is just to guard against him.

Li Yanyan, the proprietress of the supermarket in Huashan District, is as her name suggests, as beautiful as peaches and plums, tender and attractive.

I don't know how many men in the community have gone to her supermarket under the pretext of shopping, just to see her and raise the flag to salute her, but unfortunately they are all ruthless.

Because she has a husband who is a big and rough contractor, and a bunch of younger brothers under her command. Whoever dares to provoke ordinary men can only find some excuses to go shopping in the supermarket and enjoy their eyesight.

So it's not that there are no good-looking women in life, it's just that good-looking women won't find you, just a dick man who has nothing.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening when Li Yanyan closed the door and went home. After the man was sweating and fell asleep, Li Yanyan washed her body and lay on the head of the bed in a provocative posture, yawning in a daze, and waves of tiredness hit her.

The snoring of the contractor's man made her half awake, and there was always an inexplicable anger in her heart that wanted to vent.

This dead pig only cares about his own comfort and goes to bed, never caring about her feelings, and he didn't know that one eye was blind and married him.

There was a crisp switch sound in the drowsy room. I opened my eyes and saw that for some reason, the bedroom light was turned on by someone, and the room was full of bright lights that dazzled my eyes.

Who... Did Li Yanyan feel a thrill in her heart? Just as she was about to get up to check, a male voice suddenly came from beside her.

"Good evening, Miss Yan."


The sudden sound made Li Yanyan scream and goosebumps all over her body.

The doors and windows were closed in the middle of the night, someone entered the bedroom, and shouted at the top of his voice, ignoring the speaker.

"There are thieves, there are thieves, Lao Chen, get up, Lao Chen... Lao Chen...."

An abrupt male voice next to him: "Sister Yan, don't shout, this is a dream, brother Chen won't wake up."

What kind of words are these? What did the thief do to Old Chen? Li Yanyan panicked.

"Who are you and what do you want to do? What are you doing to Lao Chen? Don't mess around."

He turned around in a panic and looked towards the bed. An ordinary young man in underpants stood carelessly in front of the bed. Isn't this Xiao Wang from the unit next door, who often comes to her shop to buy things.

She remembered this guy, a man with a good temper, but his eyes always turned to her, and she felt relieved.

Knowing is better than not knowing. A man who has ideas about himself is at least easier to deal with than a man who has no ideas.

Sure enough, people can't be judged by appearances, usually they don't dare to look at their young man openly, why did they dare to sneak into their own room, calm down, try to pretend that they won't offend the man in front of them and asked.

"Xiao Wang is you, how did you come in?"

Wang Yin smiled: "It's me, Sister Yan, don't be afraid, we are in a dream, my brother will not hurt you,"

Li Yanyan glanced at a certain high position, and complained in her heart that my old lady believed you, you just came in with no good intentions.

Eyes widened: "Xiao Wang, let me tell you, no matter how you come in, get out quickly, Lao Chen has a bad temper, and he will die if he sees you."

Wang Yin held back her mouth, this is who are you scaring in my buddy's dream, and replied with a smile.

"Sister Yan is fine, Brother Chen won't wake up."

But in my heart, I was fascinated by this novel experience. This is simply an unparalleled scum, oh no, it's cheating, how could I think of scum? Depressed.

Li Yanyan: "What's the matter with you, go out if you are told to go out, this is a private room, if you don't go out, I will call the police."

I was looking for my phone while getting angry, but I couldn't touch the phone at the critical moment, and my heart became more and more panicked.

"Old Chen, Lao Chen, wake up soon, someone has entered the house."

Don't dare to call out thieves, for fear of offending the bloody man in front of you.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Wang Yin gulped.

"Sister Yan, really stop shouting. This is the virtual dream world created by my younger brother. It's not in your room. What you see is all simulated by my younger brother. If you don't believe me, I will show you. You won't see my younger brother when you wake up." .”

After the voice fell, the power shut off click sounded, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Li Yanyan suddenly sat up from the bed with her eyes wide open, her whole body trembling with chills and sweating profusely, the neon lights of the community shone into the room through the curtains, the color was quiet and pleasant, she got up and looked around to see if there was anyone around.

He let out a long breath and patted his chest. It turned out to be a dream, but the dream was so real and frightening.

But what kind of ghost dream is this? Why is it so real to dream of Xiao Wang next door for no reason? I don’t think I like that young man.

Turning to look at the man sleeping next to him, there was a burst of boredom in the middle of the snoring, he kicked the man next to him hard, even if his mother called you in a dream, he still had to wake up, he slept like a pig, luckily it was just a dream.

Take a deep breath to calm down and sleep, how can you have such a messy dream with this damn quality of sleep.

Just as she fell out of bed and just closed her eyes, a bedroom light switch sounded suddenly again, and the room lights were snow white again, Li Yanyan's heart trembled again.

The abrupt male voice begging for a beating then sounded: "Hi sister Yan, I'm Xiaowang next door, here I come again."

The old lady is so tired and wants to sleep, why does this person always disturb people's dreams? Open your eyes, and sure enough, there is a figure standing beside the bed, it is not Xiao Wang, who is it?

Li Yanyan forced herself to calm down.

"What's going on, Xiao Wang? Why are you here again? What do you want?"

An embarrassing voice: "Sister Yan... aha, I said this is a dream, anything is possible in a dream, don't believe me, just look at it."

Looking at the fragrant body in front of her eyes again, covered with tulle, Wang Yin swallowed saliva,

It's been a long time since I've known her, and it's the first time I've had such a close contact with this charming person. How could the wild flowers and grass outside have such a taste? The man sleeping next to her is really a goddamn blessing.

Money is really a goddamn good thing. With money, you can live the life you want and find the woman you want.

Fortunately, my brother can overtake on a curve now, otherwise this life will be a waste of time, thinking about things in my head but not slow in my hands. While Li Yanyan was struggling and screaming, he hugged her horizontally,

Hey, this is in the virtual dreamland of labor and management. I don't care if she agrees or not, so I hugged her first and talked, and it tastes so good to start with nephrite jade.

Li Yanyan turned pale with shock: "Xiao Wang, what are you doing, don't act recklessly."

No matter what I say, I don't believe that this is a dream. How can there be such a real dream? The pain and touch of pinching the flesh are so subtle and realistic.

"I'm not doing anything. Sister Yan, don't you believe this is a dream? I'll prove it to you, my little brother."

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