The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 69 Zhang Qifeng's Dream Realm

In the back kitchen of Qifeng Pickled Pepper Beef Restaurant, Zhang Qifeng is concentrating on watching the chef stir-fry the dishes in the pot. She is shrewd and does not want to be controlled by the chef, but wants to grasp the essence. Taste now.

This beef restaurant was originally opened by Zhang Qifeng and her ex-husband, because her ex-husband was a chef, and the husband and wife had managed the restaurant very well, but since the damn ex-husband hooked up with the cashier and ran away, the business of the restaurant has plummeted. Now it is only supported by some loyal old customers.

I don't know much about the management of the back kitchen. Fortunately, the chef recruited by my ex-husband is still there, but now it is replaced by a weak woman to run the management. I don't know when they will be threatened by leaving. The chef looks at it every day. How could she not understand the look in her eyes as someone who has experienced it.

While concentrating on watching the chef's smooth and smooth operation process, Zhang Qifeng suddenly felt dizzy, and a charming male voice sounded from his mind: "Feng'er, come here..."

Zhang Xifeng rolled his eyes when he heard the words, did you call Feng'er, it made my old lady feel nauseous.

If he didn't know who the voice was in his head, he might really be charmed by his voice. This scumbag has such a nice voice in vain.

I have met a real person in my life, before in the community, and once I helped her move things in the parking lot very diligently. He was a puffy and wretched man. She never dreamed that she would have an intersection with such a person. If it wasn't for being unable to resist in the dream, I really wanted to take a knife and kill him.

Forget it, go and have a look, this kind of person cannot be offended, the three views formed all his life have been completely shattered by him in the past few days.

How can someone manipulate other people's dreams, and the feeling in the dream is exactly the same as the reality, just like opening and closing the eyes for a moment, changing the feeling of the world.

Da, da, da, Zhang Qifeng, dressed in a seductive black silk short skirt and work clothes, pushed open the door of the private room with her slender legs.

Before I had time to see the environment of the room clearly, the feeling of darkness came from my head.

"Woo" Zhang Xifeng panicked; "What are you doing? This is reality. I have surveillance here. If you mess around, I will call the police and arrest you."

Wang Yin's humble voice: "I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything, don't worry, the lady boss, the younger brother is just studying the academic knowledge of the soul, don't worry, as long as I don't want people to come in, no one will be able to come in."

At any rate, he practiced dreaming skills for more than ten days. Dream sealing, dream restraint, and daydreaming are all small skills. If you don't use them a lot, what if you forget them.

Zhang Xifeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are crazy, even if you have this ability, you can't just catch people and experiment like this."

Wang Yin pouted: "I want to experiment slowly, but it's too late. If I don't experiment quickly, I feel that monsters will come to catch me."

Zhang Qifeng, who regained his sight, walked to the sofa and sat down, looked up at Wang Yin and asked.

"What do you want me to do? And where are there monsters in this world? If there are monsters, you are the biggest one. How can people be as bad as you?"

Wang Yin looked at Zhang Qifeng with eyes full of surprise, this woman is not simple, how do you know that if I were a monster, I would also be the biggest one, those little monsters, monsters, big monsters in my mind would always tell him that it was him, the one with four A man with red turbo wings called the Demon King.

Alas, it's a pity that I can't recall it at all, otherwise the feeling must be very good, and I replied with a serious face.

"That must be. If it's a monster, I'm definitely the biggest one."

"Besides, who knows if there really isn't one? I still need to verify it."

After speaking, he raised his head to look at Yuexing inexplicably. He used to feel nothing as an ordinary person, but now according to the world of monsters in his mind, he is already a master of Qi training.

There are also several places in Blue Star that faintly fluctuate with a strong aura. This is why he kept a low profile after gaining the ability and shrank in Yangyun City for development. If he is not strong enough, he will be beaten if he goes out.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Qifeng was very curious, could there really be other powerful existences in this world besides this strange creature in front of him, and was trying to find out, when he saw a pink circle of light buzzing towards her as a hood.


This is a world of nothingness and darkness. Wang Yin is observing the squirming light in the distance. This light is like a fish in the water, moving east and west for a while, erratic and elusive, approaching, approaching... this is What the hell?

Suddenly, the creeping light rushed over like lightning.


There was a sharp and ear-piercing cry, and a long and slender mouth full of sharp teeth bit into his throat fiercely.

I saw that the monster was about one meter in circumference, round like a balloon, as if the forehead was a big round black and white eye,

It was these eyes that saw the creeping light in the darkness before, and the round body was uncoordinated with a sharp, black mouth like a woodpecker.

Seeing that the dark Cheng Guangming must be invincible, the wide open mouth is full of sharp teeth.

What kind of thing is this? How could there be such a thing in Zhang Qifeng's dream? It was too late to say it, but Wang Yin was quick to grab the monster's wide-open mouth, squeezed the monster's wide-open mouth tightly, and closed it tightly. Get up and hold it in your hands.

You bullshit, I told you to scare labor and management, and you were caught by labor and management.

Carefully looking at the thing that was struggling in his hand, his body was covered in cold sweat. Fortunately, this thing has a brain problem. It doesn’t need a good lightning speed. It’s not a waste of time to open its mouth and howl and bite. When my brother’s hand strength is a display, it’s so stupid Can.

If you don't open your mouth to howl, just poke it at lightning speed. With this hard and sharp woodpecker-like mouth, you won't be stabbed hard.

"Woo hoo."

The monster in his hand twisted his body vigorously, staring fiercely at Wang Yin with his big round eyes, and he could vaguely see tears swirling in the black and white.

It's a pity that in Wang Yin's Wuzhi Mountain, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no avail.

Unable to break free from Wang Yin's palm, the ball-shaped monster's body swelled up suddenly, and it stopped struggling after hearing a bang, and a huge burst of dazzling light shot out from its tail.

After spraying, he blinked and stared at Wang Yin, with a hint of innocence in his eyes.

Wang Yin was dumbfounded, what kind of devil's operation was this, and hurriedly looked into the darkness, it was too bad to die.

Suddenly, a large piece of wriggling light emerged from the darkness.

This girl can also summon thugs, what to do with so many, Wang Yin, who is holding the monster, turned around and swished, and withdrew from Zhang Qifeng's dream.

In the private room, Wang Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he just had a whim, and wanted to verify whether it is possible to enter the dream at the same time when collecting energy in reality.

If it is possible, and it is not a double energy increase, I never thought that after entering the dream, the dream is no longer the dream that I maintain, but a void of darkness, and encounters the ball monster in the darkness.

He is a dream ball.

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