
The three of them were shocked, and they all looked up, but there was nothing above their heads.

A cold sweat drenched her vest. After all, Wenjuan is a woman, and she is most afraid of this weird and inexplicable atmosphere. Her long-term knowledge and literacy have allowed her to quickly settle her mood. In a panic, she quickly pressed her finger on the phone button, and first asked for help and said, enter Uncontrollable abnormal changes occurred in the mountain, and every second was racing against time, and he didn't want to delay a single minute.

Women yelling when they encounter things is only part of it, not every woman is so unbearable.

Old Wu's cloudy eyes looked around vigilantly, and there was a whistling wind, but there was nothing unusual around him.

Wen Juan was about to press the last button with her fingers, when another faint sound like rubbing the bottom of a pot came from her ears.

"Humans, are you looking for me?"

He trembled and raised his eyes to look, and was facing a pair of green eyes in the dense forest in front of him. His mind was inexplicably chaotic, and he passed out immediately when he rolled his eyes.

"Professor Wen, Professor Wen, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Zhonghao's defensive line was completely broken, and his eyes were full of panic. Within half an hour, the group of five had accidents one after another. Wu Lili disappeared, Yang Tian was still in a coma, and Professor Wen fell into a coma again for no reason.

Trembling and looking at Mr. Wu: "Mr. Wu, we may have encountered something unclean."

Old Wu took out two self-defense electric shock batons in his hands, and threw one to Jiang Zhonghao.

"Don't talk nonsense, there is nothing magical in the world, it's the fly that made the trouble."

After speaking, she took out a straight mobile phone and quickly pressed the button to ask for help. Wenjuan's mobile phone had fallen to the ground, and the number on the screen had not been dialed, as if mocking their naivety.

"Hehehe, the old guy is still calm."

A faint sound like rubbing the bottom of a pot came from the front, and Mr. Wu and Jiang Zhonghao quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

This time I finally saw it clearly, a huge blowfly like a big dog was resting on the opposite tree branch, bigger than a big domestic dog, staring at them with green eyes as big as an upside-down glass bowl.

The two were dumbfounded, what a big fly.

Especially in Jiang Zhonghao's heart, he couldn't believe it. The last time he saw it in his brother's room through the telescope, he was only half the size of a big dog. After a while, he was even bigger than a big dog.

Tun Tun spit: "Grandpa Wu is it, it is this fly, it is the one I saw last time, it is bigger now."

Mr. Wu stared at the huge blowfly in front of him, sweating profusely on his forehead. This was an unprecedented discovery in the biological world. If he caught it, it would bring a stormy biological revolution to the entire Blue Star.

The two were so shocked that they forgot what they were talking about just now. Mr. Wu snatched Jiang Zhonghao's phone, his lips trembling.

"Quick, take a quick photo...leave evidence of the impact first."

Raising the phone to the giant blowfly, Kakaka quickly pressed the capture button. After pressing the button, the huge blowfly disappeared. Looking at the phone, nothing was captured.

"Humans, you are very courageous."

A faint sound like rubbing the bottom of a pot came from behind again, and the two realized what it was before they spoke, and turned around stiffly.

Mr. Wu tried his best to pluck up the courage and asked, "Who are you? You are the one talking to us."

The giant blowfly said in a hoarse voice: "It's not me, who else do you want to find."

Like a flash of lightning across the night sky, what did they hear, it was really this fly talking again, they actually heard a fly talking to them again, it was still an extremely huge fly, Jiang Zhonghao's legs were sore and weak, hiding deep in his heart Gene's fear of demons and ghosts burst out in an instant, and he sat on the ground and couldn't move.

This is the body's reaction to the unknown horror at the top of the food chain. If you are going to die, you will die. Monsters can eat people.

If I knew it was a monster, I shouldn't have said it, and I wouldn't participate in this muddy water.

Elder Wu is also very distressed in his heart. He is just old, which does not mean he is not afraid of unknown existence, and the older he is, the more awed he is towards strange things.

If he only wanted to discover miracles in the biological world before, now he has given up the idea of ​​discovering miracles immediately after hearing that blowflies can talk and have wisdom.

This is no longer a miracle, it belongs to the category of abnormal events, and it is not accessible to a small intellectual like him.

Having lived to this age, I have naturally heard a lot of folklore, and I have read books about ghosts and goblins, but I have always regarded it as a legend and never taken it seriously.

Now a monster-like blowfly appeared in front of him, which proved in disguise that the rumors of the magic fly fairy with a radius of ten miles and eight villages around Qinglong Mountain were no longer an abnormal event that they could touch.

It's a long story, but the on-site time is very short. Mr. Wu's speed has doubled. At present, the most important thing is how to ensure the safety of several people. He is talking about exiting Qinglong Mountain first.

Quickly pretending to bow reverently: "Magic Fly Immortal, we just intruded into the mortals of Qinglong Mountain unintentionally, don't care about the body of the Immortal God and Demon with us mortals, please forgive me for offending, we will leave now."

After finishing speaking, he gave Jiang Zhonghao a look, helped Wenjuan up, turned around and left without mentioning Wu Lili.

Jiang Zhonghao understood Mr. Wu's suggestion that the most important thing now is to withdraw from Qinglong Mountain first, bent down to pick up Yang Tian, ​​and quickly retreated down the mountain with Mr. Wu.

It's just not so easy, the faint sound of rubbing the bottom of the pot sounded again.

"Old thing, did I let you go?"

The bodies of the two were stiff, and the cold sweat dripped from their foreheads. They were most afraid of something happening. The monster would not let them go. They turned around and bowed back at the same time, deliberately pretending that they did not understand what the monster said.

"What orders does the Great Immortal have, as long as we can do it, we must help the Great Immortal to complete it."

There was a piercing wind sound behind them, and a demonic wind blew up from the plains in the forest. The huge blowfly turned in front of them in a flash, and both of their heads were cloudy at the same time, and their eyes were dizzy and fainted on the ground.

Looking at the four people fainting on the ground, Wang Yin stretched out his forelimbs and rubbed the huge teeny head. Playing tricks is really not his strong point.

It should be more scary, for example, in a horror atmosphere, a scene of eating raw blood and so on is more perfect.

It's just that he is really not a monster, and he can't do bloody things, so forget it and follow the temporary plot.

Even if they can't let them be horrified and horrified for a lifetime, they still have to give them psychological hints that Qinglong Mountain is a den of demons and cannot be revealed at will, otherwise catastrophe will be imminent.

Each paw grabbed a person, waved its wings and blew a whirlwind on the spot, and flew towards the cliff at the top of the mountain. Its body was now a circle larger than a large dog, and its ribs and wings spread about three meters.

The blowfly that has evolved to this point is no longer comparable to ordinary animals of the same size. It has evolved from a small fly with a length of one centimeter to a terrifying fly that is almost three meters in size with its wings spread out, and its body proportion has expanded hundreds of times.

If a two-meter-tall animal or person grows hundreds of times, what is the concept?

That is a huge monster with a height of hundreds or even thousands of meters, a monster as tall as a skyscraper with two or three hundred floors.

When Wang Yin spread his wings, the wind howled, and the flight was as fast as lightning. He was already a monster, and his strength reached a thousand catties. He had no problem flying with four people.

In the half wall of the cave in the middle of the cliff, there is a protruding platform with a big bed on it, which was found by Wang Yin once from the bottom of the mountain.

Putting Wenjuan on the platform, there was already a delicate and beautiful figure lying on the platform, it was Wu Lili who was missing from the group of five.

Casually threw Wu Lao, Jiang Zhonghao, and Yang Tian into the bottom of the cave next to the human body. Seeing the rotten white teeth on the body's face, and the venomous snakes, spiders, centipedes and reptiles crawling all over the ground, he smiled sinisterly. You guys are unlucky , Enjoy these pet gifts as soon as you come.

The small snakes, insects and beasts crawling around in the cave were all the ones he caught and tried to suck blood when he was weak.

Ever since he sucked a snake recklessly and was almost entangled to death, he became resentful and scraped off the entire Qinglong Mountain. Anyone who was as big as him or bigger than him and could not threaten him was caught in the cave. At the beginning, he was weak and forged a growth team.

Among them are a few big-legged boa constrictors. When I was a human, I saw them very scared. I didn’t expect them to be stunned after being a fly. I saw them so cute.

Of course, the main reason is that for some reason, he is not afraid of snake venom.

Maybe flies are not afraid of snake venom, or maybe he has evolved into a monster, and these ordinary poisons are useless to him.

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