The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 89 Go To Moon Star To Kill Monsters

"It's not that the monsters are too much. This is a trial. These monsters have masters. How can they block the road and rob them without the master's permission? This is also a phenomenon that the gods and other countries acquiesce. Everyone needs to work hard. You are strong enough to rob the monsters' energy."

"That's right. The higher-ups of Xingdao have issued regulations prohibiting high-level demons from harming people's lives. It is to protect ordinary people from worrying about upgrading. If you don't dare to fight, let's go home and farm."

At this time, a driver who had just returned from Yuexing, with a back width of five meters and a height of twenty meters, with a fairy air and colorful sika deer spirit beast driver, shouted from the air.

"Hey guys, pay attention. There are demon spirits on the star path checking cars today. I bribed a few star path demons to keep watch. Those who need to know the news will detain me and pay for it."

"Brothers, brothers, wait, is what you said true? Then can you contact those monsters, let's fight monsters together, let them be the inner ghosts to observe the monsters that are suitable for us to rob, and the energy we rob is in accordance with them proportionally."

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of this, brother, you are better, but will those demon spirits agree?"

"You don't know this. If the spirit beasts are of high quality, they won't agree, but there are some very despicable monsters, and we definitely agree. But we also have to guard against these despicable monsters who will turn black and eat black."

Looking up at the starry sky from the blue star to the moon star, there are four dazzling magic star paths across, two red paths and two green paths, the red path is the ascending moon star path, and the green path is the descending moon star path , this is a two-way four-star road magic star road.

The innermost red lane and the green lane are the overtaking lanes for Blue Star's high-level powers, and the outermost red lane and green lane are the slow lanes for low-level slaves.

Looking closer, on the slow lane of the red road in the ascending passage, two figures are rushing at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour.

This is a man and a woman, the man is strong and the woman is sexy, and the strong man is complaining.

"I've been running for more than half a month and I'm exhausted. It will take at least a month to reach Moonstar. Even the drinking water has been robbed by the demon spirit. I don't want to run."

A woman with a sexy figure: "It's more than 380,000 kilometers. We have only turned our strength in the world of mortals. The speed is only 500 kilometers per hour. Even if we can run without sleep for a month, it is not bad, let alone rest on the road."

As soon as the words fell, a demonic snake suddenly sprang up, and its tail lashed at the woman. The snake quickly wrapped itself around the woman. Spit it out again and run away.

At this time, the woman was naked, her face was flushed with embarrassment and anger, and at the last moment, she finally grabbed the tail of the magic snake, and the energy light in both hands shone in the shape of a sickle, and slashed at the grinding snake.

" give me back my clothes and my stars, I'll hack you to death, watch me cut rice with a sickle...Kill, kill, kill."

The burly man also jumped into the air quickly, kicked out the energy of the hammer with his feet like a whirlwind, raised his head and covered his face, and stomped on the snake's head.

"Beishan Tie Niu's feet, I will step on it, and the energy of the magic snake will be handed over soon, ahh...I will step on it...."

There are countless monsters and spirit beasts on the road, swaying and singing waaagh card bugs, and the lyrics are full of passion and passion.

"Bugs, bugs, we all come to bugs, everyone comes to bugs together, everyone who is not messed up comes to bugs, only bogs can enter the universe."

"Waaagh, waaagh, brother Mao Mao came to find the god master waaagh, and led everyone to kabug, kabug kabug smashed the heavens and gnawed on the pig's head."

All kinds of weird monsters and spirit beasts, some with big mouths, some as tall as mountains and full of horns, some are ethereal and beautiful, and some are as pure and white as moonlight. This scene.

These monsters and spirit beasts bit each other head to tail, or turned their heads and tails outward, or rolled happily in them. The private vehicles of high-level monster spirit beasts, and the black and white cars whizzed past them, as if they were not surprised and did not stop.

In the starry sky beside the road, there will be scattered starry sky and star shops every few thousand kilometers. The monster continued to run.

In the end, the two teamed up for a violent beating, and the demon snake, who was also at the peak of the world of mortals, couldn't bear the pain. He vomited out the sexy woman's clothing and star coins and returned it to the sexy woman, but was stomped on the head by a strong man and spit out a few large balls of energy essence blood .

When the strong man happily collects energy essence and blood, and the sexy woman quickly puts on clothes, the demon snake is full of aggrieved eyes and takes the opportunity to escape the two of them and escape. The peak of the world of mortals is killed by two humans who have just entered the world of mortals, throwing the monster Lost face at home.

The burly man wiped his forehead from excessive sweat.

"Let me tell you that if you had gone to find the God Lord earlier, we must have broken through the star level now. How could we still be running so hard while being robbed? If we are now a star level, there will be a place for us in the Moon Star Monster Killing Base."

A woman with a sexy and good-looking body bit her lip and answered stubbornly.

"No, he liked me before, and we were indeed childhood sweethearts. But when he saw me last month, he didn't recognize me as that one. You still have the nerve to ask me to find him."

"Besides, hehe, you actually asked your wife to find another man. Are you shameless?"

"Didn't you look down on him before, but now it's like licking a dog, wishing that someone would come to your wife."

The strong man and the sexy and good-looking woman are Wang Yin's childhood sweethearts and playmates. They have lost contact with each other since junior high school. It was not until the Dream Fairy Kingdom appeared that they recognized Wang Yin in disbelief.

After recognizing Wang Yin, the man began to encourage the woman to find the Lord Wang Yin, but the sexy woman resolutely refused because of her self-esteem.

Until last month, when Wang Yin used his true blood avatars to harvest the energy of the human dream world in order to upgrade, one of the countless true blood avatars found a sexy and good-looking woman, and helped her open the kingdom of dream world under the innate favor.

It's just that the most embarrassing scene for the woman happened. She recognized her former childhood friend, but this childhood friend didn't recognize her, and only regarded her as an ordinary person who harvested energy.

But she wronged Wang Yin on this point, Wang Yin was not the one who met her by the main body, but the real blood avatar who met her, and the real blood avatar often only has a trace of the main body consciousness, unless all the avatars and the main body die, this consciousness will quickly Recovering the memory, it is normal not to remember her.

The man who was also one of his childhood playmates was ecstatic when he learned that the woman had finally opened the Dream Realm of the Kingdom of God. She stalked her until she helped him open the Kingdom of God. The husband and wife went to the Moon Palace in the upper realm to seek develop.

Now Yuexing has set up several trial bases, all of which are plundered by Wang Yin and the human elites who have broken through the star life, from the real spirit space, crystal star, flame star and other nearby different spaces and affiliated worlds. Killing high-level life monsters from other worlds can not only improve their strength, but also absorb their life essence to nourish the monsters and spirits in their own kingdom of God.

The human race that cultivates demons no longer needs to rely on killing monsters in their own kingdom of God to improve their abilities. The monsters and spirit beasts in their own kingdom of God have become pure auxiliary resources for the human race, and they can still absorb external energy and continue to grow.

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