The Heavens Come

Chapter 29 The best partner of the old cunt, perfect for attracting hatred

The vampire who appeared on the street seemed to have been ordered to act suddenly, and rushed towards Maomei and the other three.

"They're starting to attack, hurry up and hide!" Maomei shouted quickly, pointing to a grocery store not far away, they were blocked in the street and besieged, hiding in the grocery store is the best choice!

Onijima Satomi rushed to the grocery store and slashed open the door of the grocery store. Maomei ran to the side of the fat man. The fat man was lying on the ground dying, unable to speak, but he was struggling to get up. The younger sister bent down and grabbed the fat man's arm, and carried the fat man onto his shoulders...

The fat man's weight of two hundred catties is nothing to the muscular girl Mao!

They rushed into the grocery store in a hurry, and the swarm of vampires had already rushed over, grouping up the grocery store and trying to rush into the door. Constantly stretched in.

The fat man was placed on the ground by Maomei leaning against the counter, while she and Onijima Satomi brandished weapons to intercept the vampires rushing in.

This is how the bloody killing began!


The invisible Ye Chui didn't go into the grocery store with Maomei and the others.

He quickly came to a big tree next to him, climbed up the big tree, stood on a branch, opened his bow and arrow and aimed at the vampires, and the vampires swarmed. Even if he didn't have high-quality shooting skills, he could shoot blind Medium vampire.

But just as he was about to shoot arrows for support, the branches under his feet suddenly pressed down slightly.

Someone came to his side!

Ye Chui's body tensed up, and the movement of his hands stopped.

Cautiously looking to the side, Ye Chui was stunned to see the Vampire Duke standing on the tree trunk on the other side of him, watching the vampire swarm besiege the grocery store with fanatical and serious eyes.

The Duke's previous injuries have healed, his severed arm has grown back, and he has a brand new suit.

Is this the elegance of a vampire?

Ye Chui's heart was instantly alert, could it be that the Vampire Duke had discovered him just now?

No... Judging by the look of the Vampire Duke, he didn't actually notice Ye Chui, probably he just thought this tree was more suitable for observation, so he appeared here.

Feeling slightly relieved, Ye Chui pointed the arrow in his hand at the Vampire Duke, but then he put away the bow and arrow again.

The higher the vampire level is, the harder it is to kill, and it may have some special abilities. Just now he stabbed Marcos several times with a silver knife before stabbing him to death. The vampire duke must have a much higher level than Marcos. He is the ultimate boss of this game, and ordinary arrows dipped in garlic juice may not be able to kill him at all.

And his reflexes are stronger, Ye Chui has no confidence that he can escape smoothly after stabbing him like before.

It has to be handled with care.

At this moment, with a few exclamations from Maomei and Kuanlimei, the fighting in the grocery store was over.

Ye Chui looked towards the direction of the grocery store with a worried expression. He saw that vampires were dragging the bodies of Maomei, Onijima Satomi, and Fatty out of the grocery store. He suffered a lot of injuries, his body was covered in blood, his weapon was thrown away, and his arms were firmly restrained by the vampire. The fat man received special treatment, his mouth was blocked, and his body was tied up like a piece of braised pork belly.

Without Ye Chui's "magic" support, they were soon swarmed up and arrested by the vampires.

However, they were only injured, not bitten—in the eyes of the Vampire Duke, these three people were special, and he wanted to transform them himself!

This made Ye Chui heave a sigh of relief.

The Vampire Duke on the branch saw the three being subdued, relieved, slid down from the tree dexterously, and walked towards the scarred three with a cruel smile.

Ye Chui hastily and carefully slid down from the tree, and took out the sharpened silver table knife in his hand.

"Where did that Asian man go?" The Vampire Duke asked in a cold voice.

Maomei and Onijima Satomi looked at the Duke angrily, but did not speak.

Fatty has lost consciousness.

"Don't tell? It doesn't matter. After you are transformed, you can't wait to tell me." The Duke said, with fangs exposed through the gap, he couldn't wait to come to the fat man, grabbed the fat man's neck, and lifted the fat man up.

"Uh, uh, uh..." Fatty moaned.

"You seem to know some kind of magic. I'm curious. When I transform you into a vampire, what will your magic look like..." the Vampire Duke said curiously, and he grinned and bit the fat man's throat.

During the siege of the vampires just now, the fat man never made a move, which proved that he no longer had the ability to do it, so the Duke felt at ease.

He is different from a rookie vampire like Mattes, he waits until he is absolutely sure that the fat man has lost his powers before attacking him!

The mouth is about to bite the fat man.

"good chance!"

But Ye Chui found the right time, hurriedly walked behind the fat man, and with the cover of the fat man's fat body, held the table knife with both hands and pointed it at the Duke of Vampire's chest. body of.



The Vampire Duke let out a scream, and his reaction was really quick. His body stepped back in an instant, and the fat man's body was thrown away with a bang.

The Duke's body fell three or four meters away, and the flames on his chest began to burn, but he was a vampire Duke after all. Although being stabbed by a silver knife made him very uncomfortable, it would not directly turn into scum like other vampires.

"His strength is not exhausted yet! Catch him!"

The Vampire Duke turned pale with fright, this human being is really cunning, he must have deliberately not used his divine power just now, and let himself mistakenly think that his divine power was exhausted, so that he could relax his vigilance and approach him before attacking!

But your calculations are useless, this level of attack can't kill me!

He looked warily at the place where the fat man fell and flew.

The fat man fell to the ground, his legs seemed to twitch, and he seemed to have no ability to resist at all, pitiful...

The other vampires were also instructed by the duke, and they rushed up and pressed the fat man to the ground.

"..." Ye Chui looked at the fat man silently, and then looked at the vampire duke. Under the invisibility ability of the Lord of the Rings, the duke didn't notice his existence at all, and attributed all the damage he suffered to the fat man.

At this moment, the Vampire Duke was panting violently, his body arched slightly, the wound on his chest made him very painful, and his eyes were focused on the fat man.

Ye Chui continued to approach with the knife in his hand, and came to the side of the Vampire Duke, making gestures with the silver table knife in his hand.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the method his father taught him to kill chickens when he was a child, and thought of his father's teaching: the shot must be ruthless, accurate, and steady...

He aimed at the Vampire Duke's neck and stabbed it again.

Then he was worried about being attacked by the vampire duke, so he quickly backed away.

But it turns out his worries were unfounded.

The vampire Duke's neck was stabbed and did not attack him at all. Instead, he screamed while covering his neck wound: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can


Fatty is really the best partner for the old and naughty, perfect for attracting hatred!

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