The Heavens Come

Chapter 68: The Tiny Maniac!

The figure of the vulture shot by Ye Chui disappeared, leaving only Ian lying on the ground—although Ma Wo, the male protagonist of Sin City, was still alive and kicking even if he was shot several times, but it was exchanged for the opponent's fighting ability. Ian isn't the real Marvo after all.

He is a survivor and does not disappear after death.

When Ye Chui walked over, he saw that his eyes were wide open, and he looked like he was dying.

It can be said that the vultures would attack because of Ye Chui, but Ye Chui himself was not prepared to let them die like this, as long as he persisted for less than half a minute, Ye Chui could finish all the vultures.

It was Hannah who really killed Ian!

"If you want to blame, blame you for making the wrong choice at the beginning and becoming a companion with them."

Ye Chui whispered to himself.

Ian's corpse can't be wasted, while it's still warm... Ye Chui quickly took out the book of the blood god and started to devour it.

If you ignore the corpse, when the game is over, all existence of Ian will be completely obliterated by the gods. Ye Chui devours his corpse and can transform the corpse into blood energy. Compared to being obliterated, this may be more important to Ian. It is also a good thing, at least his existence has left some benefits for others.

Ian quickly disappeared without a trace. A large amount of blood energy has been stored in the Blood God Book, but Ye Chui can feel that the amount is at least twice that of when he devoured Kameyama Saburo. After all, his own The strength is different.

After tidying up Ian, Ye Chui was about to search for Hannah and the others, when bursts of gunshots suddenly came back from a distance.

And this time the gunshot was not the sound of a pistol or a submachine gun, but a continuous "da da da" sound, which was the sound of a machine gun!

"This doesn't look like a vulture. Could it be that other desert lunatics have come here?" Ye Chui's spirit was shaken, and he hurriedly ran towards the direction of the gunshots.

Soon he came to the place where he was teleported to the battlefield in the first place.

There is the junction of the mountains and the desert, and at this time Ye Chui saw a convoy of four chariots appearing there, and some armed lunatics were surrounding Hannah and Pilawa.

"These people..." Ye Chui's face was slightly startled, "They are the lunatics of Bullet Farm!"

Bullet Farm is a force in Max World, responsible for the production of arms. Because it has a water deal with Undead Joe, it is controlled by Undead Joe. As bullet farm fanatics, these guys will naturally not lack various Bullets, they are also the strongest force in the armed forces.

At this time, there were four vehicles appearing on the side of the mountain, and each vehicle had three or four lunatics holding various weapons in their hands.

One of the cars is quite special, it is said to be a car, but the wheels have been replaced with tank chains, which makes the car look a little more cool and becomes a tank car.

The car was open, and a tall man with a cold face was standing in it, wearing armor made of bullets.

"This guy is the bullet farmer!" Ye Chui recognized him immediately.

Killing him will reward you with 500 points!

At the same time, Ye Chui also saw that there were some obviously differently dressed people on those cars, who were tied up and thrown into the back of the car. They were obviously all participants in the game, and God would not let the participants die without a doubt. After they are sent to the battlefield and appear in the desert, they will soon encounter desert lunatics and arrest them-of course they can choose to resist during this process, but facing the brutal lunatics, I am afraid that the result of resistance will be to be killed. kill.

For these desert lunatics, people themselves are a kind of resource, they can do hard work, or develop them into their own combat power.

"It seems that those vultures didn't kill Ian immediately because of this reason." Ye Chui thought to himself.

And just now Pilawa and Hannah left the mountain with the motorcycle view, and they ran into the madmen from the bullet farm head-on. Hannah was caught off guard and had to bow her head and catch her.

Pilawa and Hannah belonged to the survivors with only two to three thousand points accumulated. In the exchange of God, a machine gun is worth 1,000 points. Facing the lunatics with live ammunition, they have little room to resist.

Ye Chui looked around, but didn't see John's figure, and didn't know where the spring man jumped to.

He saw the bullet farmer directing his subordinates to tie up Pilawa and Hannah and throw them into his tank. The bullet farm convoy was ready to return and leave. The mountains are the territory of vultures, so they dare not act rashly into the mountains.

But how could Ye Chui let them leave like this?

He hurriedly rushed down the mountain to get close to the leaving convoy, and quickly caught up with the last car in the convoy—Ye Chui, who had the physique of Alice, and had no problem charging in a short distance.

These chariots have all been refitted, and their appearance is tattered, but their performance is very good. In addition to the three or four armed lunatics equipped on each vehicle, there are also two or three captured ordinary gamers in the back of the tank. By.

However, with such a large load, the speed of the car is not fast.

After Ye Chui approached the car, he slowed down, avoiding making too much noise to attract the attention of the lunatics who were vigilantly holding their guns and scanning the surroundings. He came to the side of the car, took out the blade in his hand, bared, and turned the car One of the tires was punctured.

The chariot stopped immediately.

"What happened?" Someone in the front team shouted.

"Tire failure!" The driver shouted after getting out of the car to check.

"Fix it quickly and catch up!" The people in the front team responded, the team didn't stop, and continued on their way, leaving the last chariot to stop for repairs.

They have no reason to stop the entire convoy just because one car breaks down. Desert lunatics don't have much camaraderie. Will help out.

A total of four lunatics on the punctured chariot got out of the car and quickly began to repair the blown tires. There were spare tires on the car—the heavy truck tires of the protagonist and his party in the movie blew out. Fortunately, there were spare tire.

And when these lunatics swiftly removed the broken tires and installed new ones, Ye Chui swiftly moved, and with the sound of barking, he cut their throats swiftly with the blade.

The four lunatics fell to the ground and disappeared.

Ye Chui glanced at the ordinary participants who were arrested in the back of the chariot. They were lying together in panic with their hands and feet tied, and their mouths and eyes covered. Ye Chui walked over to cut one of them. The rope in your hand, then ignore them and continue to chase towards the convoy.

He chooses to save these participants, not because of kindness, but because saving others can earn points.

Ye Chui charged again quickly, and quickly caught up with the convoy in the vast desert. They had just moved forward and were not too far away. Under the obstruction of sand and dust, they did not realize what happened to the car behind.

Ye Chui came to the side of the second chariot, barked, and punctured the tire of this chariot again with the blade.

So the second chariot fell behind.

After Ye Chui waited for them to repair the badly damaged tire, he immediately took action to deal with these lunatics and rescued the ordinary participants who were arrested.

Then continue to chase the convoy.

In the process he found plenty of fun—

Tire-piercing maniac, tire-piercing for you online!

There are so few recommendation votes, if you like this book, please vote for it~~~Thank you~~~ In addition, Ma Wo, the male protagonist of Sin City, is translated into Ma Fu in some movies, so I will explain it specially~~

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