The Heavens Come

Chapter 790: All the members are suppressed, but when he comes to him, the style of painting changes


Countless chains were entangled layer by layer, and Satomi's power to fight gradually weakened, and the black flame burning on her body also gradually weakened. The power of the black phoenix continued to decay, and finally completely extinguished.

Whoosh, Satomi waved and threw the Japanese sword in his hand at the gatekeeper, but this rank is only a high-quality samurai sword. When it was about to fall on the gatekeeper, the gatekeeper just snapped his fingers casually, and the sword fell Immediately, he stabbed the knife straight into the ground in front of him. The gatekeeper still had a gentlemanly smile on his face, and stepped on the samurai sword. Swish, the samurai sword disappeared into the ground in an instant.

Satomi's body was dragged into Solomon's body, snapped, and Solomon was locked up.

The illusory Solomon did not disappear. The gatekeeper sensed something. His eyes turned to a direction in the darkness, and a fluttering sound of wings came from that direction. Claudia turned into a group of blood bats and rushed towards him. Coming over, the gatekeeper's face was still very calm, he held the huge crutch-like key in his hand, and was about to make an attack.

But suddenly, with a bang, a dull gunshot sounded behind him.

Among the group of blood bats, many bats exploded, and their bodies turned into bloody water. The bats swarmed on the ground next to Solomon, and the bloody water merged to form a small figure of Claudia. She had been walking in the open space in front of Helm's Deep. Everywhere, when they saw Satomi being dragged into Solomon, they rushed to help immediately. The mentally handicapped loli looked up at Solomon, who was tens of meters tall and had an illusory texture, raised her calf and kicked up, shouting: " Satomi, Satomi!"

"..." Claudia's reaction made the gatekeeper a little puzzled... How could Solomon, who was able to imprison the Black Phoenix, be destroyed by you with two kicks like this?

This legendary item was made by the God King himself back then, and it was used to hold the prison for those demons who invaded the land from the west to the east!

Just as this thought appeared in his mind, his body shook. He saw that as Claudia kicked Solomon with her tiny feet, Solomon's illusory and huge body suddenly began to tremble, and there were tiny cracks appearing on the ground that was overcome. Where Claudia kicked.

...Is this retarded loli so strong?

"This girl is a blood god vampire." A cold voice sounded behind the gatekeeper. When the gatekeeper turned his head to look, he found that the person who spoke was very strong, with thick hair, and was full of strange props. , he was holding a shotgun in his hand, and he was the one who fired the shot just now. After seeing this man, the gatekeeper was instinctively afraid, and whispered, "Van Helsing, I didn't expect you to appear here."

The legendary demon hunter Van Helsing!

"The Book of Life and Death summoned us back..." Van Helsing turned his head and glanced in the direction of Mordor. This rough-looking, well-known demon hunter in mythology and history is actually a man with a delicate mind. "The real Solomon has long been It was destroyed, the Nile River, the Trident of the Sea Emperor, Odin's divine power, these legendary powers and items have long since ceased to exist, and the book of life and death only brought part of the power."

"Is that so..." The gatekeeper frowned, looking at Solomon who was being kicked by that little lolita.

"The owner of the book of life and death summoned us in order to suppress the enemy, and the purpose of my summoning is to deal with this vampire." Fan Helsing continued. He has already judged that the most important person on the other side is Meow, Tessa, Satomi and Claudia.

Poseidon, the emperor of the sea, was summoned to restrain Meow Meow, the king of gods was summoned to restrain Tessa, the gatekeeper was summoned to restrain Satomi, and Van Helsing was summoned to get rid of the blood god Lolita in front of him.

Quickly reloading the demon hunting gun in his hand, Van Helsing walked towards Claudia, bang, and shot at the retarded loli without hesitation.

Van Helsing may be the most famous demon hunter. There are many descriptions about Van Helsing in the film and television era. It is said that Nicholas, the originator of vampires, died in his hands (in fact, he is not), and the deceased Van Helsing in front of him is history. The Van Helsing who really existed in the world.

He is actually not a hero like in the legends. On the contrary, although he is a demon hunter, he is also a murderous demon himself. The reason why he became a demon hunter is because he enjoys the feeling of killing.

Demons are more powerful to kill than humans.

After his death, many legends about him were handed down. Some writers created the heroic image of Van Helsing based on his deeds. In the film and television era, he became the most representative demon nemesis in film and television dramas.

Van Helsing's demon-slaying bullet was shot out, but Claudia's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Her figure flickered silently, and when Van Helsing was vigilantly searching around, a small figure appeared in midair behind Van Helsing, "You were the one who shot me just now, right?" Claudia said with a bit of anger. The voice suddenly sounded.

boom! He kicked Van Helsing on the head.

As a result, Fan Helsing's huge figure was kicked out, and he rolled several times on the ground. Now the half-orc army has begun to charge towards Helm's Deep, and the surroundings are densely packed with half-orcs. Fan Helsing's rolling body directly crushed him to death. After a while, he quickly got up from the ground, and his deformed face quickly returned to normal, revealing a face full of anger.

But one by one blood bats had already flew in front of him in an instant, and Van Helsing hastily clenched his gun and pointed at Claudia.

Claudia's figure condensed, her little hand grasped the barrel of Van Helsing's shotgun, and bent the barrel directly, a sneer appeared on her cute little face, and she kicked her calf, so Van Helsing's body once again Being kicked into the air, he flew straight into the sky perpendicular to the ground, and when his body slowly stopped rising in mid-air and was about to start falling, Claudia's figure once again condensed above his body.

boom! With another kick, Fan Helsing's body began to fall straight from the sky, and with a bang, his body hit the ground hard.

The gatekeeper standing next to him saw this scene: "..."

I just listened to Fan Helsing's analysis so logically, it seems to be the case, in fact, they are indeed suppressing the lineup, the Sea King suppressed the Sea King, the true god suppressed the false god, and he also suppressed the Black Phoenix, but how did Van Helsing respond? thing? The style of painting has changed...

"Aren't you a blood god vampire?" Van Helsing, whose body had been deformed after falling to the ground, struggled to get up from the ground. While recovering quickly, he said to Claudia who had condensed again in front of him, "Why are you completely Don't fight like blood gods and vampires!"

He has ten thousand ways to restrain blood magic!

Claudia put her hands on her hips and looked proud: "I can't!"


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