The Heavens Come

Chapter 99: Corpse Control and Corpse Fighting

Ye Chui checked the new options in the redemption list.

In the item column, there are many more items involved in the movie. Zombies can be exchanged for weapons, including the corpse of the Jiang family, the terracotta zombie, the millennium zombie king, and ordinary zombies. The exchange price is not expensive, but the ability of the zombies is greatly affected. The restrictions are similar to zombies.

Zombies exchanged in this way cannot extract blood spirits.

Among the items, there are many more talisman papers, magical instruments and other items used by Maoshan Taoist priests.

There are two more types of blood in the column, one is the blood of the technique, and the other is the blood of the warrior.

Needless to say, the blood of the technique, the blood of the warrior comes from the head of the Jiang family in the movie, who is a master of martial arts.

As for the ability column, this time, we have added Maoshan Taoism, Xiangxi Exorcism, and some martial arts skills from the head of the Jiang family. In addition, there are mana and internal energy that can be exchanged.

Both mana and internal power are based on time. The three-month internal power is worth 300 points, and the level of mana is higher. The three-month mana requires 500 points. Similar to the maximum internal power of a hundred years, mana can only be exchanged for at most. to a hundred years of mana.

After Ye Chui exchanged the blood, there were 12060 points left. He thought for a moment and chose the item to exchange.

First of all, he spent 1,000 points in exchange for the Wuzhu secret art in Maoshan Taoism. This secret art is related to the way of spells and describes the effects of various spells.

If the way of spells is compared to programming, the secret technique of witchcraft is the foundation of programming language, and it is something that every magician must learn when getting started.

Ye Chui's previous experience in comprehending the magician in the general's tomb hall has benefited a lot from the magic technique, and other Maoshan Taoist techniques can be temporarily omitted.

Xiangxi Expelling Corpse Art is a system of techniques related to zombies, including several chapters such as controlling corpses, fighting corpses, and killing corpses.

Ye Chui exchanged 3,000 points for the chapters on controlling corpses and fighting corpses.

The Corpse Control Chapter is a method to control and drive away zombies - the Corpse Control Technique used by Wang Qi before is just a simple method in the Corpse Control Chapter that can be exchanged for another.

Fighting zombies is to drive zombies to fight, which can help zombies develop some special abilities.

Ye Chui is going to exchange the Corpse Fighting Chapter to help Xiaomei improve.

Although Xiaomei is said to be the pinnacle of jade corpses, she seems to have no other abilities other than being a good at housework and cooking delicious food. Does the pan play?

These cost Ye Chui four thousand points, and then Ye Chui spent another six thousand points in exchange for three years of mana.

This is equivalent to Ye Chui's acquisition of the mana accumulated by a sorcerer who has devoted himself to practicing sorcery for three years. When the exchange is over, Ye Chui immediately feels a warm energy in his body, and he can drive this energy , doing many incredible things.

There are two thousand points left.

Ye Chui spent 300 points to exchange for the blood spirit of the zombie king, and used 700 points to exchange for a lot of terracotta zombie blood spirits and Jiang family's corpse blood spirits. The zombies in his own family have enough snacks For a long time.

For the last thousand points, Ye Chui exchanged 500 points for a lot of red pens and yellow paper used to draw talismans, as well as peach wood swords, sanqing bells, rulers and other magic tools for making.

He left the last 500 points for future plans, checked the list of survivors, and prepared to leave the game space.

[Survivors in this game: 105 people.

Death toll: 45.

The number of people who are eligible to continue the game and are determined to continue: 5 people.

Please be careful not to disclose the existence of the game in any form, otherwise you will be obliterated by the gods!

You can leave now, do you want to leave? 】

"Among the five people who are qualified to continue, there are me, Mei Mao, Satomi, and Zacks. The werewolf Mien was kicked away by the mysterious girl, but he didn't die." Ye Chui thought to himself, "That masked girl really is It’s from that mysterious organization, her name can’t be found on the list, it’s as if she doesn’t exist at all!”

"Leave!" Ye Chui continued.

The golden light descended, and Ye Chui returned to the villa after a while.

"Hey--" Xiao Mei, who was standing on the side of the living room, saw Ye Chui's safe return, and immediately jumped up happily, and she looked indescribably happy when she came to Ye Chui's side.

In her feeling, Ye Chui has actually been on the sofa without moving, but she understands that Ye Chui's body did not disappear when the clock passed twelve o'clock, which proves that he has safely returned from the game.

"Master, welcome back!"

"I said that I will definitely come back." Ye Chui looked at his own zombie with a smile, enjoying the feeling of someone welcoming him back, then he stood up and stretched his finger to Xiaomei's forehead.

"Master?" Xiaomei panicked.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Ye Chui said with a smile, pressing his fingers on the yellow talisman on Xiaomei's forehead, and holding the token of the magic circle with his other hand.

The token is equivalent to the key of the magic circle here. Having the token is equivalent to gaining the control of the magic circle. Xiaomei is bound to the magic circle. With the token, she can completely control her behavior. Ye Chui wants to cultivate Xiaomei Mei, naturally would be wary of someone getting a token to use his power leveling to attack him, so he wants to completely gain control of Xiao Mei.

Use the corpse control chapter to turn her into your own exclusive zombie under full control.

"Master..." Xiaomei felt a tyrannical force invade her will, and she instinctively felt panic.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, let go of your defenses." Ye Chui comforted.

After exchanging the Witch Blessing Secret Technique and the Corpse Controlling Chapter, he immediately became proficient in the way of spells and the technique of controlling corpses. Coupled with the understanding of the mystic magician, it is easy to completely gain Xiaomei's control, let alone the power to control the corpse. With the token of the magic circle, Xiaomei's resistance to him was already extremely weak.

Ye Chui is now like hacking into a computer with his account and password, so easy!

At this moment, Ye Chui's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Chui was stunned, and continued to work with one hand, and the hand holding the token picked up the phone to connect, and found that it was Lan Yinger calling.

She probably wanted to make sure that Ye Chui continued to survive with good luck.

"I'm busy now, I'll contact you later." Ye Chui said before Lan Yinger could speak.

"You really survived..." Lan Yinger responded, and Xiaomei's anxious and frightened cry suddenly sounded, and Lan Yinger was taken aback when she heard the sound, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing..." Ye Chui didn't have time to talk to Lan Yinger, he comforted Xiaomei in a gentle voice, "Xiaomei, you have to relax and let me in, I promise it won't hurt."

"Hey..." Xiaomei cried out in an extremely weak voice.

"Yes, that's it, let go of your defenses, I've come in, I'll be very gentle..." Ye Chui's voice was indescribably gentle.


"It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but soon you will have a feeling of dizziness, as if walking on clouds, it doesn't matter, I will always be by your side..." Ye Chui continued. Yun, for a zombie with intelligence, gentle words are beneficial to undo the imprint in its body, allowing it to accept the imprint of its new owner more quickly.

Lan Yinger on the other side of the phone was silent: "..."

Pop, turn off the phone.

Ye Chui threw the phone aside.

His will has already entered Xiaomei's consciousness. According to the content of the Corpse Control Chapter, Xiaomei's original control seal has been cleared, and his own spell has been successfully imprinted on Xiaomei's will, completely gaining Xiaomei's control. of control.

From today on, he can use his mind to communicate with Xiaomei even if he doesn't hold the token.

Even if she took off the yellow talisman on her forehead and became berserk, she would not attack Ye Chui.

After finishing the corpse control, Ye Chui withdrew his consciousness and sat on the sofa panting slightly tired.

Xiaomei was even more exhausted, sitting beside Ye Chui, her face was flushed and she was out of breath.

"Master, I..." Xiaomei had some doubts.

"From today onwards, you are my zombie." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Come on, I have another good thing for you to eat."

"What is it?" Xiaomei asked hastily.

"I promise you will like it, but I don't know if you can bear it..."

Please recommend tickets for collection... Everyone should not think wrongly, I believe everyone is pure... I forgot to mention it yesterday, and I will make it up today. Happy New Year everyone~~~

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