The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 423: Talent Academy

The day before the exam day, the college became lively. The popular boy Dong Niel brought public opinion and brought a little restless air to the closed campus like a backwater.

Tops felt that the sky was about to fall, but Linde thought this was a good thing. He had seen through the rigid operating system in the academy. The mages gathered in their respective schools and classrooms, closing their eyes and listening.

The lecturers in the classroom seem to be of the same kind, but in fact they are outright academic authorities. They have deep-rooted family prejudices and spare no effort to suppress new ideas. They have become an obstacle to progress.

In the final analysis, the college has been stable for too long. Days pass by, and every day is similar and repetitive, which makes people lose the motivation to move forward.

So it's really a good thing to let a few catfish in and revive the dead fish in this stagnant water.

As a latecomer, Tops has no foundation or influence in the academy. If he can withstand the joint pressure of the four major schools, he will definitely be regarded as a benchmark figure by the apprentices, and new students can be created around him. The trend of thought will clear away the stale atmosphere in the college.

In the evening of that day, Linde took Melina and Millicent to find the three masters and apprentices of Tops. They met and made friends, and prepared to have dinner together. By the way, they discussed countermeasures and how to deal with tomorrow's assessment. In short, that's How to help Millicent and Jasmine cheat.

But before dinner preparations started, many greedy mages took the initiative to visit Tops. Of course they came to have a meal, but in the name of academic exchange.

What academic topics can be discussed at the dinner table? It's nothing more than whether the roasted lamb leg is tender or not, whether the chili noodles are fragrant or not. To put it nicely, it is "Introduction to Mammalian Leg Skeletal Muscle Density and Flavor Factor Concentration" and "Experiments on the Stimulation of Dried Chili Grinding Materials on Pain Sensory Nerves" data".

These guys came here to eat, and they brought a mouth and a pair of knives and forks, and they would sacrifice anything just for a bite to eat.

Tops is a good gentleman. He is not good at refusing and basically responds to requests. In order to prepare food for his colleagues, he has to download the dungeon to buy ingredients.

The copy of "Electric Sheep Rolling" is basically not difficult, and it is a very suitable place to collect ingredients.

After clearing the normal level difficulty, the elite level difficulty is opened. The mission requirements remain the same. The difference is that the number of sheep has increased, and the electric sheep's aggressiveness and attack power have been improved. The leader sheep also has an additional move of savage charging.

Tops relied on the distance advantage of the pyroxene spell to keep distance from the sheep, and finally killed the leader with the simple pyroxene magic gravel.

The few soldiers cheered and came up to pick up the corpse. They stood not far away and waved to Tops, as if they knew he was about to leave.

Tops didn't know the origins of these guys. Judging from the logos on their clothes, they seemed to be soldiers from the royal city of Rodel. The copy intercepts a period of history after the Broken Ring era and the Shard War.

Topps guessed that they improved their food by hunting in their spare time after the war. Seeing the vague simplicity and perseverance on the faces of the soldiers, the horrific offensive and defensive battles littered with corpses did not defeat these soldiers, and they were not casualties in the war, nor cold war machines, but living beings with joy, anger, sorrow, and knowledge. Ordinary people who are greedy for mutton.

Suddenly he couldn't help but raise his hand and wave it goodbye.

"You have completed the soldier's commission, the dungeon mission has been completed, the rewards have been settled, and you can return at any time."

"Exiting the copy world..."

"Mission reward: 19 candle coins, soldier's crossbow (white and ordinary), electric sheep's horn powder*3 (white and ordinary)"

"The elite difficulty has been cleared. The king difficulty is unlocked. Get a chance to draw a copy."

Tops carried the plump sheep back to the real world. The little apprentice Jasmine clapped her hands happily, and the surrounding mages also showed salivating expressions.

There were about twenty mages who came to have dinner tonight, and there were even lecturers from the four major sects. Although they were the ones who put Tops in trouble, they still came and deliberately took off their hoods to clear the air. .

In short, everyone was still a little embarrassed when they met. Most of them pretended to look around unintentionally, raised their fists to their mouths, coughed twice, and looked at each other with smiles, all looking like they were having trouble holding back.

Tops ignored the past suspicions. He also knew that these lecturers were not the promoters of the incident. The criticism and hostility against the force field magic system in the college had never diminished, so this test was bound to come sooner or later.

Seeing the huge number of visitors, Linde, who was present, suggested that we simply find an open space, hold a dinner party, and invite all the mages who could be invited over, so that everyone could have a lively atmosphere.

Tops was a little confused. His plan was to give the sheep to the mages and let them take it to the canteen to cook it.

But since it was Linde's suggestion, Topps would not refute it, even if it meant he had to play a few more instances to collect ingredients.

Millicent and Melina volunteered. They are also players on the Silver Network.

The initial copy that Millicent drew was "Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals". The difficulty of the copy was "dangerous". It was located in the Lieniya Lake area and the task was to kill giant lobsters and giant crabs.

Melina's initial dungeon is "Bear Infested" with a difficulty level of "Hard". It is located in the fog forest area of ​​​​Nimgofu. Her mission is to help wandering merchants escape from the pursuit of adult rune bears.

These two dungeons can collect fish, shrimps, seafood, bear meat and berries. They have all the delicacies from the mountains and seas. Even if the ingredients are still monotonous, they can still host a good banquet, especially Linde, the magical chef, who can turn decay into magic. It can create a bright color, flavor and flavor from ordinary food.

The final activity location was arranged in the square outside the discussion room. The mages gathered their friends, set up magic barriers to protect them from the rain, set up ovens, puppets moved desks to serve as dining tables, and spread dusty tablecloths to cover the scratches. The table tops were turned out, the oxidized and blackened silver wine glasses, and the old and broken crystal dinner plates were unearthed from the cupboards. An old mage was invited to bring out the pyroxene phonograph and play ancient music from before the golden tree era.

All old and discarded things regain their former value because of this thriving dinner party.

Academy mages are like a group of bookworms lying in a museum, gnawing at wisdom in a daze, but one day they finally see clearly the heavy history flowing behind them.

The chief instructor of Shuangxian Classroom was sitting in the dark and smelly cafeteria, slowly dismantling crabs.

"Professor Siegfried." A dual-sage mage walked up to the lecturer and bent down, and said softly, "Many people gathered in the fountain square outside the discussion room. They were all going to attend the banquet held by the Tops School, Kaleros , Olivines, Laszli, and the Crystallographic School, everyone has gone, and we have also received invitations, do you think we should go to the appointment? "

Siegfried paused for a moment while opening the crab, and said without raising his head: "Has Professor Wastestone learned to win over people? It's too late. Tomorrow's qualification assessment has already been approved by Lenara, and there is no way to withdraw it. Let him enjoy the last moment of public attention. When his classroom collapses, go and take over the materials in person, and be sure not to let people in other classrooms get there first."

Siegfried played with the boring crab shell and commented coldly: "Although it is a 'waste rock', when it shines, I wonder, is it a meteor or a comet?"

Master Shuangxian hesitated for a moment, but did not leave.

"What? Is it possible that you also want to attend their party?"

"Of course... uh, no, it's not."

"What's going on? Who is going to the banquet?" Siegfried saw the clues from the disciple's hesitation, "I must have gone to Naples, right? You're a sanctimonious guy."

"Yes, and not just Professor Naples."

"Is it possible that Botali also went there? His favorite disciple died in the hands of that Linde, so he should hate his group to the core, right?"

"Professor Bertali didn't go, but that's just him, and of course you."

Siegfried was speechless. He looked at his disciple in surprise and saw a trace of joyful desire in his eyes. This restless emotion should not have appeared in the withered heart of the academy mage.

"Anyone, please tell me."

"The chief lecturers of each university school, and..."


"Your Excellency Lenara, Queen of the Full Moon, and Rani, the Snow Witch."

Siegfried suddenly stood up, put down the crab shell in his hand, and strode outside.

"Where are you going?"

Siegfried turned his head and glared at his disciple, "Can't we go and eat?"

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