The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 10 Encounter and Test with Bakugo

When training in the morning, Izuku ran while touching his face.

"How hard did I pinch myself yesterday? How come my face hasn't disappeared until now..." Izuku didn't realize the reality of the dream at all.

"Um.... If you want to take the oath, you must find All Might's. If that kind of power is handed over to me, his own power will still weaken. Sure enough, I still don't want All Might to be NO. .1 I fell off the altar so quickly." The thin figure of All Might appeared in Izuku's head.

"Hehe, I still want to swear to him."

"Waijiu?" Just as Izuku was running with a smile on his face, Bakugo Katsuki didn't know when he followed him.

"Why is this guy's face swollen? What's the matter with that smile?" Bakugo carefully followed Izuku.

"Only this time, I will follow this trash." Bakugo looks like a trailing one...

Izuku did not follow his usual route this time, but ran towards the city center.

"Why did Feijiu suddenly become so able to run?" Bakugo gasped slightly, if he could not use [quirk], I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to catch up.

"Boss, bring me 500 grams of pork." Izuku raised his legs on the spot, and the butcher gave Izuku the cut pork.

"Brother, what's the matter with your face? Why is it swollen so big?"

"Huh? Has it gotten bigger?"

"It's really getting bigger." The boss carefully poked the swollen bag on Midoriya's face.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!" Izuku fell directly to the ground in pain.

"Eh, brother, are you okay!"

"Wai Jiu!" Bakugo ran over and pulled Izuku up when the boss came out to help Izuku.

"Fei Jiu, you trash, what are you doing? Your face is swollen like a pig."

"Sorry, sorry, it was my fault. I should have discovered this problem earlier, but Xiaosheng, why did you come here?"

"I...Of course I came here to buy pork. The boss brought me 500 grams of pork."

"Then if you want to buy meat, I won't bother you. I rushed back to apply the medicine and leave first." Izuku ran so fast, she was still very afraid of Xiaosheng as expected.

"This waste, I don't know if he has entered U.A. Forget it, just ask the old woman to cook pork chop rice today."

Bakugo looked at the pork in his hand with a depressed look, and then looked at the direction Izuku was going away, not knowing what he was thinking.

After returning home, Izuku immediately took the externally applied ointment and walked into the bathroom, facing the bathroom mirror and began to apply the plaster to himself. After applying the plaster, Izuku put a layer of plaster sticker on his face and looked at the mirror with a big face. On one side of himself, Izuku's obsessive-compulsive disorder attacked, and he also put a plaster sticker on the other half of his face.

Just when Izuku was considering whether to post another layer, his mobile phone rang suddenly. It was a text message from All Might.

Izuku took out his phone and read each word.

"At Seaside Park in the evening, All Might contacted me again!!!" Izuku was excited for a long time.

In the evening, Izuku trot all the way to the seaside park, where All Might waited for a long time.

"All Might!" Izuku looked at the All Might in normal mode in front of him with tears.

"Who is that!" In the small pavilion in the distance, two figures were there, as if they were dating.

"All Might!? Lie!? Where is it!?"

All Might whispered to Izuku.

"Say'I Admitted the Wrong Person' to me"

"I recognized the wrong person!" Izuku waved to the pavilion in shame.

"Congratulations, you are qualified." All Might reached out and high-five Izuku.

"Let me explain first, I didn't explain the relationship between you and me with the school."

"Because your personality may think that is not fair." "I didn't do a judge."

"But All Might is actually a teacher of U.A. It really surprised me."

"I didn't tell you before because this matter was not allowed to be spread before the school announced it."

"But ONE FOR ALL, I'm not proficient with Ben, and I can cripple myself with one punch and kick just like this time..." Izuku looked at his hands very guilty.

"Well, there is no other way. You can never say to a person who suddenly grows a tail,'Let him perform a show.' Then he can't use his tail as he pleases anyway, but after It's different after training."(Read more @

"Hmm... In other words, is this just the beginning for me?"

"That's it."

After a long night of talking, Izuku finally knew why he would break his hands and feet accidentally. It turned out to be the reason why he hadn't used it proficiently.

"This power still has to be familiarized." Izuku was called to the office by the teacher after class, and classmate Bakugo was there.

"Unexpectedly, there are two UA talents in our class, and one of them is...I won't say much. In short, I hope you will continue to work hard and don't let the teachers and classmates teach and care for you. "

"Thank you, teacher." ‘Except for the problem of studying, you don’t seem to take care of me at all. ’

"Cut~" ‘When did Laozi have been taken care of by you, and why the waste of Fei Jiu was admitted to U.A, cheating! ’

After leaving the office, Izuku was caught by Bakugo in the corner of the school.

"You trash! What kind of dirty means was used to pass the exam! Hurry up and transfer me to another school!!!" Bakugo grabbed Izuku by the collar and cursed violently.

"Sorry Xiaosheng, I can promise you all other conditions, but this is the only one I can't agree to." Izuku held Bakugo in one hand and grabbed his collar and said loudly to Bakugo:

"Because someone said to me, ‘I can be a Heroes’... he said to me, ‘This is what you won...’"

"So I will enter U.A!!!"


Until the beginning of school this morning, Izuku's face was still swollen.

"Izuku, are you really okay, did you bring everything?"

"I have to bring everything together, I have to leave now, it's too late." Izuku hurriedly put on his shoes.

"Then mom, I'm leaving."

"Izuku, today... super handsome!"

"Then I'm going!"

Half an hour later, Izuku ran to school on his own leg strength. Although the distance was a long way, he was already able to use the ONE FOR ALL ability more proficiently. It should be no problem to use it to drive on the road.

"Hey, I finally arrived. Isn't it enough to put too much iron in one breath?" Izuku felt that his feet could not be pulled out without much effort, just like stepping in mud.

"1-A 1-A, this school is too big." Izuku searched the teaching building for another ten minutes before finding his classroom.

"What a big door!" Izuku exclaimed as he looked at the door close to three meters in front of him.

"I hope no troublesome guy will show up..." Izuku opened the door, and as soon as he opened the door he saw that Bakugo was arguing with another person.

"It's over, they are the two most troublesome." When Izuku was in junior high school, Bakugo and the squad leader were the ones that feared the most. Now this person who quarrels with Bakugo is a model of the squad leader.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Izuku lowered his head to reduce his attention, but he was still spotted, and someone who looked like a squad leader reached out to him.

"You are the classmate of Midoriya Izuku, I am Ida Tenya who graduated from the smart private high school, hello." Izuku shook hands with Ida nervously.

"Ida is so good...No, ah, hello, I am Midoriya, please take care of Ida-san."

Just as Izuku and Ida Tenya exchanged names and contact information, another classmate opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, soft hair, small and transparent! It's actually you! I didn't expect you to be in this class too."

Uraraka Ochaco looked at Izuku excitedly.

"Just as Mr. Mike said! You are qualified!! But of course, your punch is really tired!!" Uraraka was also very excited.

"No, no, actually thanks to you to negotiate with them, I just..."

"Huh? Why do you know?"

"This one......."

After that, a few more students walked into the classroom, none of the eighteen seats were available.

"We are all here, so what about the teacher? Why haven't we here yet?"

"Maybe the teacher is waiting for us outside, everyone, let's go." Ida opened the door of the classroom, and suddenly a long yellow object appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Wow! Caterpillars!!!" Classmate Uraraka was afraid of caterpillars, not to mention such a big caterpillar.

"I'm not a caterpillar!!" Suddenly the long object stood up, and Uraraka realized that it was not a caterpillar but a person wrapped in a sleeping bag.

"Snoring." The person in the sleeping bag finished a bottle of drink that he didn't know what it was, and walked out of the sleeping bag.

"I'm your head teacher: Shouta, please take care of it. After all, you are very fast, so hurry up and wear gym suits and go to the playground." Aizawa Shouta spoke very fast, and at the same time he took out several sets of gym suits from his sleeping bag. , Throw it to the students.

A few minutes later, the last Izuku wearing a gym suit ran to the playground.

"Well, let's start the test of [quirk] mastery now."

"Eh, what about the entrance ceremony? How about the school visit?"

"As a Heroes, you don't have so much leisure time."


The teacher turned his head slightly to look at them and said:

"U.A is selling ‘freedom’, and this ‘freedom’ also applies to teachers.”

"Well, we have a total of eight events this time. Time is precious. Let's start right away. The first is softball throwing: Bakugo Katsuki."

‘Ah, eight items! I don't know if I can make it through. ’

Twenty minutes later, a nervous Izuku took the softball from Ida Tenya and stood in the softball throwing area.

"Okay, let's start, I'll say it again, the penultimate person will be expelled directly from the school..."

'What to do? What to do? What to do? My arm strength training hasn’t been finished yet! ! If you use [NOE FOR ALL] now, you will definitely give up your hands, what should I do! ’

"Hey! Are you throwing it or not? Don't be Heroes if you are so hesitant."

‘No matter what, use the strength of your arm first, and then at the moment you throw it out! Izuku raised the softball and threw it high.

‘Use your fingers [quirk]! ! ! "Zizizi~!" The softball directly broke the two-layer sound barrier and flew high into the sky.

"Sure enough, it still hurts!! But I can still move!! It's not like it was when I enrolled!!" Izuku held the purple index finger of his right hand and looked at the teacher.

"Well, isn't this pretty good ~ 705.2 meters."

"This is the result of having Heroes Fan..." Uraraka looked at Izuku happily.

"But my hands are swollen, even when I's really weird [quirk]" Ida said, touching his head.

"..." The only surprise is Bakugo, ‘what is this [quirk] all about! ! ! ! ’

"DEKU, explain to me clearly!!!" Bakugo rushed to Izuku regardless!

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