The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 102-All Might's Home Visit

On the third day after the Kanno incident, Izuku finally removed the bandage on his stomach. After confirming that there was no strange suture, Izuku tore off a piece of tape on his right chest, and a flesh-colored scar was lying there.

"I've been thinking about that thing in the last few days." Izuku touched the scar, then put the tape on again.

"All Might said today is going to visit the house, right? You have to get ready as soon as possible." Izuku casually found a short-sleeved shirt to wear, then opened the door, and his mother changed into a dress that she didn't usually wear. , Her expression is constantly changing.

‘Mom’s mind seems to be constantly changing. ’

"Mom, All Might is coming soon. Let's stand at the door to greet them." Izuku shook his head and patted his mother on the shoulder. At this time, he was already half a head taller than 160's mother. 167?

"Hmm...ok." Midoriya Yinzi took Izuku's hand and stood at the entrance of the entrance. Izuku's hands have become rough, and some places have been cocooned, and he rubbed those cocoons with his fingertips. Midoriya Yinzi squeezed. He pursed his lips.

"Zizi." The sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

"Click." The door opened.

"Ding Dong." The doorbell rang.

"Please come in." Yinzi's voice trembled with a trace.

"Excuse me." All Might's deep voice resounded. Accompanied by the sound of the door opening, the huge figure walked in. Izuku and Yinzi were stiffened all over. By the way, All Might is the first one this time. Come to your own home again.

"Please...Please come in." Yinzi said stiffly.

"Mom, calm down, calm down." Yinzi and Izuku turned and walked into the living room at the same time. Izuku and mother sat on the side of the table, and All Might sat across from them. Coffee and cake were placed on the table.

"I think you have been contacted before, regarding U.A's full-day accommodation..."

"Um...yes, about this..." Yinzi squeezed his clothes, Izuku glanced at his mother, is he still making a decision?

"I don't agree." Mother's answer was unexpected and reasonable.

"Mom! Didn't we discuss it?" Izuku stood up and looked at his mother.

"But, Izuku, I don't want to see you hurt again." Yinzi's eyes were misted.

"Izuku, there is no [quirk] but he admires you, Mr. All Might." Yinzi looked at All Might who was sitting opposite.

"But... Ever since he miraculously awakened [quirk] and entered U.A., he has been continuously injured."

"I saw your battle the previous two days on TV. As an ordinary citizen, I thank you for everything."

‘I should thank your son, he is really a qualified, no, good Heroes now. All Might glanced at Izuku, who was standing next to the guide. What did he experience before I met him.

"However, as a parent, I feel terrified. If Izuku will be as hard and painful as you in the future, then I think..." Yinzi's tears fell on the table.

"I think it's better to look at the Heroes from a distance without [quirk], maybe it would be happier."

Izuku straightened up. Whether he was going abroad to fight or studying at U.A., he always ignored his mother's feelings. This was a natural result.

"Moreover, I also heard about UA's current predicament, so I made the conclusion clear. As Izuku's mother, I dare not give my son to the current UA!" Yin Zi raised his head and looked directly at All Might. .


‘Am I going to drop out? ’

"Mother Izuku!" All Might slapped the table and stood up.

‘Izuku’s ability is much higher than yours. ’

"It has nothing to do with how good Heroes you are. You were attacked by Villain and couldn't go to class normally... The student was seriously injured and there was no way to stop it."(Read more @

"No mother, the injury is because of myself, and the teacher has persuaded me many times." Izuku raised his right hand, with scars on his right hand.

‘Wait? Are these scars on our hands so shallow? ’

"It turned out to be so, isn't it the school's responsibility?" Yinzi turned his head, trying not to look at the scars.

"Sit down, boy." All Might waved his hand to make Izuku sit down, and sat down on the chair again. This is the love of parents for their children.

"I may be the parent of monsters, but it doesn't matter even if I'm a monster. I don't want to deprive Izuku of my dream, but even if I don't go to U.A, there are many Heroes subjects in other places..."

The scene suddenly quieted down.

‘Ontology, even if you really don’t go to U.A, is it okay? ’

‘Mom’s mood, I have not been able to’

‘Is it okay even if you become normal again? ’

‘Well, it’s good to have some things once. Izuku took out the letter written to him by Yu Tai from his pocket.

"Mom, it doesn't matter if you don't go to U.A."

"Nani?" Not only All Might, but also Yinzi was shocked. She originally thought Izuku would resist strongly.

"Look, mom, I received a thank you letter. It was the child I saved during the stay together. He hated Heroes and even [quirk], but he said thank you." Izuku opened the letter and placed it on the table Going up, he remembered the face of Mu Tai that everyone owed him three Million, and he wanted to laugh a little.

"I'm not a climate yet, and I still need you to worry about it, but even for a moment, this letter and that child made me a Heroes, and I'm very happy."

"So it doesn't matter if I don't go to U.A. No matter which school, I will become a Heroes!" Izuku smiled and shed tears.

‘Ah, the tear duct is really going to be cut off, it’s very tiring to cry like this. ’

All Might stood up suddenly, walked in front of Izuku and Midoriya, and suddenly fell into his seat.

"I, I think, Izuku boy is suitable to be my successor, which means that he should be a symbol of peace."

"Huh? What! Wait a minute! Please don't do this! What are you doing?" Mom said hurriedly.

"As a symbol of peace now, I want to apologize."

"I am immersed in his worship and slack in his education. I apologize again." All Might said as he said, white smoke began to emanate from his body.

"Peng!" All Might shrank! !

Yinzi opened his eyes wide and his mouth opened wide.

‘Mum! All Might is discouraged! ’

‘You don’t need to translate. ’

"And as a U.A teacher, I have a plea." All Might's nose touched the floor.

"Indeed, the road I traveled was difficult and bloody."

"So, in order not to let him follow the same path, I want to spend time with him by his side."

"I can understand that you are uncomfortable with [now Heroes], but the Heroes of UA also think that this is not possible. They are also working hard to change. Could you please not focus on [now], but believe in Heroes [from now]? ?" Firmness and conviction flashed in the blue eyes.

"Please allow me to give everything I have to the boy Midoriya!!"

"Even if I pay this life, I will protect him and train him!"

Mother was shocked, and she also knelt on the ground.

"Husband and wife worship~~"

‘Stop talking! ! Izuku helped her mother.

"Or not....."

"Because you are what Izuku means to live." Mom put one hand on the floor.

"I don't hate U.A... I just want to make Izuku happier... So please live well! Train him." Yinzi looked at All Might.

"If this can be guaranteed, then I will give in."

"I promise." All Might said loudly.

"Then I beg you." Mom also made a half-hearted seat.

"Izuku, if you want to continue living in U.A, know what I want to say." Yinzi straightened up and looked at Izuku who was standing next to her.

"Yes! I definitely don't worry you!" Izuku wiped the tears from his face with the back of his hand, and said loudly with a smile.

Twenty minutes later, All Might, who had packed up his emotions, left Izuku's house. Izuku walked out and gave All Might.

"You have a good mother."

".........Yes." Izuku looked at the ground.

"She is very similar to the master and the predecessors."

"Huh? Mom?"

"The hairstyle is very similar..."


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