The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 114: Training and Doubts

The current Izuku was wrapped in a quilt, shivering while playing with his mobile phone.

‘Oh, why does Xiao Sheng still follow me in the novel world! I don't want to see you! ’

‘Why does Xiaosheng feel a little lingering, right? ’

‘I mean. ’

Suddenly a new comment appeared on the homepage.

Want to eat soba noodles:...

Anxious man: This familiar ID, classmate Boom is you, right!

I want to eat soba noodles: ... it looks good.

I want to make money: 嚯嚯! Does classmate H really like this kind of novel?

I want to eat soba noodles: Hmm... The picture of Midoriya is still too few, the author would like to write more.

I wanted to eat soba noodles and sent a "garden"

Izuku looked at the computer nervously.

‘Ahhh, classmate Hum may be disappointed, I won’t change my release plan.

Jonahgreen: Well, I'm sorry soba, I may not add Midoriya's role until 20 chapters.

I want to eat soba noodles: It’s okay. I’ll wait. Also, please write more pictures of Midoriya Izuku and Shoto Todoroki.

Sorrowful: Ouch! Boom the game high! !

Blast Killing Qing: Half of the face! ! Laozi blows you up! Author, you fucking write more of that trash and my picture to Laozi! !

Jonahgreen: This... I have to ask Midoriya, he really doesn't like to appear on the scene.

Izuku tremblingly shut down his homepage.

‘I just want to write ordinary novels. Why are Xiaosheng and Hongjun arguing like this? I want to ask for leave and stop for a few days! ! Izuku closed the website and lay on the bed wrapped in a quilt.

[So annoying, so annoying, why are there so many people? ]

[You shouldn't be here, you shouldn't even exist here! ! ]

[Then why do I exist? ]

[Something worthless! ! ]

[go to hell! ! ]

[Jump off the roof! You have no value at all! ]

'very noisy! Izuku lifted the quilt, and fresh air poured into his nose.

"Huh, huh~" Izuku jumped out of bed and took out a medicine bottle from the desk.

"Yeah." Twenty pills poured into Izuku's stomach.

"I have used too much medicine in the past few days than before, and my condition may have worsened again."

"It's time to find DOCTOR." Izuku shook his head.

"If you want to find DOCTOR, you have to wait for me to get a temporary license."

Izuku gripped the medicine bottle, and now he can't fall down, nor can he find DOCTOR.(Read more @

"You can't be laughed at by Xiao Sheng."

"another me."

"I'm here." Red-eyed Izuku emerged from the shadow.

"Take me out to train."

"Do you want to train today? Your condition is very wrong."

"I need to be more familiar with [quirk]. Monday is the provisional license exam. I will never fail the list! Let's go!"

"Okay, eh, by the way, can my [quirk] make a knight sword?"

"I don't know, it should be manufactured."

"Then just one person." Red-eyed Izuku hugged Izuku's neck happily, his body floating in the air.

"Kurogiri, quirk: [Portal]!" A black hole appeared in Izuku's room.

The next moment, Izuku and red-eyed Izuku appeared on the beach.

"Let's start, then." Izuku looked at the red-eyed Izuku standing behind him.

"Okay, look at me." Red-eyed Izuku shook his left hand, the clothes on his left hand disappeared instantly, and the black particles kept spinning in the air.

"Knight sword, knight sword..." Two tough knight swords gathered in midair.

"One person, one." Red-eyed Izuku said and took a knight sword first.

"Dangdang." A crisp voice.

"Does it sound good? A good sound is a good sword, I'm sorry the body! I'm not skinned anymore!"

"You can actually make weapons." As Izuku said, he reached out and took down the other knight sword. This knight sword was not heavy and looked very tough.

"So..." Izuku played a sword trick with the knight sword.

"Let's practice the sword, don't push yourself too hard."

"Dangdang!" The two knight swords kept hitting one another, sparks flew everywhere.

"Zhongjian·Three Fierce Chopping!"

"Zhongjian·Block Slash!"


"Flaw!" Red-eyed Izuku suddenly discovered a flaw, and with a heavy hack, he slashed towards Izuku.

"Ha!" Izuku erected the middle sword in front of him.

"Dang!" With a loud noise, both of them were knocked to the ground, and two knight swords fell to the ground.

"Ahem! Phew, a bit fierce this trick."

"You're also good at stopping! Ontology, do you want to continue?"

"Change one, let's try the dagger and the sword."

"Main body, aren't you tired?" Red-eyed Izuku sat up from the ground and looked at the main body.

"It's very tiring, but only constant training and fighting can suppress the voice in my head." Izuku looked at the blue sky and whispered.

"Doctor also said that your problem should be simple. Your disease is actually a heart disease, and heart disease needs heart medicine."

"You don't need to worry about it!" Izuku closed his eyes and said loudly.

"Well, the body is not willful." Red-eyed Izuku stood up and pulled Izuku up.


Red-eyed Izuku's clothes on his legs turned into two big swords and daggers, and the two fought together again.

"Dangdangdangdang!" The dagger and the sword kept colliding with each other, sparks continued to splash, and the original knight sword had long since turned into black particles and dissipated in the sky.

"Ha!" Izuku slashed horizontally and removed the collar of the red-eyed Izuku.

"Ontology! You are too much! My clothes are going to be cut off!"

"This is your punishment for tearing my clothes!" The corner of Izuku's mouth was slightly tilted, and the sword in his hand was slapped. It's okay, time is almost up, and it's time to go back for breakfast.

"We go home."

"Woo, I don't have any extra clothes now, we have to walk home." Red-eyed Izuku looked at Izuku aggrievedly, turned into a black light, and got into Izuku's eyebrows.

"Okay, then I'm the only one to walk back by myself." Izuku squeezed his eyebrows, the sword and dagger in his hand disappeared, and Izuku walked back home slowly.

Breakfast is milk and cream bread that Izuku likes very much.

"Izuku, let's go to Bakugo's house with my mother later."

"Ah? Why?" Izuku put down the cup, still having unlicked milk on his mouth.

‘Mum doesn’t know I’m most afraid of Xiaosheng? ’

Izuku swallowed and looked at her mother.

"Um... how to put it, Izuku has changed a lot since entering U.A. Xiaosheng's mother and I feel it necessary to review the cute state of your childhood."

"A cute state?" Izuku tilted his head. When I was cute... ever? Or maybe you don’t remember it a long time ago?

"Is Izuku going?"

Izuku froze for a moment, and then nodded. It was true that he hadn't seen Aunt Guangji for a long time.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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