The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 126 The Eighty-Fifth Place

"Ahhh~ the number of people who passed has reached 65 now, and the remaining number is less than forty people, come on~ I'll go to bed after the exam~" Muliang yawned and whispered .

"Swish!" A few bursts of air flew past.

"It's dangerous!" A teppanyaki Izuku dodges the ball flying from the side of his body.

"Flaw!" Several more balls flew over and hit a target on Izuku's body.

"Really! Don't keep chasing me!" Izuku was a little annoyed by being chased, and slapped the ball back. By coincidence, he hit the unlucky one with only one target unlit.

"Du, there is one person left, please keep working hard."

"Yes... I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!!" Izuku apologized hurriedly.

The unlucky person resigned helplessly.

"Very strong! He must be eliminated early!" Another ball flew past.

"Wow!!" Izuku continued to run away. It was really not intentional just now! Why is no one listening to me?

"Hey, isn't this the kid just now?" Just as Izuku ran away, a girl in uniform appeared in front of him. The familiar uniform was Shijie's person!

'cut! Is there a tiger before the chase? Izuku stopped.

"Unexpectedly, you still have clothes to wear." Izuku looked at the woman in front of him warily, mother! It's this woman who molested me! !

"This time you won't be able to run away. Also, I'm showing up Guymi, please advise me." Showing up Guymi threw a ball at Izuku while talking.

‘Is it that simple? Danger! The alarm bell rang in my heart, and he hooked his foot back, blocking the hand of Guy Mi who appeared.

"Response very quickly."

"Hey, I didn't feel she was moving, it's a human being." Izuku slowly backed away, holding a ball in his hand.

"Did I let you run?" Another ball flew over.


It is the man who is faster than the ball. Taking advantage of Izuku's stunned effort, Guy Mi quickly came close and directly subdued Izuku.


"My head hurts!!" Izuku tried to touch his head, but both hands were restrained, and he was pressed to the ground by the Shijie High School behind him.

Izuku found that in the moment he was stunned, his sight and hearing could hardly feel this guy who appeared.

"This is technology that allows the opponent to ignore me visually and acoustically, holding my breath at that moment, stopping thinking, hiding, hiding in the environment, the difficulty lies in stopping thinking~"

"Does Shijie even teach this kind of thing?"

"The trick is not to treat training as training, hehehe~ we are all curious babies~"

"Next it's my turn~" Appearing Guymi gently brought his mouth close to Izuku's ear.

"For what do you want to be Heroes? Fame? Glory? Or for someone?"(Read more @

‘The ears are itchy. Izuku clenched his teeth and threw the ball in his hand.

"Papa." At the moment the ball fell on the ground, Guymi appeared and found that the U.A boy she was holding down was gone.


"I have to say that Shijie's teaching ability is very good, even that kind of thing can be taught to you, but don't think that only you can." Izuku stood not far away, touching his red ears and said.

‘I didn’t expect Shijie to teach Farme’s technique, or would that technique suck? Fortunately, I will do this trick too. ’

"You really opened my eyes and made me want to know you even more~" The look in Guy Mi's eyes became quite strange. This look is familiar to Izuku. It is the look in Kou Kou's drunk and drunk eyes, every time Kou Kou Anyone who was drunk would chase him at least three times around the house, until Koko was stunned by Falme with a hand sword.

"Uh...then what, I have something to do, let's go now!" Izuku said, you woman, absolutely uneasy and kind, I didn't fight you, and slipped away.

"Huh? Don't you run!" As Izuku expected, Guy Mi was shocked when he saw Izuku stray, and then quickly got up and chased him.

"I told you not to chase me!" Izuku accelerated.

"Thirty kilometers! Hurricane!!" A green lightning flashed across the field.

‘Now I have to find the next person who is easy to start. Although it’s a bit too much, it seems to obey the law of the weak and the strong. ’Izuku ran to see if there was an easy target.

"Eh! U.A! You are a U.A student!" Suddenly, a voice reached Izuku's ears. Izuku stopped and turned around to look. A guy wearing a hamburger was waving at him.

"Are you calling me?" Izuku pointed at himself.

"Yes! I'm calling you!"

"What do you want me to do?" Izuku walked to the man, who didn't look threatening.

"Actually, it's nothing, I just want you to do me a favor."

"What busy?" Izuku covered his remaining two targets with his hands.

"I won't hurt you, I just want to carry out a plan with you." The Hamburger magnanimously opened his last target.

"What plan?" Izuku became a little interested.

"The two of us work together, and I will attract and attack them. You can deal with those attackers, how about it? It's very reliable." Hamburger said with his honest expression.

"This is a good idea, but why should I trust you?" Izuku naturally agreed to the plan, but also raised his own questions.

"I will give you all my balls, but I only have one request." The Hamburger handed his bag to Izuku, with about two balls left in it.

"Leave two people for me."

"Why did you find me?"

"Time is running out."

"Um... OK." Izuku nodded.

"Are we setting an ambush here?"

"I've found a place, come with me." The Hamburger took Izuku's shoulder with one hand and led him into a corner of the factory.

‘I didn’t expect this little guy from U.A to get hooked so easily. ’

"Look, as long as you hide behind the rock over there, you can directly hit someone who attacks me. Isn't this a great idea?"

"It's not bad, so let's go, I went there to hide." Izuku hid behind a big rock without even thinking about it.

‘Is it that simple? The Hamburger man froze for a moment, then stood in a conspicuous place and shouted loudly.

"I don't want to do it! All of you are good! I only have one target left here! Come and hit me!"

This voice seemed to be a password, and suddenly several examinees holding the ball sprang out from under the ground behind Izuku.

"Another prey!"

"I'm two short! Give this to me!"

Izuku raised his head and looked at the candidates with a clear look.

"Beep! You have passed, please go to the rest area as soon as possible." Suddenly, the target on Izuku's body popped a voice.


Izuku stretched out a hand and the ball landed next to the Hamburg man. It was he who fulfilled the condition.

"Huh? You, don't you believe me?" The Hamburg man looked surprised.

Izuku stood up, folded his arms around his chest, looked at the Hamburger man and said:

"I don't believe you, but I'm just convinced that you will betray me. I've seen your tricks many times." Izuku said, stepping out of this area and walking towards the rest area.

"Also, I'm already eighty-fifth, you have to speed up." Izuku said while looking towards the sky.

‘I don’t know what happened to the other me, I hope he won’t do too much. ’

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