The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 13 Exercises and Summary

After lunch, Izuku was very excited to return to the classroom, because the afternoon course is All Might's Heroes Basics, which is a variety of training to cultivate the foundation of Heroes.

"I—come!" All Might opened the door in Silver Age clothes and walked in.

"Hello everyone!" All Might walked in.

"Wow, All Might is really a teacher."

"The style of painting is so different, I forgive me for not accepting it."

"Well, everyone already knows what Heroes Basics is doing. I won't say much. Although it is sudden, we will do this today!" All Might did a few bodybuilding poses, and then took it out of his pocket. One brand: BATTLE

"Combat training!! Look here at the same time." Many rows of shelves appeared on the wall of the classroom.

"Here is the Combat Suit customized according to the [quirk] report and [requirements] sent before enrollment!"

"After five minutes, put on the Combat Suit and come to GROUND.β to gather!!"


Izuku looked at the box in front of him and said that he was entangled, ‘why are there two belts here? I remember I only designed one? What do you mean by so many accessories? The logistics team gave it wrong. Forget it, put on your own belt first. Wait a minute, it won’t be the belt in the dream, but it’s not working right now... or find a suitable one. Timing it. ’

Two minutes later, Izuku changed the Combat Suit and walked to the training ground. This is an abandoned town and city. Everyone gathers in this place. Izuku's clothes are mainly green, and the mask on his head has two decorations. Sex hair, this is learned from All Might, there is a dark red pattern on the chest [1] There is also a white mark on the waist, the pattern on the chest is added by Izuku himself, and the rest is my mother's help made.

When All Might saw the hair on Izuku's head, he couldn't help but smile, ‘It’s so simple and easy to understand. ’

"Teacher, this is the exercise venue for enrollment. In other words, are you going to perform urban actual combat performances here again?"

"Yes, but this training is a real two-on-two battle. Team Heroes is responsible for attacking the building and seizing the'nuclear weapons' held by the Villain team. The Villain team has to protect the'nuclear weapons' held by themselves. It’s the whole content of the training, now we will start grouping..."

Ten minutes later, Bakugo Katsuki and Ida Tenya as the Villain team came to the fourth floor where the ‘nuclear weapons’ were stored, and the Heroes team against them were Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochaco, and they both arrived on the first floor.

As soon as Izuku arrived on the first floor, he started doing preparatory exercises.

"Midoriya-san, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to make a quick battle and complete the task directly at a speed of forty kilometers."

"But Bakugo-kun is not..."

"So I have two plans...and I don't want to lose."

"Three, two, one, training begins!" As soon as the voice fell, Izuku with a green arc on his feet rushed upstairs at an inhuman speed.

In the viewing room, All Might watched Izuku rush upstairs and felt emotional again.

‘I’ve only been there for one day, and the Midoriya boy’s control ability has increased again...or is he putting a sandbag on his lap? ’(Read more @

Within a few seconds, Izuku ran to the third floor. At the same time, Bakugo came to the third floor aggressively, and the two met.

Izuku: Oops, I met the person I don't want to meet the most.

I saw Bakugo flying towards Izuku using [quirk].

"DEKU! Nishiuchi!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhh, Xiaosheng is so angry, let it be cold or cold!!" Izuku ran in the other direction without hesitation, Bakugo ran after Izuku, while Uraraka Ochaco also ran to the third floor at this moment and came to the window. side.

"I hope Izuku-san's plan will succeed."

At this time, Izuku had stopped and started fighting frontally with Bakugo Katsuki.

"Xiaosheng, your [quirk] I have always felt very strong." Izuku smiled and escaped Bakugo's punch. His task now is to provoke Bakugo and then defeat him or break through him. He ran to the fourth floor to make peace with Uraraka.

"Your [quirk] is not bad~!" Bakugo gritted his teeth and threw another punch.

"Just so-so, I haven't used it proficiently yet." Izuku easily escaped the punch.

‘Feijiu’s speed has increased again! This guy! ! ! Bakugo became more angry and saw him pull off the grenade from his hand.

"How about this trick!!!" "Boom!!!" This was a violent explosion, and Bakugo was a little excited, ‘Finally, I've hit Fei Jiu on the ground, and the waste is still waste. ’

I saw a green figure suddenly emerged from the smoke and dust from the explosion. Izuku barely escaped the scope of the explosion, but half of the mask on his face was burned by the explosion, and the mask was completely destroyed, but he found in the smoke and dust. When he got the chance, he squatted, his feet covered with green arcs again, rushed out of the smoke and went straight to the fourth floor.

"Uraraka classmate! The plan begins!" Izuku said loudly into the wireless headset while running.

In the viewing room, All Might seemed to know Midoriya Izuku's plan.

"Although it works, it's risky, Midoriya boy."

Bakugo Katsuki also reflected at this time, chasing after Izuku.

‘You can’t let Xiaosheng catch up so quickly! Only use this trick! I saw Izuku jump into the air with a big jump.

"Xiaosheng, I'm sorry!!!" Izuku raised his right hand, which was also covered with green arcs.

"Feijiu, you stop for me!!!" Bakugo Katsuki also raised his right hand, planning to punch Izuku.

"SMASH!!!" The result of Izuku's entire right arm being scrapped was that Bakugo couldn't catch it all at once.

"I don't know if it's worth it." Izuku dragged his purple and swollen arm to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor, he saw Ida Tenya stationed here.

"Izuku, why are you here alone? Bakugo?"

"He's behind, it will take a while to come over."

"Then you will be left, but even if it were you, I won't give in!!!" When Ida Tenya was about to fight Izuku, the radio started.

"The Heroes team wins!!"

"How can it be done!!" As soon as Ida turned around, I saw classmate Uraraka smirking with a ‘nuclear weapon’.

"Misunderstanding!!! I forgot that there is another person!!" Ida knelt on the ground in despair. It turned out that Izuku's previous plan was to use him to attract the attention of Bakugo and Ida, and then Uraraka classmates flanked out and beat. A surprise!

"Huh, task, complete!"

"Finally finished." Izuku smiled at Uraraka, and then fell to the ground. His legs have turned purple, and he used the power of ONE FOR ALL before, let alone the one that hit Bakugo. It's a gun, it's the limit to be able to hold Ida's attention.

"Wai Jiu!!!" At this time, Bakugo rushed up, looking at Izuku who fell on the ground, there was a crack in Bakugo's values.

‘My ability, character and motivation have been completely seen through! ! ’

"Just the remaining power of the punch can blow me away, that is to say, if I fight seriously!!!" Bakugo's gasping voice accelerated, and he was on the verge of running away.

Suddenly a big hand grabbed his shoulder, it was All Might.

"Go back, Bakugo boy, it's time for the review. Whether it's winning or losing, the conclusion will be rewarded."

Control room.

"Um... the MVP contacted this time is classmate Midoriya, can anyone explain why he became an MVP? Will raise his hand!"

"Teacher, me!" Yaoyorozu raised his hand first.

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