"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Bakugo took a few steps back, Izuku quickly followed and gave another punch. This time Bakugo Katsuki had learned a lesson. He quickly raised his arms to his chest, opened his hands and cracked. The explosion sounded in his hand.

"Boom! Boom!!!" The two flew back.

"Wai Jiu! You fucking!" Bakugo quickly awoke, because Izuku's punch was not heavy, he stood and fell to the ground, only to see Izuku splashing on the ground a few times, and then completely fell to the ground.

"This battle! Laozi won!" Bakugo looked at Izuku who was no longer getting up, raised his hand, and cried loudly!

"Laozi is better than Fei Jiu!!"

"Hey! Boy Bakugo! Boy Midoriya!" All Might didn't know when he suddenly rushed over, and he was still discouraged at this time.

"Are you...Are you All Might?!!!" No matter how much you imagined, Bakugo Katsuki still didn't expect All Might to appear in front of him in this form.

"You guys can't fight anymore!" All Might bent down, gasping for breath, and suddenly he saw Izuku lying there, a little bit of Bloodline streaming out.

"Oops! The Midoriya boy is injured!" All Might quickly changed into the Heroes mode, rushed over, picked up Midoriya Izuku, and a small pool of blood appeared on the ground.

"Is it a back injury?" All Might touched Izuku's back. His hands were full of blood. At the same time, he also felt the scar that had been cracked on Izuku's back.

"Come on! Bakugo boy, come with me!" All Might ran towards the school holding Izuku. Although he was very sorry, but in the state of Midoriya boy, it would be impossible not to call a treatment girl.

Bakugo looked at the pool of blood, with a complicated expression on his face, and the veins on his hands violently.

"Damn damn damn!!"

"Bakugo boy! Keep up!"

"I fucking got it!" Bakugo said loudly, following All Might.

In the health care room, All Might looked nervously at Izuku who was lying on the bed, while Bakugo Katsuki sat on the chair next to the bed with a complicated face.

"Why the treatment girl is not here yet." All Might wanted to cover Izuku's bleeding wound with his hand, but he was afraid that the bacteria on his hand would make Izuku's wound disease.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta." There was a rush of footsteps, but not the steps of the treatment girl, a tall young woman came in with a medical kit.

"The treatment girl can't get up. Let me come to the health room for her."

"Then please, I don't know..."

"AKA: The explorer, it's a half-closed disciple of the Healing Girl. Okay, All Might, let me take a look." The healer pushed All Might away and wiped the back of Izuku with a towel. Bloodline, then placed his hand on Izuku's back, and a light blue light appeared on the prober's hand.

"This wound has been in existence for a long time. It has been cracked at least three times, and the sutures changed five times. What the hell is this guy doing! He doesn't care about his body so much." The explorer took out from the medical box. New suture thread and alcohol lamp, light alcohol lamp, and sterilize the suture needle with fire.

"Before suturing the new thread, the previous thread has to be removed." The explorer followed the cracked thread and removed the suture thread that was originally not tightly tied.

"Then slowly stitch up this wound."

"Puff." The needle pierced the muscle, and Izuku's body trembled suddenly.

Two minutes later, the wound on the back was stitched up, and the bloody explorer wiped the sweat with the back of his hand.

"Huh, fortunately, he fainted, otherwise he would have to faint in pain. This area has the most nerves, but how could he hurt here? Generally speaking, this area is hard to hurt. "The investigator said while taking out water from the medical box to wash his hands.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Well, how did the boy Midoriya hurt? Just leave it alone. Can you give the boy Midoriya another check?" All Might's back began to gas.

"No problem, All Might, your teacher has already told me about you, so you don't have to pretend." The investigator said while turning Midoriya Izuku over.

"I see." All Might let out a sigh, and his body gradually became discouraged. Bakugo Katsuki was dumbfounded to watch All Might return to his normal appearance.

"Hmph, you have the same dumbfounded expression as the Midoriya boy who saw me for the first time." All Might looked at the dumbfounded Bakugo Katsuki, with a zombie smile on his face.

"Uh..." Bakugo Katsuki said that he couldn't accept it.

"Hahaha, in fact, Midoriya at the time was the same and couldn't accept it." All Might sat next to Bakugo Katsuki, put his arms around Bakugo's shoulders and started talking with Bakugo.

"Things also have to start with that silt incident."

‘Here, where is it? Izuku didn't know where he appeared, and he carried his most frequent and favorite gun on his shoulder.

‘Red sky? it's wired. Suddenly, it rained in the sky, the same blood-red raindrops, and the red rain washed the ruins and Izuku.

‘Ahhh~ I'm all wet. With the gun on his back, Izuku walked slowly through the ruins. In the ruins, not even a person can be seen.

‘Why is there no one alone? Izuku was tired from walking, and found a place to sit down. The gun was on the wall. The opposite of him was also a ruin. A semi-circular ruin that was buried was a good hiding place.

‘It’s so boring, I’m soaked all over, and my head and stomach are so cold. Izuku curled up slowly, the red rain in the sky was still falling.

‘Ah, how come your face has become cold. ’Reached out and touched his face, his face was covered with red rain.

‘Forget it, let’s find out if anyone is there. Izuku stood up and put the gun on his shoulder again.

"Anyone? Someone didn't! Someone should answer!" Izuku yelled as he walked, and suddenly he saw a USV flashing with its lights.

"There are cars there and the lights are still on. There must be someone." Izuku ran to the USV happily and finally saw someone.

"Eh! Is there anyone? Is anyone there?" When Izuku happily ran to USV, a figure suddenly appeared behind Izuku, holding a shiny sword.

"Waste for a long time! Go to death!"

"Ah!" Izuku sat up suddenly. The blood in his eyes has not completely subsided.

"Midoriya boy, are you okay!" As soon as All Might saw Izuku wake up, he immediately stood up and walked to the hospital bed.

"This voice is All Might? It's okay, it's okay, but my eyes seem to be a bit invisible."

"The eyes are bloodshot, of course I can't see it, but this condition can be cured as long as a day's rest." The explorer got up from the chair.

"But you are really weird. Not only do you have a big scar on your head, there is also a wound under your right chest, but your right arm is the same as it has grown in the past two years, weird guy."

"As long as the people are okay, it’s okay, so thank you the explorer first, Bakugo boy, Midoriya boy, let’s go back, Aizawa teacher is waiting for you."

The light in the "Pata" health room went out. In order to take care of Izuku, who has no eyesight for the time being, All Might deliberately held Izuku's left hand with his right hand.

Along the way, Bakugo Katsuki tried to hold Midoriya Izuku's right hand many times, but Midoriya was aware of it and hid back.

'cut! Bakugo Katsuki made a cut, thinking of the investigator's words and the strange dream.

‘Was Fei Jiu’s right arm really cut off? ’

"You still have the guts to come back!?" Izuku and Bakugo were tied up with a tie by Aizawa Shouta as soon as they returned to the dormitory.

"Fight on the night of the exam, you guys are really energetic! It's really great!" The lines and expressions are completely different!

"That Aizawa-kun, actually I was the reason for their fight."

Aizawa Shouta looked at All Might, what is this guy doing.

All Might approached Aizawa Shouta, whispering something quietly

"Um... But, you can't ignore them for violating the school rules just because of this. The punishment is still to be punished. Which of you two will act first?"

"It's me." Bakugo dared to do it.

"Actually, I also smell of ignition medicine."

"Confinement in the dormitory! Midoriya for three days and Bakugo for four days. During that time, the two of you will clean the public area of ​​this dormitory! Sooner or later! You have to hand in a review!!" Aizawa Shouta said, and took it back. Binding cloth.

"That's it, go back to sleep."

"Yes." Izuku closed his eyes and walked to his room. Red-eyed Izuku sprang out of the shadow and led him to the door of the room. Bakugo watched Izuku walk back to his room Izuku, the moment Izuku walked into the room, Bakugo seems to see red-eyed Izuku glaring at him

"I'm going back." Bakugo was stunned for a moment, and walked back to his room.

The next morning, Izuku lay on the bed and opened his eyes. Two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

"Hmm... my head is a bit buzzing, but it's great to see clearly!" Izuku wiped the blood from his cheeks and said happily.

‘But I’m locked here today to the day after tomorrow, and I have to clean up. ’

‘As part of the practice. Izuku sat up from the bed with a carp, put on a short sleeve and shorts, walked out of the room and started cleaning.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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