At 12:30 noon, the three of them were sitting on the roof of an unknown building. Spider-Man and Deadpool were eating Mexican hand rolls. Are you really tired of eating?

"Um... this self-heating pork chop rice is really not as good as the one in school, next time I'll have a taco hand roll." Izuku said, eating all the pork chop rice clean, CD action.

"Hey, hey, ah~ I'm full, Deku, have you finished eating? There will be an explanation meeting in half an hour."

"Hey, hey, I'm done eating, let's go." Izuku packed the box after eating, and a black jetpack appeared on his back.

"Hey! Are you all waiting for me?!" Deadpool stuffed the unfinished Mexican hand roll into his mouth.

"Who makes you eat the slowest, Deku, let's go first." The spider silk and jetpack started at the same time.

"Eh eh!" A large chunk of minced meat was sprayed out, and Deadpool pulled on the mask and activated the jet pack.

At 12:40 noon, Izuku came to the meeting place during the machine gun chatter of Spider-Man and Deadpool [Night Eye Office]

"So no matter how you look at the clothes this time, you should be dead waiter to wash! And you must wash your hair cover that hasn't been washed for more than ten years!"

"It's a little spider, you broke the washing machine!"

"Who put the sword in the unwashed pants!"

"Why did the two people who had been talking so happily just now start arguing? ’

‘I don’t know, the speed is so fast, it seems that I have added a little slang, I can’t understand it at all. ’

Sitting on the elevator, the three people came to the meeting floor, the third floor.

"Allah, you are the last group, please come in." Standing outside the meeting room was the assistant [bubble girl] of Heroes [Nighteye].

"Well, it's a hard time." Spider-Man said, and took Izuku and Deadpool into the meeting room. In the meeting room, there were three vacant chairs and a table specially set up for them.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the briefing." A [Yeyan] sitting on a table said with his hands leaning against one another.

‘Ontology, I saw Ms. Aizawa and classmate Uraraka. ’

Izuku turned his head and saw Mrs. Aizawa and Gran Torino with dark circles, Uraraka Ochaco with a shy face and Tsuyu Asui sitting next to her, and BIG.3 and Kirishima Eijiro in the distance.

"These are materials." The bubble girl distributed the materials to everyone.

Izuku picked up the document and glanced at it. His right hand on the table moved unconsciously, only to find that there was no coffee he was drinking on the table.

'got used to. Izuku squinted his eyes. Since putting on this new uniform, the habits he used to be in the team seem to have returned.

"Isn't there a mission to save the hostages? Yeyan, did you make a mistake?"

"That was the information I received one day ago, the young master of the Eighth Chamber of Death: [Resolver] Overhaul has a daughter, and her arms and ankles are wrapped in bandages."

"What does this have to do with today's explanation?"

"It has a certain relationship, because we found something in a previous mission. The Suneater was hit by a special bullet in the previous battle, and the [quirk] suddenly disappeared." A person who looked particularly like a ball stood Got up and said.

"Gosh, are you okay!" Passing Million immediately looked at Tamaki Amajiki.(Read more @

"Just sleep for a day and it's okay. I want to ask why look at this perfect cow hoof." He raised his right hoof(?)

"Do you have beef rice bowl for lunch?"

"This point makes us very concerned, because the bullet looks like an unfinished ‘semi-finished product’, but because of Kirishima’s efforts, we got a complete bullet."

"Analyzing the bullet, we got a terrifying result: the bullet is human blood."

Izuku's eyes shrunk, it is not difficult to think, using her daughter’s blood to create a bullet that destroys [quirk], and using [quirk] to destroy [quirk], it’s understandable, but it’s a bit too much for a girl .

[Using her to seduce you guys who are kind-hearted is super easy to use]

[However, today she will have to die, with you as our food]

[In this place, human lives are not worth money, but food is worth money! ]

"Huh? Jonah, you seem to be absent?" Spider-Man elbowed Izuku, who was in a daze, and asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, I remembered a little bit of the past." Izuku quickly regained consciousness. In the past two years, he has really slackened a lot, I don't know if it is good or bad.

"So, Spider-Man, do you have anything else to say?" Yeyan looked at Spider-Man, and everyone turned their eyes to the foreign Heroes.

"Yeah.... Actually, I only have one question. Although our task is to investigate the Baqihui strongholds everywhere, what about the other Baqihui strongholds when we act?" Spiderman He narrowed his eyes and said.

"We will start operations at the same time, and will eliminate the Eight Qi Meetings in one go."

"Don't increase the workload." Deadpool said, buckling the button with his right hand, and it was a bit uncomfortable to go to the toilet without cleaning it.

"Then, please everyone! This time not only will the Eight Qi Meeting be wiped out, but also the girl Eri." Yeyan stood up and bowed to everyone.

After the meeting, Spider-Man, as the commander of the specific operations, continued to stay in the conference room to discuss the specific scope of the search with others. Deadpool did not know where to go to make trouble. Izuku wore a black uniform and walked in the office of Night Eye. rock.

‘I didn’t expect Yeyan’s office to be so big. ’

"That's it, that kind of thing happened." U.A. The people doing extracurricular activities outside of U.A. sat around a table and looked at the guilty-faced counterpart Million.

"I'm not reconciled!" Kirishima said with a tangled expression on his face.

'Did something happen? Izuku leaned against the wall, listening secretly.

"......" The atmosphere suddenly became very solemn.

"Ding Dong." The elevator door opened, and Aizawa Shouta came out.

"Teacher." Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui and Kirishima stood up.

"Don't you guys take a rest? Don't call me a teacher outside of school. Just ask me to wipe off the head." Aizawa Shouta glanced at Izuku who was leaning against the wall, and looked at the people sitting on the chairs.

"Hey, let's go, how about eating burrito at night?" Deadpool came out of nowhere, and he held Izuku's shoulder and said.

"It was originally intended to let you cancel out-of-school activities." Izuku's ears were still listening to Aizawa and the others.

"Eh eh! It's all up to now, pay it back!!"

"The news I just heard is that this matter is also related to the Villain Alliance, and the nature of this matter is different."

‘Is it still related to the alliance with the enemy? Izuku was pushed into the elevator by Deadpool.

"Let's go, let's go! The little spider is not here, I want to eat abnormal spicy food!"

"Beware of bad ass." Izuku said as he walked into the elevator.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Spider-Man trio stood on the roof of a building again.

"It’s a bit cold on the roof of the building at night, Spider-Man, can you stop at another place next time?" Izuku took off the contact lenses, put them back in the box, and put the box back in the pocket, with green eyes. appearing again.

"Jonah, you have to go back to school and stand by before you find that Eri."

"And you can't disclose information about the event, right." Izuku whispered.

"Yes." Spider-Man patted Izuku's shoulders with his hands.

"Sorry, there is no way, it's better to leave it to us to save people."

"Don't think about it, I will still participate. I will keep it confidential. Don't forget what I did before. Go back first. It's a curfew." The jetpack ejected blue flames and flew towards Izuku. The black sky.

"Except for the dazzling blue flame, there is really nothing else to see. The privacy is really good." As Deadpool said, he placed his right hand on Spider-Man's shoulder.

"Remove your dirty hands. Did you touch something dirty at the meeting? Why did it smell strange?"

"No, it's just a stab at the butt." Deadpool said straightforwardly, and he regretted it after he said it.

"Don't even think about entering the room until you wash your hands!"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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