The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 157 Cultural Festival! OPEN!

At 9:30 in the morning, Izuku came to the gym out of breath, he had already changed his clothes.

"Midoriya-san, your speed is a bit too slow!"

"Sorry, sorry, because something has been delayed. Now, this is the rope." Izuku panted and lifted the bag in his hand. The bag was filled with rope.

"Hurry up and tie the rope!"

"It's about to start in thirty minutes! Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Tell me the process again. After the music started, the dance team quickly stepped forward to occupy a favorable position. Then Midoriya threw Aoyama to a high place for laser. Then Midoriya exited, followed by the big delivery. Can you hear it clearly?" Ashido stood in the dance team. Shouted loudly in front of him.

"Got it!"

"This time you can only succeed but not fail. Let those who are dissatisfied with us see what we can do!"

"Hot blood! Super man!"

"Each step is the key! Everyone! It must be completed perfectly this time!!"

"Oh!!" Izuku shouted very loudly, because this was his first official participation in a cultural festival, and he was also entrusted with important tasks. Izuku naturally took it seriously and cautiously.

"Then! Let's use our voice! Boom and kill all U.A!" The earlang scented the strings slightly.

At 9:50 in the morning, because I heard that Class 1-A is going to have a big scene, many people came to the gymnasium to see what the Class 1-A was going to do.

"Playing dances and the like, even if you perform well.........isn't it your self-satisfaction?" said the person who came to the stab.

"Go on!!!" Bakugo ignited the flames of this cultural festival with a violent and explosive drum set.

Together with Bakugo Katsuki’s drum set, Kaminari Denki’s guitarist, Yaoyorozu Momo’s electric piano player, and Tokoyami Fumikage’s bassist began to play grumpy music. As the lead singer, Erlang Xiangxiang naturally started playing Play your own guitar.

"Oh, explosive opening! The highlights should be the most gorgeous!!"

With the music, the dance team immediately stepped forward and began to dance.

"Everyone here, please take care of me!!" Erlang Xiangxiang, the lead singer, yelled out with her biggest voice in her life, and the voice was transmitted through the microphone to the entire venue.

"Oh oh oh! Surprisingly very good!!"

"The sound is so loud!" Eri, who was held by the passing Million, covered his ears.

The dance group continued to dance, but soon, the music was about to come to its first climax.

‘Next is the link between Midoriya and Aoyama-kun! With his head still sober, Tsuyu Asui jumped and looked at Midoriya and the dressed Aoyama Yuga.

"Ha!" The two people were unexpectedly in good time, and they came to everyone at the same time (commonly known as c)

"Oh! It's Laser and Midoriya!" Aoyama: I have a name, OK?

"Say it tacitly!"

"Let's watch! Eri don't blink!"

"Ready!" Jumping, Izuku suddenly grabbed Aoyama's hand and threw him into the sky.

"The laser is scattered!!" Aoyama Yuga flying in the sky, like a second kick kicked on fire, sprayed the laser in his stomach generously.

"Oh! Human fireworks? This stalk can be used for three years!" Aoyama: I don't want face!

When everyone's eyes were focused on Aoyama Yuga in the sky, Midoriya ran to the backstage. According to the script, the next step was to use Mr. Aoyama as a mirror ball in the venue.

"Go away." The sharp-eyed Eri saw Izuku's departure, a little lost.

"But you see he has a new trick!!" Passing Million led Eri's gaze to the stage again, and everyone on the stage showed their unique skills.

"What's the result? A hodgepodge of gimmicks?"

"Okay! It's now!" The choreographer quickly attacked.

Ice cubes, lasers, sparks, the whole venue started to go crazy.(Read more @

"What are you doing!!!" Two huge ice tracks connected to the stage from the entrance of the gymnasium.

"Tsuyu sauce!"

"Quah." Tsuyu Asui wrapped her tongue around Uraraka's waist, and then threw her toward the audience.

"Audiences who want to participate!!! Come and give a high five!!!" The audience who was driven by the atmosphere raised their hands, their bodies floating in the air involuntarily, what a funny look! !

"Go to the dance team!!" Shoji threw the people in the dance team one by one towards the ice road.

"Same!" Sato Rikido held Kaminari Denki with his guitar and amplifier.

"It's getting arrogant!!"

"Air guitar!!!" Shang Ming flew in the sky with a dazed expression, I didn't order this item.

"My time!!!" Mineta Minoru: Why are stick figures drawn to me! ! !

The music continued in the frenzied sensation. Looking at the U.A people who were agitated by the music in front of them, the ears kept shaking the bass, making them more and more emotional.

‘そうです! That's right! My music can bring to everyone! ’

‘I can bring it to everyone! ! ’

Erlangyi grasped the microphone and began to sing. It was definitely not a song she had written before.

‘On this level! The music is the same as the heroes! ’

"Give me dry!!!"

"Wow!!!" Even the provocatives couldn't stand the atmosphere, and they raised their hands to enjoy the carnival.

"It turned out that you didn't stop yourself." Bakugo was a little unhappy, but still continued to beat the drums to the rhythm of the sound of the ears. The guy who said that I was slapped was also crazy.

Among the carnival crowd, Tongxing Million hugged Eri and watched the big carnival.

"Wow!!" Eri stretched out his hand.

"Wow!!!" Eri raised his hand, a smile on his face! ! ! .

‘Midoriya! ! Mr. Night Eye! ! Eri smiled! ! She smiled happily! ! ! Using the sound to kill the sleepiness of the listeners, and also kill the shadow that entangled the girl, Eri got rid of the shadow since then! !

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the crazy activities of Class 1-A officially ended. Izuku, who was cleaning the venue, was called aside by All Might.

"About what you did this morning..." All Might was a little speechless, because Midoriya did an excellent job, whether it was luring Villain, controlling Villain and contacting friends, until the end The end is quite perfect.

"I'm sorry to worry you!" In any case, it must be right to apologize first.

"No... I just wanted to say that you did a great job this time." All Might touched Izuku's head with his big hand.

‘Might touched his head by Oulu! Super luck! ! ! ’You don’t want to not wash your hair for ten days.

"The Essence report gave me a general idea, but you should not think that it is right to do that. You are Heroes who has obtained a temporary license, but at the same time, you are also a student of UA. It is our duty to guard. That's it."

"Yes! All Might teacher!"

‘I know it’s wrong, continue next time. ’

"Okay, go ahead and play!" All Might patted Izuku on the shoulder.

"Midoriya! Come and help clean things up!"

"Come on!"

"Ah! It's Tong Xing-senpai and Eri, Eri-chan, how do you feel?" Izuku saw Tong Xing-senpai and Eri still in the venue as soon as he finished moving a large block of ice.

"Yo-fortunately!" Passing Million raised his hands and greeted Midoriya, but Midoriya didn't seem to focus on him now.

"It was very loud and scary at first, but when dancing and dancing," Eri said, raising his hand, looking quite excited, and passing Million raised his hand as she did.

"With a beep, Mr. DEKU disappeared."

"Then it became cold all of a sudden, puffing around and still glowing." Eri raised his hands high, and passed Million's hands high as she did.

"Then, I heard a female voice, it's very nice!" Eri's arm was held sideways, swinging up and down slightly.

"I just yelled out!" Eri's little hands were placed on both sides of his skirt, and Million's hands were also placed on both sides of his coat (I was cute by this scene! Two little angels!! No, It's three little angels in the same frame!!!)

"Hmm! It's great to see you so happy!!" Izuku gave Eri a thumbs up.

"It's not good! Are you catching fish after being late?! Come and move!" I was very excited when I was playing, and it was very hard to clean up, Mineta Minoru yelled loudly while holding the basin with a few ice cubes. .

"Ah! I'm sorry, I move, I move."

"Move my part by the way." Aoyama Yuga said while pushing a cart of ice cubes.

Izuku cleared the ice in the venue while watching the people leaving the venue after watching the performance.

"Oh! Great!"

"Fortunately! Very happy to look at!"

"Wow!! Great! Thank you!!!" Kirishima thanked him generously.

Suddenly, a man and a woman came out from the stream of people who came out.

"I'm really sorry! I saw it with bad intentions!"

"You don't have to say it directly." Shang Ming said while looking at the two people who were away, Bakugo's face was soothing (Yi).

'Won! ! ’

"They are what the teacher said {people who feel stressful}, so we managed to reach it! Ida!" Kirishima happily raised his arms and looked at Ida Tenya who was standing behind him.


"I'm going to talk here when I have time! Don't hurry up and get rid of the ice!!"

"Minida, what's wrong with you? Have you taken gunpowder?"

"Don't get it done soon! You won't be able to get a good position in the beauty contest!!" Can you only say that it is a pervert?

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