The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 161 Detective and Anti-Reconnaissance

‘It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. Izuku walked among the bookshelves on the second floor, watching the rows of bookshelves.

‘The last time I came here seems to be a Saturday three years ago. ’

‘I bought several books. Izuku nodded, then took out a note from his pocket.

"Let me see, it would cost a lot of money to buy several books on physics and chemistry." Izuku walked slowly among the large bookshelves, taking out a book from the shelf and flipping through it casually. After flipping through a few pages, he closed the book and put it back, completely unaware of the gray eyes behind him.

"This book is a bit interesting." Izuku took a book, turned and leaned on the shelf again, and looked through it again. Suddenly, there was a cold light from his aftermath, but in the next moment, the cold light suddenly disappeared. .

'what happened? Is it my illusion? Izuku scratched his head and continued to flip through the book in his hand.

Under the quiet light, Izuku sat next to the bookshelf and looked at the chemistry book in his hand quietly. The academy was quiet, as quiet as water, and a man and a woman were sitting on the seats in the distance. , While sipping the milk tea at hand, while flipping the pages of the book with his hands, everything is natural.

‘It’s so comfortable. Thinking like this, Izuku sat with his feet crossed and continued to flip through the book in his hand.

I don’t know when, a girl appeared next to the bookshelf where Izuku was sitting. She was wearing a gray coat, trousers were fashionable jeans, the kind with holes, ear studs on her ears, and a big toad on her forehead. Mirror, with fake nails on the nails, and nail polish on the fake nails. She is completely a bad girl. I don’t know why she came to this college. At this time, she was looking for it on the bookshelf. , Looked through the bookshelf and stared at Izuku who was sitting next to the bookshelf.

‘そうです, yes, that’s it, you just sit quietly like this. The girl's right hand slowly turned, and the transparent silk thread moved closer to Izuku's throat without knowing it.

"Just a few more times, the legendary monster, "Jonah" will die under my hands, I'm very excited to think about it! The girl finally took a book from the shelf, her right hand was still turning.

"Gluck" the silk thread was trembling, and the small voice attracted Izuku's attention.

‘The body, it doesn’t seem to be right. Izuku's red eyes in the shadows felt that there was something wrong with the surrounding environment.

‘Red eye, can you find out if my current environment is dangerous? Izuku clamped the book that he hadn’t finished reading with a bookmark, and relaxed his legs slightly. If he couldn’t even detect the problem with his red eyes, then there was really no problem.

‘Look at me! ’

"Sero Hanta: [quirk]: Adhesive tape!" Suddenly, several tapes were ejected from Izuku's shadow, and the transparent and sharp lines cut the tapes.

‘Ontology! There are traps! ! ’

'I know! Izuku violently drew a tactical sword from behind his waist, and cut the thin transparent line that was only a fist away from his throat.

"Boom~" The sound of broken thin lines resounded continuously throughout the academy like a toppled Domino domino.

‘Damn it, who did it? The thin thread of the broken hand of the girl twitched fiercely, and her body trembled involuntarily, and then she caught a glimpse of the green flashing past, and Izuku ran away.

‘Damn it! The girl didn’t care much, threw the book in her hand, turned around and ran after Izuku.

When she chased the green color out of the academy, at the railing on the second floor, Midoriya Izuku was holding the book he hadn't finished reading, leaning on the railing and watching the girl run away.(Read more @

‘So, that girl is an assassin? ’

'Seems. "Red-eyed Izuku didn't know when he appeared next to Izuku. He touched the hair that turned from green to black with his hand. The person who just ran away was actually him.

‘Looks like a newbie, so impatient. The tactical sword in Izuku's hand turned a bit, and then inserted it into the slot tied behind it.

‘The thin thread used to assassinate your body is very professional. After being tightened, it can directly penetrate a person’s neck. Red-eyed Izuku didn’t know where he picked up a thin thread. He pulled the thread tightly with both hands, and cut off his neck in one breath, with his head half-hanging in the air.

"Hey!" Izuku stretched out his hand. How do you say this guy is himself, it is really exciting to see himself as dead.

"It's okay, I'm a shadow!" Red-eyed Izuku said, throwing away the rope, and reaching out to put his head on his neck again.

"It's okay, don't do this next time." Izuku reached out and touched the red eyes. Izuku's unharmed neck and head took a sigh of relief. If the red eyes really turned into a headless knight, where would he cry.

"The main body's hands are very comfortable." Red-eyed Izuku rubbed Izuku's hands with the baby's fat cheeks like a child, then escaped into Izuku's shadow and disappeared.

‘Red-eyed, you are a little skinny lately. Izuku smiled, and then left Moxiang Academy with the book. He hadn't finished reading the book yet, so he bought it.

‘No! ’

The female assassin didn't realize that she had been tricked until she chased it out of Moxiang Academy 500 meters away.

"Damn!" She cursed at first, and then immediately walked into a nearby alley. A few seconds later, a handsome fashionable guy walked out of the alley. He took off the fake nails from his hand and took it out of his pocket. After taking out a knitted hat and mask, he quickly left the place after making the disguise.

"Does it deserve to be a "monster"? After three years, is the vigilance still so strong? He must have discovered it now, and can only wait for tomorrow's duel. The handsome guy thought so, and quickly left this place, but what he didn't know was that in the shadow behind him, a red light was flashing. The roles of reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance were swapped again.

The handsome guy walked from the bustling city center to the deserted outskirts. There is an underground illegal building that no one knows about. This building is hidden under a huge cherry tree. Although it is in the suburbs, it still has it during the cherry blossom season every year. Many people come here to watch the cherry blossoms.

"It's a pity that it's November, otherwise such a big cherry tree full of cherry blossoms must look very beautiful." With a hand, I picked up the dirt-covered tab.

"Woo~" A downward passage appeared in front of the handsome guy. The handsome guy first looked around and after confirming that no one was following him, he jumped out of the passage.

"Um~ bang." The entrance to the passage was closed, and the handsome guy took out the mobile phone from his pocket. Although the mobile phone's flashlight was not very bright, it was enough to illuminate the road ahead.

Following the spiral staircase, the handsome guy walked down slowly. Because it was underground, it was very quiet, and he could only hear the sound of his feet on the stairs.

"Tatatatatata." Only his footsteps could be heard in the dark spiral staircase.

"Tatata." Finally, the handsome guy finally reached the bottom of the spiral staircase. What appeared in front of him now was a large iron door. The handle of the iron door was rusted, and even the keyhole was unknown. The liquid filled up and solidified in the gap of the key, making it impossible to open it no matter what.

"Tsk, every time I see this door, I want to kick it open." The handsome guy's words were covered by a mask, a little dumb. He reached out and knocked on the lintel, the door, and the door frame. Once, and then kicked towards the bottom of the iron gate.

"Kang-kang-kang~" It turns out that this iron door is a revolving door. As long as you knock on the right signal, and then kick to the bottom of the iron door, the revolving door will automatically open and take the person standing outside the revolving door. Come in.

Entering the revolving door, the originally dark world suddenly became brighter. That's right, this underground building is actually a laboratory that has not been discovered before.

"I'm back, Doctor." The handsome guy first shouted, and then immediately changed from a trendy guy to a decadent trendy little girl, and she sat directly on the only sofa in the laboratory.

"Oh, it turned out that [phanage] came back, how? Did the investigation of'Jonah' find anything today?" A calm voice came along with the creak of the wheelchair.

"Doctor, that'Jonah' is really very vigilant. I just tried a little bit, and he immediately noticed something was wrong, and then immediately ran away. This task is a bit difficult."

"It is normal for him to have a strong sense of vigilance. If he is not so strong and vigilant, how can he become a'monster' in the mercenary world? SMART LADY, please give the information I prepared to [幻变] ." The wheelchair appeared in front of Mengchang, but no one was sitting on it, only one head was placed in the training trough.

"No problem~Doctor~" A young woman pushing a wheelchair said in a particularly childish voice. Suddenly, with a wave of her right hand, hundreds of light blue butterflies caught with their delicate and tender paws. Flew over the head of Disillusionment with the enveloped portfolio, and then dropped the portfolio.

"SMART LADY, do you know? Every time I see these blue butterflies of yours, I feel sick!" Huanchang said as he caught the fallen files.

"[Phantom change], you are an excellent spy and killer. You and SMART LADY still need to cooperate for a long time. I need you to lift the prejudice against SMART LADY.”

"Doctor~ I'm not prejudiced! I simply don't like blue butterflies!" Disillusionment said loudly, and then opened the file.

"In short, I hope you don't be prejudiced against SMART LADY. After all, you and SMART LADY will have to work together for a long time. SMART LADY, I'm a little sleepy, take me back to the nutrition cabin." The head in the cultivation tank is low. Said the voice.

"No problem, Doctor~" SMART LADY said in a childish voice again, pushing the wheelchair to the depths of the laboratory.

"Puff~! I just hate blue butterflies!!"

The red light in the shadow flashed again.

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