The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 163: Upcoming duel

When Izuku saw the light again, he only saw a piece of light green grass.

"I'm here to press you on the ground and rub it!" As soon as the red-eyed Izuku fell to the ground, his red eyes were glowing with blood and looked at Bakugo Katsuki who was also on the ground.

"Damn, Laozi directly blows you up into fireworks in the sky this time!!" As soon as Bakugo Katsuki hit the ground, his hands immediately made a small explosion with a sound of'Peng Peng', and his red eyes stared at the same as Midoriya Izuku. Bastard with a face.

"Xiaosheng! Red eyes! Don't fight!" Izuku ran to the middle of the two and shouted loudly.

"Feijiu, you fucking die!"

"Ontology! I have to let him know today how serious the consequences of what he did back then are!!" Red-eyed Izuku's right hand uniform has begun to fluctuate.

"Stop it!" Izuku walked straight to the red-eyed Izuku.

"Wait for a long time!!" Bakugo Katsuki saw that Izuku walked towards the bastard, fry the pot directly, and hit Izuku and the red-eyed Izuku with a ‘armor-piercing machine gun’.

"You can't do anything but a brain bastard." Red-eyed Izuku whispered. With a sudden wave of his hand, the clothes on his right arm disappeared, and a tower shield suddenly appeared behind Izuku.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Ta Shield loyally stopped the blasts that shot behind Izuku one by one.

"Fuck!" Bakugo Katsuki took a sip, and shot out a large number of explosions with both hands. With the force of the blast, Bakugo Katsuki rushed towards Izuku.

"Even if you are strong, you are still not qualified to touch the main body now!" Red-eyed Izuku waved his hand again, and Bakugo Katsuki's shadow suddenly disappeared.

"Bump! Puff~" Bakugo Katsuki's body suddenly fell to the ground.

"Xiaosheng!" Izuku heard the sound behind him and immediately turned his head, only to see that Bakugo Katsuki had fallen to the ground, and because of the impact of the blast, he had slipped a few centimeters.

"Xiaosheng, are you okay!" As soon as Izuku saw Bakugo Katsuki fall to the ground, he immediately turned and ran towards Bakugo Katsuki.

"Mom...fuck, you took something from me! The guy with a long face!!" Bakugo Katsuki raised his head slightly and looked at the red-eyed Izuku, he could feel it, at that moment Something was pulled from his body.

"It's just taking away your shadow." Red-eyed Izuku said, and his right hand was raised. A black ball floated on the red-eyed Izuku's hand, and the black ball was constantly fluctuating in the red-eyed Izuku's hand.

"Shadow?" Bakugo Katsuki stood up from the ground.

"Your trick is as wasteful as you." Bakugo Katsuki patted the dirt on his knees and looked at red-eyed Izuku with a wicked smile.

"Xiao, Xiaosheng...Don't fight..." Izuku's trembling hand stretched out to Xiaosheng's shoulder, where there was a mud.(Read more @

"Damn, Feijiu! You fucking get up!" Bakugo Katsuki slapped Izuku's extended hand, then wiped his face with the back of his hand, and then rushed to the red-eyed Izuku who was standing there.

"Zzizizi~" Red-eyed Izuku also had a terrifying smile, and the black ball in his hand fluctuated more and more frequently.

"Fuck you! Die to Laozi!!" Bakugo Katsuki yelled, and a violent explosion blasted red-eyed Izuku.

"You are here to stay away from me!" The black ball was thrown at Bakugo Katsuki by the red-eyed Izuku. The black ball passed through the explosive flame and flew towards Bakugo Katsuki. The explosive flame also blasted the red-eyed Izuku.


"Boom!" The black ball tied Bakugo Katsuki firmly in place like a spider web.

"Humph! Waste is waste!" Bakugo Katsuki looked unhappy, shit, a weak chicken like Fei Jiu dare to provoke Laozi, and now it is Laozi who is pushing you to the ground and rubbing!

"Ahem, do you really think you can beat me like this? Although Xiaosheng is very powerful, don't forget, I am a shadow, and the shadow will not die!" Red-eyed Izuku walked out of the explosion smoke. There was dust on his face, and no trace of blasting was visible anywhere else.


"Main body, let's go, there's another fight to be played tomorrow morning, don't play with this guy here." Red-eyed Izuku wiped the dust off his face with his hand, and then bounced towards standing not far from Bakugo. Izuku at the place.

"Xiaosheng... are you okay?" Izuku walked towards Bakugo Katsuki, who was entangled in black spider webs, his steps hesitated slightly.

"The body, he's okay. The spider web controls him for half an hour at most. How could something happen? Let's go, let's go, it's time for lunch." Red-eyed Izuku pushed his own body away from the explosive barrel on his head. .

"Damn! Crap! You fucking don't leave! Crap a long time!!" Bakugo Katsuki struggled to watch Izuku being pushed away from his sight by the bastard.


"Don't forget what he said before." Red-eyed Izuku lowered his head, pushing Izuku away.

"..." Izuku's bright emerald green eyes darkened, and he stopped talking.

After half an hour, Bakugo Katsuki finally broke free from the black spider web. The black spider web slowly dissolved, fell to the ground, and turned into the shadow of Bakugo Katsuki again.

"Damn! Laozi must smash that counterfeit!!" Bakugo Katsuki scolded and took out his mobile phone from his pocket to call Izuku.

"Beep~ The number you dialed is turned off, please call again later, Sorry, The number you ........"


On the other side, the red-eyed Izuku was holding Izuku's phone, pinching his throat, and said with a slight smile at the corner of his eyes.

"The main body, do you think I pretend to look like it?" Turning off the phone, Izuku with red eyes floated to the side of Izuku who was wiping a tactical sword in his room.

"Yeah....... Anyway, I will be beaten anyway, so please do it hard." Izuku pouted, wrapped a thin thread around the handle of the tactical sword, and then inserted the sword into the servant. In the soldier's combat uniform, this mercenary combat uniform was given to him by Kou Kou when Izuku was a mercenary. It was naturally larger for Izuku at the time, but now it just fits well.

"Well, ontology, you are dueling that guy this time, do you want to wear this thing?" Red-eyed Izuku took out the human skin mask representing the identity of the mercenary Jonah from the closet.

"It must be worn, but not now. After all, tomorrow is the day of the duel." Izuku said, standing up from the ground, lifting the mercenary combat uniform, and shaking.

"Yeah, yell." The Iron Body inlaid at the joints and the sword around the waist made a noise.

"The other places are okay, this place..." Izuku looked at the chest and abdomen of this combat uniform. It was obvious that Iron Body should be placed here for defense, but it didn't. I made a fake chest and abdominal muscles. Although the defense is not bad, after so many battles, the chest and abdomen also have large and small scars.

"I still haven't understood the wicked taste of Sister Koko." Izuku lowered his head and sighed long, then put the combat uniform under the bed.

"Next, it's..." Izuku turned to look at the red-eyed Izuku who was sitting in front of the computer and playing on the computer.

"心を休める." Red-eyed Izuku said so and then waved his hand, and from the shadow under the bed flew out a Taito and an MK3. There was no bullet in the MK3.

"This way, there should be no problem." Removed the magazine from the MK3, and then took out a box of pistol bullets from the dark layer of the closet. Izuku sat down next to the closet, eyes drooping, one by one. Fill the pistol magazine with bullets.

"Kera, kara, kara." The sound of bullets resounded in the room with only the bright light from the computer.

Now the time for the duel is very close.

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