The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 165 Unexpected

At 3:50 in the afternoon, Midoriya Yinzi took the cut apple and walked into Izuku's room. As soon as she entered the room, she saw her baby lying on the bed and sleeping. Bakugo Katsuki was standing next to the bed, holding one in her right hand. What is Zhang Xiong looking at.

"Izuku, don't sleep, Katsuki has come to play with you, you are still asleep, I put the apple on your table, remember to eat, your room is too dark." Yinzi said, The apple was placed on the table, then he went to the window and opened the curtain.

"Thorn!" The curtains were opened, and bright light came in.

"Um...ok..." Izuku sat up from the bed, wiped his eyes, and then looked at Bakugo Katsuki who was standing next to the bed.

"Then I'm going to prepare dinner first, you guys play slowly." Yinzi smiled, in fact, she has always known that her son is quite fond of her own children, so give them a chance to be alone.

‘I hope the two of them can get along well. With that thought, Yinzi slowly closed the door of Izuku's room and walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Um... Xiaosheng what do you want to play?" Izuku took the earphones off his neck and looked at Bakugo Katsuki with drooping eyes.

"Feijiu, you can explain the above things first." Bakugo Katsuki resisted the attack and slapped the paper in Izuku's face.

"What's on top?" Izuku looked at the paper floating on his thigh, first patted himself to the cheek with his hand, and then looked at the paper on his thigh. As soon as he saw the first word, Izuku was super fast. Tore this piece of paper at a speed of.

"It's okay, everything on this paper is written with red eyes."

"What the hell is going on?!" Bakugo Katsuki stared at Izuku with bloodshot eyes.

"It's okay... Gulu... It's really okay." Izuku waved his hand and said while shaking his head.

"Here! Old! Son! Say! Please! Chu!" Bakugo Katsuki started to see a small explosion in his hand, looking at Izuku with a fierce expression. This was his most common method of threatening Izuku to tell the truth since he was a child. This trick, which had been tried repeatedly, has hit a wall today.

"Big man, it's really okay." Izuku waved his hand and looked away, obviously lying.

‘You can’t control even if something happens. ’

'Oh shit! Fei Jiu is still lying! Bakugo Katsuki, as a young tame with Izuku since childhood, naturally knows Izuku’s typical performance when lying, the explosion on his hands is getting bigger and bigger.

‘Xiao Sheng is scary! ! ’

‘I’m a bastard and he is so arrogant!’

‘Red eye! You are too much this time! ’

Suddenly, Bakugo seemed to have thought of something, raised his head, the explosion on his hand gradually disappeared, and the hideous smile on the corner of his mouth turned into a joke.

"Tsk, since you don't want to say, then Laozi won't force you, but Laozi will spend the night with you today!"

"If you don't force it... eh eh eh——!!!"

"Why~ isn't it welcome?" Bakugo Katsuki sat cross-legged directly on the ground, looking at Izuku who was sitting on the side of the bed.(Read more @

"No, no! How could it be unwelcome!" Izuku said hurriedly, his face flushed all of a sudden.

‘Hey! Can't sleep with the main body at night! ’

"Then I will go out and talk to mom now!" Izuku ran out barefoot, looking very excited.

"Tsk, it's just a sleep together, and I'm so happy. A long time is a long time." Bakugo Katsuki wiped his nose and took the phone from his pocket.

"Hey! Old lady, I am sleeping at Fei Jiu's house today."

"Got it, brat! Don't bully Izuku! Did you hear that!" On the other side of the phone, you can hear the gurgling sound of the soup, Bakugo Mitsuji's voice and the gurgling of the soup, ringing in Katsuki's ear With.

"Laozi got it!" Bakugo Katsuki said and hung up the phone.

"Xiaosheng Xiaosheng! Mom agrees that you are sleeping here." Izuku ran back to the room with brisk footsteps. As soon as he got back to the room, he saw his young Tameran turning his closet, COSPLAY's. That one.

"Xiao...Xiaosheng, what are you doing?" Izuku's face twitched.

"Of course, look at what ridiculous clothes you wore." Bakugo Katsuki's face still had a playful smile.

"Huh!?" Izuku was stunned. Did Xiao Sheng come to my side to sleep with this idea?

‘It doesn’t always feel like. ’

‘Ontology, I think Xiaosheng definitely has another plan! "Red-eyed Izuku is super sure.

Izuku walked into the room slowly and took out a lot of pillows and quilts from the other closet. What Xiao Sheng wanted to do, since it was harmless, let him do it.

"Hey! Waste for a long time!" Izuku, who was laying the pillow and quilt, trembled, turned to look helplessly at Bakugo Katsuki who was turning the closet.

"What's wrong? Xiaosheng?"

"You even keep your elementary school uniform. Are you an old fetish?" Bakugo Katsuki took out an elementary school uniform from the closet.

"Wai Jiu is waste Jiu, really disgusting."


‘Are you looking for death? ! ! Ontology! Let me kill him! ’

"You don't throw away this kind of clothes if they are moldy. It's super disgusting!" Bakugo Katsuki threw the elementary school uniform on the ground. On the back of the elementary school uniform, green mold was clearly visible.

"Sorry, sorry! I'll take it and wash it right away!" Izuku picked up the elementary school uniform and planned to put the clothes in the washing machine.

"There is still a pile of moldy clothes. Are you planning to go back and forth several times?" A few moldy clothes were thrown out, and Izuku caught them one by one.

"I remember that I bought this one with Xiaosheng when I was nine years old...This one is eight years old..." Izuku whispered and sorted out the moldy clothes on his hands. , These clothes are basically bought together with Bakugo Katsuki. For Izuku, these clothes are very important, so they are not thrown away.

"There are so many moldy clothes, shit, just throw them away!" After sorting out these moldy clothes, Bakugo looked a little angry at these hill-like clothes, angry with this inability to take care of himself for a long time. Are you a hamster? Is it interesting to hide so many things? There are so many old clothes, and there are a lot of them that you can't wear. They are all cheap clothes. Damn, waste a long time is waste a long time.

"Take them all to me and throw them away!"

"Okay, Xiaosheng." Izuku also knew that he was a bit too much. He took out two bags, put the clothes away, and then walked out of the room with the bags, Bakugo Katsuki followed behind him.

"Mom, I will throw away the trash first."

"Supper is almost ready when you come back, Katsuki, do you want to add chili powder to your dinner?"

"Yes, please ask Auntie Yinzi."

Putting on the shoes, Izuku took the garbage bag in his hand and walked out of the house. Bakugo Katsuki followed Izuku out of the house. Izuku carried the garbage bag with a smile on his face and walked to the nearby garbage station, completely unaware of his house. The blue butterfly on the house number has been there for a long time.

SMART LADY was sitting on a chair in an underground building in the suburbs, covering her eyes with her hands. After a while, she let go.

"SMART LADY, did he spot you?" In the white nutrition cabin opposite SMART LADY, a head with an invisible face looked at SMART LADY with his gray eyes.

"No, Doctor,'Jonah' he didn't find me." SMART LADY smiled and looked at the head in the nutrition chamber.

"It's fine if you don't, you should know what to do for tomorrow's duel?" The doctor's voice was hoarse and a touch of excitement.

"Yes, Doctor." SMART LADY got up from the chair and walked to the depths of the underground building, where ten relatively simple nutrition bins were placed.

"Although it is cannon fodder made from some waste, as long as'Jonah' can be brought back, the task should be completed. Finish it early and get the commission early. Hehehe~ What do you want to buy if you get the commission? The clothes here are very nice~"

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