On Monday morning, at five o'clock in the morning, Izuku sat up from the bed, shook his still a little confused head, and went naked to take off the information network on the wall.

"I was sorting out Villain's information last night. I'm so sleepy." Izuku yawned and touched the abdomen with eight pack abs. Izuku curled his mouth, and after finishing the information network, Izuku changed into a new one. A thicker white sportswear, Izuku stretched out and walked out of the house.

"Come on well today!!" Izuku closed his eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air, then opened his eyes, and the light from the corner of his eyes fell to a familiar head.

"Puff! Why did Xiao Sheng get up so early!" Izuku said, and ran out of the house quickly, running from a direction that Xiao Sheng couldn't see for training.

"Damn! I was called by the smelly old woman to coax Feijiu early in the morning. If Feijiu is so easy to persuade, why should he go to UA!" Bakugo Katsuki holds a gift in one hand and the other. Scratching his head, walked to Midoriya's house.

"Ding Dong." He said so, but he still pressed the doorbell of Midoriya's house.

"Hmm..." Yinzi was still asleep and didn't hear it at all.

"No!? Is Fei Jiu still asleep? Hurry up! Fei..." Bakugo Katsuki just wanted to say something, but thought of yesterday's event, and closed his mouth.

"Damn! You know it won't go so smoothly!" Don't come if you know it won't go smoothly! Bakugo Katsuki scratched his head again, took the phone out of his pocket, and dialed a familiar call.

Izuku, who was training by the river, suddenly heard the phone ring from the bluetooth earphones with songs in his ears. While holding a light sword and sparring with red-eyed Izuku, Izuku took out his mobile phone and looked at this familiar number, Izuku Frozen for a moment.

"Flaw!!" Red-eyed Izuku was stunned when he saw Izuku, and no matter what, he rushed towards Izuku with the light sword in his hand.

"Oops!" You can't be distracted when fighting, it's basic.

"Dang!" The light sword in Izuku's hand was blown away. Because of the impulse, the phone in Izuku's hand was first pressed off the call button and then thrown toward the river beach, while Izuku himself took a few steps back. Sit in the river.

"Hi! So ice! Red eyes! You are too much!"

"Why don't the main body be distracted during training, Baga main body!"

"Although it was my fault to be distracted during the battle! But you don't have to push me into the river! It's all right now! The clothes are all wet!"

"Doesn't I go back to take a bath and rest? The plan works!"

"Don't say this in front of me!" Izuku shouted, standing up from the river.

"Ah, I'm basically soaked."

"I have to go back and change the medicine. The burn cream will be wiped off if it is soaked in water."

"Who killed me like this!"

"That's why I said I should hurry back." Red-eyed Izuku pulled Izuku up from the cold river. The river water had washed away nearly one-third of the scald plaster on Izuku's back, and the terrifying scar was entrenched on Izuku's back. The red-eyed Izuku lifted Izuku's white training suit and took a close look at the burn on Izuku's back.

"It looks better than yesterday, but it's still super weird."

"Do you think that with my current recovery state, plus scald cream, how many days can it be better?"

"About a week or so."

"It's okay, but is my recovery ability really so great? Let's find a time to go to the hospital for a look."

"It's okay, let's go back quickly, if you catch a cold, it will be okay, Kurogiri, [quirk]: Portal!" A black hole appeared at the feet of the two of them.

"Go straight home!"

"Don't suddenly open the portal under your feet! It's scary!" Izuku shouted and fell into the black hole.

"Oh, cell phone!" Red-eyed Izuku first reached out and fished Izuku's phone over, and then jumped into the black hole with Izuku.

At the entrance of Midoriya's house, a black hole appeared above the door, Izuku fell steadily to the ground, and the red-eyed Izuku floated down from the black hole.

"Ontology, your phone." Red Eye returned the phone to Izuku.

"Thank you Red Eye." Taking the phone, Izuku took the key out of his pocket and turned the door open.

"I'm back." Shaking his face, not knowing whether it was sweat or river water, Izuku took off his shoes that were not soaked and walked into the house.

"Ah~ Izuku, you're back, it's early today." Yinzi rubbed his eyes and walked out of the bedroom.

"Well, mom, haven't you got enough sleep?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"One thing, someone has been ringing the doorbell in the morning, what do you want to eat in the morning?" Maki's! Bakugo Katsuki, if you make our mother-in-law have dark circles under her eyes, I will be the first one...I found out that I couldn't beat it, and slipped away.

"Is there still bread at home?"

Bakugo Katsuki, who ran to the bank of the river with a towel, looked messy. Damn, where's Feijiu?

At 7:40 in the morning, Izuku took his suitcase and got on the tram.

"It's another new week, so I have to keep going!"

"Eh! Isn't this [Deku]?" Oh, he was caught by the fans of Heroes fans.

"Eh! Really! [Deku] Please sign me!"

"My daughter likes you! Can I leave a phone call?"

"Forget it on the phone...this is privacy." Izuku responded with difficulty to everyone's requests one by one.

At 7:50 in the morning, Izuku escaped from the tram. Mom, are all U.A big fans? Why are all of them so crazy?

"The morning class starts at 8:30, so I have to hurry up." Carrying a schoolbag and carrying a suitcase, Izuku ran to the school helplessly, only to find that there was another crazy group of reporters at the door of the school. Eh? Why should I say it again?

This time the reporter learned from the experience of the previous generations who were taken to the police station, and stood obediently at the door of U.A, waiting for the arrival of U.A students.

"Allah! It's [Deku]!" One of the female reporters saw Izuku coming from a long distance. For a while, dozens of reporters rushed to Izuku at the speed of a 100-meter sprint cameraman, and stopped him. It is 50 meters away from the UA gate.

"[Deku], is it true that your school wants to send class 1-A students to exchange students with Shijie?"


"[Deku] classmate, do you know anyone who is going to be selected as an exchange student?"

"..." Can I say I don't know? I had a problem the day before yesterday and yesterday. What is an exchange student? Izuku looked dumbfounded.

"That... can you give me a bit? I'm rushing to class now, I'm about to be late." Izuku coughed twice, which made the reporters realize their fault, what else they want to ask , Suddenly a large amount of dust was raised from a distance.

"Please don't embarrass our classmates!!" The monitor of class 1-A came from a distance: [Tenya], classmate Ida Tenya, at this moment he was rushing over at super fast speed, he crossed the line ..... Uh no, I rushed to someone! ! A silver light passed through the crowd and took away Izuku and his suitcase. The silver light rushed into the U.A school gate in just a few seconds.

"Damn it!! I was hid by them again!!"

"Goo! Ida-san! The speed is too fast!" In just ten seconds, Ida-san took him and his suitcase to the door of the dormitory. The speed was too fast and it was easy to vomit. Izuku covered his mouth and covered his face. Pale.

"Midoriya-san, are you okay."

"Ahhh~ it's okay." Izuku suppressed the feeling of nausea.

"I also want to thank Mr. Ida for bringing me in." Izuku eased his breath and looked at Ida Tenya who was standing beside him with grateful eyes.

"Helping the classmates, this is the duty of the class leader." Ida Tenya hammered his left chest with his right hand, and expelled a foul breath called pride from his nose.

"However, is it true to hear from those reporters that our class is going to send someone to exchange students with Shijie?"

"What I don't know is very clear. Go to the dormitory. Class is about to start."

"Good." Izuku and Ida Tenya pushed their suitcases into the dormitory.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Ida Tenya walked into the classroom while chatting with Izuku.

"The most important thing for kicking skills is to bring the strength of the waist." Ida Tenya patted her waist while talking.

"But why do I think Ida-kun is much faster than before?" Izuku scratched his head.

"I used a lot of energy to improve my speed." Ida Tenya let out another sigh of pride.

‘I endured the pain and removed the original jet tube. The new jet tube is very powerful. ’

"I don't know how you improved your speed, Mr. Ida?"

"Just to..." Just as Ida-kun was about to say something, the door of the classroom was kicked open, and outside the door was Bakugo Katsuki with a very unhappy expression.

"Why are there so many annoying guys outside the school!! They should all be Xi Nei!! Huh? Waste Jiu?"

"Xiaosheng, early!" Although Izuku greeted Bakugo Katsuki very happily, Bakugo heard a different voice from Izuku's voice.

‘Fei Jiu’s voice is missing something, what’s missing? Bakugo Katsuki is a rare affair, he just made a cut and sat down in his seat, thinking about it for himself.

"Ah, Ida-san needs to change the jet tube on his thigh! Wouldn't it hurt?"

"It's okay, but it only needs to be replaced once. Just bear with it. In fact, it's not very painful." Ida said as she took out the textbook from her schoolbag.

"Class is about to start. Let Midoriya sit back first."

"Sorry, I forgot the time as soon as I chatted, then I will go back first." Izuku and Ida Tenya waved their hands, then sat back to their positions and took out their notebooks from their school bags. Heroes Analysis NO.15"

"Unexpectedly, Ida-san's [quirk] can also be upgraded by replacing the jet tube, um, this has to be written down..." Izuku nodded, touching his mouth with his left hand, and another Writing quickly on the notebook with one hand, Bakugo Katsuki caught a glimpse of the cover of the notebook.

‘No. 15? Gee. Bakugo Katsuki remembered the notebook "Future-oriented Heroes Analysis No. 13" that he exploded into black when he was in junior high school.

‘Is that thing left for a long time? It should be thrown away. Bakugo Katsuki looked out the window.

"Huh? Xiaojiu, what are you writing?" Uraraka Ochaco is the only one who uses Xiaojiu's name! By the way, when did you come.

"Good morning, classmate Uraraka, I'm writing notes, this is my habit." Izuku scratched his head and shrank the notebook into his arms.

"Are you used to it? Xiaojiu, how many books have you written?"

"It's already the fifteenth book! I will continue to write!"

"Well, can you show me a copy? I really want to know what Xiaojiu is writing." Do what he likes and continue to review his favorability! Ahhh~ Xiaojiu who is so happy is so cute! !

"Okay! Just don't dislike my ugly writing." Izuku took out his schoolbag and started rumbling. He took out two almost identical notebooks, one of which had blasting marks on the other. One is a bit old.

"Let's show this to Uraraka classmates. I wrote the [quirk] of the teachers and other classmates, as well as yours including classmate Uraraka." No.14 was handed to Uraraka.

"What about that book? It looks dirty, who is it dirty?"

"No, no, this was accidentally made a little worn out and easily damaged, so..."

"At first glance, it seems to have been destroyed, the destroyer's heart is really bad."

"Don't say that." Izuku put the "Future-Facing Heroes NO.13" back in the bag. In fact, he wanted to throw this notebook, but it had All Might's signature on it! !

‘Hey! Are you still keeping it? Oh shit! Fei Jiu is really old fetish! ’

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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