The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 175 Exchange Student Arrives

As soon as Izuku got on the bus, he felt a hot atmosphere. As for why it was hot, it was because of the hot-blooded man Yelan Inasa, a second-year senior from Shijie High School.

"Oh! It's Mr. Midoriya! You were so passionate in the provisional license exam! I love it so much!" Yelan Inasa still wears his casual clothes for the provisional license exam, a white shirt and a black tie, and A pair of black trousers, but compared with before, he pulled down the sleeves he had rolled up. Is this the way for a hot-blooded person to keep out the cold? It's hard to understand.

"Good afternoon, Senior Yelan Inasa." Izuku greeted Yelan Inasa embarrassingly.

"Okay! The three U.A classmates have arrived! Then Mr. Driver! Let's go with enthusiasm! GOGOGO!"

"Beep!" The driver of the bus is also a wonderful person. He first vigorously pressed the horn and then turned on the radio of the bus, and a super rhythmic music rang.

"Is this the rhythm of the disco club?" Mineta Minoru replied in a timely manner.

"Oh oh oh! This song is too passionate!! Mr. Driver!!!"

This road will not be peaceful, in the sense of enthusiasm.

East UA, Xishijie, this is not only talking about the status of the two colleges in the Heroes world, but also talking about the distance between the two schools, the speed of the bus is very fast, but it took a full afternoon to get to the taxi. Jie High School.

At 6:50 in the afternoon, the sky was already dark, and Izuku leaned against the bus window to fall asleep early.

[I can buy this watch if Jonah likes it]

[No, no, I don’t need a watch now, right]

[Then do you want to buy a cake? I heard that the cakes here taste very good. ]

[Cake? That little girl would like to eat it]

[What, Jonah just thinks about that little girl now, go shopping with me, can't eat a cake, angry! ]

[Sister Kou Kou is still as angry as a child even if she is such a big person, I thought it was my patent]

[I do not care! If Jonah wants to take the plane back today, he must accompany me to eat a piece of cake! Drink milk tea! Don't bring it to that little girl! ]

[Okay, okay, will Sister Falme come together? ]

[Well, just say goodbye. ]

"Puff! Puff!" Izuku slammed forward and hit the back of the seat in front of the bus.

"Sigh! It hurts!!!"

Outside the bus is the gate of Shijie High School. Outside the gate are a dozen students wearing black uniforms and black hats with their hands on their hands. They are seniors who have obtained temporary licenses in the second year of Shijie High School.

"Hmm~" Izuku clutched his head, there is a bag, and interrupted me and sister Kou Kou to eat a cake, you did it on purpose! It's definitely intentional!

'Angry! Izuku rubbed the bag on his head with both hands and picked up his schoolbag, an inexplicable aura emerged from Izuku's body.

"Midoriya-san, let's go."

"Okay!" Izuku followed Mr. Ida out of the bus. In fact, Mr. Ida was sleeping before. He was also taken aback. Then he came back to his senses. This was the provocation of Shijie High School.(Read more @

‘No matter where you are, there are such things. Really, I can’t show my cowardice as a squad leader. I pushed the glasses with my index finger, and Ida Tenya got up from the seat.

Stepping out of the bus, the dozens of people standing at the gate of Shijie High School really gave Ida Tenya and Mineta Minoru a shocking feeling, but because I had seen big winds and waves, Izuku didn’t feel anything. He has only one purpose now, to report his head and bad him. The enmity of the dreams, an unknown aura emerged from Izuku, surrounding these dozen seniors. Because it was deliberate, this aura surrounded them in a short period of time, just like Lion Majesty. Bundle these dozen seniors all over.

‘Goo! What does it feel like! So sad! ’

‘It feels like being tied up by Lion Majesty, no, the python! ’

‘It must be one of the three of them! Did you get the place back? ’

"Welcome three UA students to Shijie High School. I am the teacher who welcomes the three: Sword Dancer. At the same time, I am also the head teacher of Class A in the second grade of Shijie High School. On behalf of Shijie High School, I welcome the arrival of the three." A man with a ceremonial sword stuck in his waist, dressed like a soldier and wearing a mask, saluted the three of Izuku. Originally, when the teacher was saluting, the dozen or so seniors standing outside had to salute at the same time, but Their arms were tightly wrapped in the aura, and Lion Majesty, who was invisible, wrapped them tightly. They couldn't even open their nose and mouth, and couldn't even breathe.

‘Goo! Yes, I'm out of breath! ! ’

‘Is this the aura of U.A? So fierce! ! Can't even breathe! ’

‘Teacher help! ! ’

‘Ontology, that’s it, I think someone is going to foam. ’

'Humph! Izuku snorted in secret, slowly dissipating the aura, and you can hear these seniors' gasps.

"The three, please come with me." Following the sword dancers into Shijie High School, some of the dozen or so seniors who were standing outside, gasping for breath, were already kneeling on the ground.

"Cough cough cough! Definitely intentional! The three of them are absolutely dangerous!"

"I didn't expect U.A students to be so terrible!! Cough cough,"

The sword dancer took the three of them to a relatively small floor, and then gave each of Ida Tenya a key.

"Your dormitory is at three and five, and there is a daily schedule in the room. Please three of you must follow it." The eyes under the sword dancer's mask became a little joke.

‘We’re here to run out at five o’clock in the morning. I hope you can stick to it and don’t embarrass U.A. ’

‘A room for three people? I hope the bed is not too small, otherwise I don't read yellow books. ’Mineta! Didn’t you say you want to put things you shouldn’t bring in U.A? ! !

‘Three beds? It looks like it's being targeted again. ’

‘Three people sleep in the same room? Then how do I apply the medicine! Izuku is a little uncomfortable. It would be okay if one person is in a room, but now it is a room for three people. If you take the medicine without inspection, you will definitely find it, and then it will be a lot of trouble.

‘You can only go one step at a time. Izuku pursed his mouth, carrying his schoolbag and suitcase and walked into this dormitory building.

While the three Idas were in the dormitory to organize their own things, the sword dancers were on the playground of Shijie High School, reprimanding the second-year Class A students.

"What did I say at the beginning! When I salute, you have to bow together! Didn't you remember?!!! We are embarrassed by Shijie High School!!" Swordsman teacher.

"Sorry! Teacher!" Everyone lowered their heads. Although they said it was not their fault, they did not give the U.A high school exchange students a proper oppression and failed the teacher's expectations.

"Hmph, let's not pursue your mistakes, but tomorrow, tomorrow morning running exercises and class, you must give the three guys at U.A a little bit of color to see!! Have you heard it!!"

"Yes!" The shout was loud, but I don't know the actual effect. After all, Midoriya and Ida are both special types, huh? You mean Mineta? Isn’t that stuff used to sell stupid?

"Cuckoo~" Mineta Minoru was lying on his bed. I have to say that being short still has some advantages. For example, the bed that was originally small for Midoriya and Ida, Mineta Minoru can roll around comfortably. go with.

"Wow! It's so comfortable to say like this! The beds in Shijie High School are actually Simmons's! That's great!!"

"Take a rest early, but I have to get up at five o'clock tomorrow for a run."

"Five o'clock? Then how can I read the book!!" Mineta Minoru was choked.

"It's okay to get up early." Izuku said so, lying on the bed.

"Midoriya, do you want to take a bath together? I seem to have seen the location of the bathroom just now."

"No, I will go to wash later. I will write down today's diary first." Izuku took out a diary from his school bag.

"Huh? Where's my other locked diary?"

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Izuku opened the suitcase and searched it.

"Then I'll take a bath with Ida first." Mineta Minoru said with a basin.

"Yeah." Izuku was still rummaging.

"Dang Cang." The door of the dormitory was closed. Izuku searched for a long time and finally determined that his locked diary was not in his suitcase.

"It should have been forgotten by me in the room. I remember that the doors and windows of the room are locked. It should be okay."

'who knows. ’

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