The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 18 Self-help and All Might are on the scene.

When Izuku broke free from the darkness, he found himself above the flooded area.

"Damn it, that Villain's [quirk] is a dimensional teleportation! Want to kill All Might? Why?" Izuku sighed before falling into the water, and then fell into the water as a diver.

‘If they come in, they will definitely deploy manpower in various places, and they will definitely have them here. As soon as Izuku turned his head, he saw a shark-like man rushing towards him with his mouth open.

"Although I have no grudges with you, but goodbye forever!!" Unexpectedly, this guy could still speak in the water.

Just when Izuku was planning to use ONE FOR ALL to repel Villain, this Villain was suddenly attacked from the side. It was Asui Tsuyu’s classmate. She kicked the shark man with one kick, and then tied it with her long tongue. Izuku, then quickly left the battlefield, with Mineta Minoru in her hands.

Twenty seconds later, the three of them arrived on the only boat in the flooded area. Midoriya was put on board by Asui and Toyota was thrown on it because he ate Asui’s tofu.

"Ahem, thank you, Asui."

"Just call me Tsuyu sauce, but it's really terrible." Tsuyu classmates also got on the ship.

"Yes, because everyone is scattered, Tsuyu, can your communicator work?"

"It should be okay, vomit." Tsuyu-chan started to regurgitate, planning to vomit the communicator out of her stomach.

"Then you get in touch with other people first."

"Green, green and green Midoriya!" Mineta Minoru suddenly grabbed Izuku's hand and asked him to look out. Around the ship, suddenly many figures appeared. Those figures were either fish or octopus, they were all Villain.

"There is a big fish!!!" Mineta Minoru yelled suddenly, his face turned pale, he completely lost his strength and collapsed to the ground.

"Hey, now is not the time to give up!! They are going to kill us!" Izuku carried Mineta Minoru's collar and said loudly.

"Student Izuku, I just contacted other classmates. They are still safe now, but the problem now is that the communicator is flooded and can no longer be used, and other people seem to be very busy, and they have no time to take care of us." Tsuyu-chan said that she threw the communicator on her hand.

"Then we have to save ourselves. First of all, let's integrate everything we can use and analyze. I feel that they should not know our [quirk]." Izuku said, putting himself on his belt All of his small backpacks are taken off, and there will be a tough battle next, and there must be no omissions.

"I agree. If they know, they should put me in the fire simulation field next door." Tsuyu-chan nodded.

"Then, while they have not yet come up, immediately discuss the self-help plan. First of all, everyone will talk about their [quirk]. My words have super power, but this power is like a double-edged sword... ." In order to survive, Izuku fully revealed his abilities.

"I can jump, stick to the wall, extend my tongue for 20 meters, and spit out my stomach for washing." Tsuyu-chan said seriously about her abilities.

The two looked at Mineta Minoru, who was standing aside, and saw that he pulled a ball-like object from his head and stuck it on the wall of the ship.

"Super viscous, if it's in good condition, it will still stick after a day, and it will regenerate as soon as it is screwed off from the body, but if it is screwed too much, it will bleed, and I can jump without sticking."(Read more @

The three of them were silent for a short while after speaking. Suddenly, Izuku raised his head and looked at Mineta.

"Mineta-san, how many times can you use this ability at most?"

"Dozens of times, what's wrong?"

"I have an idea..." Izuku told them about his plan.

"That's absolutely impossible!!" Mineta Minoru began to deny the plan as soon as he heard it.

"I think this plan is feasible. Don't be afraid, Omineda. You just need to keep throwing your grapes." Tsuyu-chan nodded.

"Let's start, then." Izuku jumped out of the cabin and dived into the water.

"Huh, are you here to die?"

"Once he enters the water we will..."

"You guys are going to die!! SMASH!" I saw Izuku converging his power on a finger of his left hand, and then hitting a huge wind pressure in the form of a snapping brain. The wind pressure directly formed a waterspout in the water. , And sucked all the Villain in the water.

"It's now!!" Tsuyu-chan jumped out of the boat holding Mineda.

"It's up to you Mineta-kun." Tsuyu-chan tied Izuku in mid-air with her tongue.

"No matter! I throw and throw, throw and throw!" Mineta ignored the super sticky ball on his head into the center of the water spout.

"What is this! Why is it so sticky?"

"Don't lean over!! It's stuck together!!"

After tens of seconds, the person stuck by the super sticky ball formed a huge sphere.

"Ah, sure enough Mineta's [quirk] is really strong." Izuku clutched his purple fingers and walked slowly ashore with the other two.

"What should we do now?"

"If Villain is only at this level, then we don't need to worry about other people at all. Other people will only be stronger than us. Now what we need to do is go over there and meet the teachers and them. You go first, I want to see Look at Mrs. Aizawa and see if you can help him?"

"Then let's go first, and you should be careful." Tsuyu-chan quickly left here with Mineta Minoru and ran to the exit.

"Well, yourselves... That's bad!" As soon as Izuku turned his head, he saw Aizawa, who was still charging in the crowd just now, was suddenly crushed to the ground by a giant.

"Hmph, I'm not the boss. This'Nomu' specially developed to defeat All Might is the boss of this operation. It’s great to have [quirk] that can eliminate [quirk], but what’s the point? How to use it? In front of the overwhelming power, it is nothing more than a quirk." The man covered in hands stood in front of Teacher Aizawa and said arrogantly.

"Shigaraki Tomura." A dark shadow appeared behind the man with hands full.

"Kurogiri, is number 13 solved?"

"Already made him unable to fight, but I found that when I went to hit the number 13, two students had already run out of the USJ game and it was over."

"The game is over? Kurogiri, if you weren't for the "portal", I would like to squeeze you into powder immediately!" Shigaraki Tomura touched his neck with both hands and began to scratch constantly.

"Forget it, let's retreat."

'Ok? Why did they retreat so quickly? ’

"But before retreating..."

'Danger! Izuku’s sixth sense immediately sounded the alarm, and Izuku went downstream without even thinking about it.

"Cut, are you hiding?" Shigaraki Tomura suddenly appeared at the water's edge, looking at the slightly fluctuating water surface and expressing regret.

"Then evacuate." Just when these guys wanted to evacuate, the door of USJ was suddenly kicked open, and the symbol of peace appeared here.

"Don't be afraid, ask the reason, because I'm here!"

Shigaraki Tomura suddenly laughed at the shuddering guy standing there.

"The game continues."

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