"Olulu! It's a special hand-run store! There are actually All Might figures that I haven't seen!!!" As soon as Izuku entered the hand-run store, I saw a lot of All Might on the shelves. The hands are running, and the eyes are beginning to shine.

"It's over, it looks like the small vault can't be kept this time." Red eyes glanced at Izuku so that he knew that the small vault that the body had kept for a few months would be spent again.

"The All Might here only costs 10,000 yuan! It's so cheap!!" Izuku took out the card holder from his pocket, and his eyes flashed that I want to buy ten.

"Wait a minute! Main body! Don't you think about your purse?" Red-eyed Izuku reached out and stopped Izuku's hand that I wanted to take down, and then leaned against Izuku's ear.

"The figure here is a bit strange to me, you can take a closer look."

"Okay." Izuku still listens to red-eye words to a certain extent. After removing a small part of the All Might filter, Izuku finally found a little difference. No, it is very different. There are many All Might players. Although it looks glamorous, there are actually many places that are seriously damaged, and they all look like second-hand goods.

‘No, it’s not second-hand, it’s just fake! ! bad guy! How dare to sell fake All Might figures! Unforgivable! ! Izuku's grievances are almost condensed.

‘It’s not the time for the body to go crazy, let’s leave here first, and then call the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. So there is a reason to stay away from this gold-selling cave, kill two birds with one stone, perfect!

"Okay! I'll listen to you this time." Izuku and Redeye Izuku hurriedly left the hand-run shop, then walked into an alley and called the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

Half an hour later, dozens of workers from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau entered this hand-run shop.

"Okay, that hand-run store should be closed for rectification. It's almost a curfew now, let's go back." Izuku and Hongyan left the alley, their original good mood was messed up because of this hand-run shop. .

"Yeah." The two rushed to the gate of Shijie High School. There were three minutes left before the school would impose a curfew. If the students who were staying did not return during the curfew, they could only stay in an off-campus hotel. The evening will be over, and then you will be recorded as absent.

Mineta Minoru followed Izuku and ran into the school during the curfew time. I dropped my mother and ran along with Izuku's abnormal running with my mobile phone. I didn't get lost, so I got in, but NB killed me.

Back in the dormitory, Red Eye rushed into Izuku's shadow first. After all, the three-person room was already crowded. Wouldn't it be even more crowded if one more person was added.

Opening the door, Izuku saw his monitor, Ida Tenya was sitting on the only table in the room while reading a book and eating cold skin. By the way, monitor, this is the third bowl of cold skin you have eaten, your stomach. Don't you support it?

"The third power....... Suckling.........huh? Mr. Midoriya, you are back. I thought you would pay attention to the night outside, sucking." This noodle eater Who is this guy! It must not be the monitor I know! That serious and polite monitor! You give me back! !

"Ah, sorry, I'm coming back so late this time."

"Do you want to use a table? I just finished eating this bowl of cold skin." The snorting sound finally stopped, and Ida Tenya looked at Izuku who had just walked in with a puffed face.

"No, monitor, you can use the table. I have a folding table and a lamp." Izuku said, taking out a folding table and a relatively small lamp from his suitcase, and leaning the folding table against it. At the bedside, I turned on the lamp, Izuku sat on the bed and began to review the morning lessons. After all, I will have an exam tomorrow.

"Ah Louha!! Do you two miss me!!" Mineta Minoru walked into the room with a usual careless smile.

"Oh, Mineta-kun is back, how about playing outside?"

"Superb! There are so many big breasted beauties!!" Mineta Minoru slobbered in a timely manner.

"Can I solve this problem by adding this and this formula together?" Izuku was indulged in the sea of ​​learning. His right hand kept writing on the manuscript paper, and his left hand kept clasping his lips, buckling a piece of death from time to time. The skin was eaten into the stomach by Izuku.

"Hey! Midoriya! I'm back! You don't even say hello! It's too much!" Mineta Minoru saw that Izuku didn't say hello to him, so he jumped up with evil fun and patted Midoriya on the back.

"Puff! It hurts!!!" Ah! Bleeding from the lips.

"Eh! Midoriya, I won't say hello to me when I come back. Isn't it a silly student?"

"Um... Mineta-san, you're back." My back hurts, but I can't show it, and there is blood on my lips. Izuku endured the pain and raised his eyebrows, and struck Mineta Minoru stiffly. call.

"Huh? Midoriya, why is your mouth bleeding?"

"Is there? No." Izuku quickly turned around and wiped the Bloodline from his lips, then turned around again.

"Huh? Just now, you obviously saw a little Bloodline?"

"Could it be Mineta-kun that you read the wrong thing? Look, there is no blood on my mouth." Midoriya nodded his mouth, the faint red color didn't have any Bloodline.

"I really read it wrong? No matter! I want to clear yesterday's horror game!!" Mineta Minoru shouted so and threw himself on the bed, and took out the PSP from under the pillow. In fact, he started the horror game at noon. Cleared the customs, he was just looking for an excuse to shoot Izuku.

"Kun Mineta, don't you study? The exam is going to be tomorrow."

"Don't worry! My strength has not been fully utilized yet!" Mineta-kun, if you lie too much, your nose will grow.

"That's good." Ida Tenya nodded and turned around to continue studying.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

‘Wow, you two will continue to study, I’ll go to the water group! Mineta Minoru took out his mobile phone from his pocket and tapped into the group of classmates at a super fast speed.

Mineta Minoru: Oh, giggle, giggle! ! My uncle is here! Let me start all the other people! ! !

Kaminari Denki: Mineta Minoru is not stupid, right? So fierce today?

Erlang Xiangxiang: What do you do if you don't study at night, Mineta Minoru, you are tired of life and crooked.

Tokoyami Fumikage: Erlang did not do well in the exam today, Mineta stepped on a thunder today.

Tokoyami Fumikage: Dark feast.

Mineta Minoru: Ah! As the top fifteen in the class, the Erlang classmates will stumble in the first place?

Erlang Xiangxiang: You are dead if you dare to come back! ! !

Kaminari Denki: Mineta Minoru's beating face suddenly appeared in front of him.

Uraraka Ochaco: Didn’t I remember that Mineta Minoru went to Shijie High School for exchange students? How do you have time to chat in a group at night?

Mineta Minoru: Is the idea finally up? In fact, I got the first-hand information about Midoriya in Shijie High School!

Kaminari Denki:!

Erlang Xiangxiang:!

Uraraka Ochaco:!

Ashido Mina:!

Aoyama Yuga:!

Ojiro Mashirao:!

Kirishima Eijiro: Why do you keep making exclamation points? What exclamation point day is today?

Uraraka Ochaco: No, no, today is just Xiaojiu's first day at Shijie High School.

Mineta Minoru: @ Shoto Todoroki, can you post it here?

Shoto Todoroki: Send me a private message first.

Ida Tenya: Mineta-san! What do you want to post! ?

"Huh?!!!" Mineta Minoru turned his head and saw Ida Tenya staring at him.

Mineta Minoru: I am now being stared at by the monitor.

Ida Tenya: I didn't say not to let you post.

Mineta Minoru: Then I will post.

Shoto Todoroki: Hurry up.

Mineta Minoru: Quietly Mimi posted a [Picture of Midoriya training ground caught by tears]

The group was quiet, and then it exploded, no, two explosive barrels exploded.

Bakugo Katsuki: Damn! Who is that woman!

Shoto Todoroki: Send this to me, I will check this girl.

Kaminari Denki: Two big explosive barrels exploded.

Kirishima Eijiro: Anyway, who is this girl?

Mineta Minoru: I am a student in Class 1-A of Shijie Heroes Division. What is called "Moving Mountains and Tears of Rain". The strength ranks very high in Shijie Heroes Division.

Bakugo Katsuki: That trash hooked up with this woman?

Mineta Minoru: What the hell is hooking up? He was only doing one-on-one training with the one-on-one training with the man who moved to the mountain, tears and rain. Forget it, I don't know how to tell, let him talk to you online.

Kaminari Denki: Don't don't don't, it's getting messy when you talk about it.

Erlang Xiangxiang: Mineta, you speak first, we try to keep ourselves from thinking about it.

Mineta Minoru: Then I will post another video. The video is a bit vague. It was also taken during training.

Mineta Minoru: [Video.JPG, 10 minutes long]

Eleven minutes later.

Uraraka Ochaco: I never thought Xiaojiu-kun could cry so miserably, it was a bit pitiful for him.

Kaminari Denki: Same poor Midoriya, but as soon as I saw his tears, I wanted to laugh a little, [Apologize.JPG]

Yaoyorozu Momo: Mineta-kun, have you ever asked Leiyu's [quirk]?

Mineta Minoru: How can I remember that stuff, wait a minute, I will go to Midoriya for a note.

After a minute and a half.

Mineta Minoru: [Midoriya's note photo]

Yaoyorozu Momo: Can you turn your inner sadness into a rain of tears? This【 quirk】can control Villain very well.

Mineta Minoru: Just for this video, I was punched so hard by the guy I was fighting against. If the medical conditions here were not good, I would have had a concussion.

Tsuyu Asui: Touch the little head of poor Mineta, go on.

Mineta Minoru: So what follows is the video from last night, which is a bit scary.

Mineta Minoru: [Last night's video.JPG, two hours]

Kaminari Denki: Two hours! Mineta, are you kidding me?

Mineta Minoru: Just ask if you want to see it.

Kaminari Denki: I see.

The whole class went to watch the video.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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