The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 188: Two People Who Should Die

"Understood." Qianxia said, taking out a pistol from the holster under her short skirt, and the person standing next to her glanced at her and said.

"Qianxia, ​​you don't wear sex anymore?"

"Well, it’s better not to wear my marksmanship. Okay, this Sansan, please don’t move, otherwise it will hurt if you hit the wrong place." Qianxia held up his pistol and pointed it at Wujian blankly. Said the teacher's head.

"How can it be repaired!" The sword dancer half-kneeled on the ground, his intact right hand was covering his injured left shoulder, the wound on his left shoulder was torn apart by a small steel ball, and the white bones were faintly visible.

"Wow, your death is the beginning of this music." Qianxia said as she was about to pull the trigger.

"Stay away from the Sword Dancer teacher!!" A milky finger rushed forward and smashed Qianxia away. From a distance, everyone from Yelan Inasa ran over. It was a trick of the meat essence warehouse just now.

"It hurts!" The pistol was shaken off, and the sword dancer took this opportunity to disappear again in stealth.

"Qianxia, ​​it looks like someone is coming to listen to our music again." The master took out an AK from the bag he was carrying, loaded it, and pulled the bolt.

"It's just a bunch of little kids, Master, you won't be scared anymore, are you?"

"Nani? Nani? What are you thinking about? I'm just thinking about how to catch these little shit kids back, even though the shit guy with only one head left with the broken hand and foot is also wanted, but A complete price can be compared to four severed hands and feet. This is much more profitable than chasing Kou Kou, even though that Kou Kou is still flying around the world."

"Master, when we finish this ticket, we will kill Kou Kou, okay? I want to snatch that kid from Kou Kou. After so long, that kid must be more adorable, hehe." Pistol It was picked up again, and one bullet hit the erected bunker, making a bang.


"Master, don't forget that we have to catch the job."

"It doesn't matter if you kill a few first, anyway, those stinky quirks can't hurt us, can they?"

"Swish, it's a bunch of kids after all." Replaced the scary-caliber gun with a new bullet.

"If I remember correctly, Jonah should be fifteen years old if he lives now? Tsk tsk, I feel very upset at the thought of him working under Coco."

"Boom!!" Thousands of small steel balls directly thinned the bunker not far away.

"How can it be repaired!!" The student who built the bunker saw someone running over from the flank, and quickly erected a huge bunker again.

"Cut, was it actually discovered? It's just a bunch of little boys." The special bullet was loaded, and the master raised the gun.

"Teacher! Are you all right!" Ye Lan Inazuo and others looked at the teacher who was covering their wounds, a little shocked. Is this the teacher who can handle them with ease?

"Stupid! Didn't I let you take refuge?!!!" While covering his wounds, the sword dancer looked at these little boys who were the size of chicks.

"Teacher! We are not kids anymore! Besides! We all saved you teacher just now, didn't we?"

"Tsk! A group of self-righteous little ghosts!" Although the sword dancer teacher said so, the smile on his face was not diminished. After all, everyone wanted to live.

"Boom!" Thousands of small steel balls hit the bunker again, and several small steel balls directly penetrated the bunker and fell to the ground.

"How can it be repaired! Teacher, what are we going to do now?!"

"Their goal is you, so your safety is the number one priority. Run! Hurry up and take refuge!"

"Teacher, even if you say that, we are already surrounded now." The student who made the bunker once again erected a bunker and said a little depressed.

"Boom! Om!!" The side bunker was hit by an ultrasonic bomb, and the people hiding in the bunker couldn't help covering their ears and shouted.


"what is this!"

"So sad!"(Read more @

"Ultrasound?! There are even such bullets?"

"How about it, buddies, I have two magazines with ninety rounds of bullets here, surrender, at least not to let you die so ugly now."

"Master, I'm watching them here. They can't run now. You can find other little kids. It seems that we don't need those meat shields to appear this time. We can easily solve them."

"Then I'll leave it to you, this concert is really uncomfortable, a bunch of guys who are here to make trouble."

"Rapid kick!!" Just when the master turned around and wanted to go to the dormitory to arrest him, a kicking skill hit the master's chest fiercely, and the master was kicked into the air in an instant.


"Don't think we can catch casually! Bagua Road!!" Ida Tenya ran at the front. He kicked the master out just now, and there were more than 30 people wearing combat suits who followed him. The students who served.

"Hoho, Master, it looks like that guy's strategy has succeeded." Qianxia said as she pointed "Qianxia" at the students who had just run over.

"Sucking, the next bullet will make a terrifying scream here, that's the best compliment!!" Qianxia licked her lips.

"Do you think we will let you shoot?!"

"Swish!" An ice cone and a wind blade blew and hit Qianxia's body directly, but when it hit Qianxia's chest, the two [quirk] attacks had disappeared.

"Huhu, it seems that the thing the doctor gave is pretty good." Qianxia touched her chest.

"How is it possible! [Quirk] It's impossible to disappear silently like this!"

"BUT! Impossibility has become possible now!" The master stood up from the dust and patted the dust on his body.

"Guru, Guru, what I like most to see is the surprised faces of your idiots. Do you think [quirk] is all? It's really a group of idiots, Qianxia, ​​everyone is here, please solve it quickly." He took out a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, took out an eye and put it on his mouth, and lit the fire with a small lighter.

"Hi, Master, students who are about to have their hands and feet severed! If you don't want to be interrupted, just raise your hands obediently!"

"Baga! Do you think we will listen to you obediently?!!!" Ida Tenya yelled suddenly, this is completely different from the calm he is usually!

"Yes!" The crowd began to roar again.

"Huh! Master, that person's [quirk] is really easy to use."

"Are you idiots?! Go back and take refuge!" The sword dancer teacher's voice sounded from the bunker.

"That's it, it's too late to escape now." The simple provocation has made many people fooled.

"You guy! What are you talking about! We are from Shijie High School! We are the ones who are about to become Heroes! You must not hold back here!"

"It's worthy of being a group of passionate young people."

"Ba Ga is Ba Ga, hum." The yellow bullet was loaded again, this time the target was still aimed at the group of enthusiastic students.

"Wow!" A bullet hit Qianxia's feet, splashing dust.

"Who?!!!" The master and Qianxia immediately jumped back a few steps, this kind of precise sniping is not something ordinary people can achieve.

"Kara! Boom!" A black figure flew to the ground.

"Huh?! Blood surge? Isn't this guy hiding there well? How could he be cleaned up?"

"It's me who cleaned him up." A figure with dark green hair came out from the dark.

"Hello, the symphony orchestra duo that should have died."

"Who are you?" With a pistol wearing a hat, Qianxia looked at the new man.

"The [quirk] who can attract the blood of young people with its own blood, すごいですね, in order to clean up this guy, I used two bundles of tape." Izuku wears a gas mask on his face because of the blood surge. The [quirk] is similar to a virus, which is spread through the air. When Midoriya felt something was wrong with her, she immediately made her red eye make a mask, and her voice was a little muffled.

Just above the confrontation between Izuku and the symphonic duo, a small drone was hovering, and the footage taken by the drone was transmitted to the underground laboratory in real time. The doctor and SMART LADY were watching this scene.

"Doctor!" As soon as SMART LADY saw the green hair, he immediately turned to look at the doctor in the cultivation cabin.

"Notify the symphony duo, if they can bring Jonah, no, Midoriya Izuku, their commission will be doubled!" The doctor's face is still invisible, but it can be heard from his tone of voice. It was both excited and surprised.

"I know, I will notify them now."

"Oh, just take this guy back, and the commission will be doubled! Qianxia, ​​did you hear that?"

"I heard it." Qianxia pointed "Qianxia" at Midoriya Izuku.

"Are you aiming at me?" Izuku also raised the FN in his hand.

‘Red Eye, can you handle that man? ’

‘The sniper rifle is almost at a distance. If you miss a shot, you will be spotted. ’

'okay then. Izuku’s finger is placed on the trigger. His current position is in the green forest of Shijie High School, close to a hundred meters away from the symphony duo, behind the school wall.

"Looking at you like this, you don't plan to go back with us obediently."

"No matter what you want to do, I think it's dangerous." Izuku's eyes gradually became cold.

"Then we have to fight for a while, anyway, the doctor who wants us to bring back is only him, regardless of the broken hands or feet."

"Bang!" Izuku detained the class first, and shot out a shot. The target was the large-caliber shotgun in Qianxia's hand.

"Hey! Boom!" Qianxia exploded.

"FU*K!!!" Qianxia let go of the shocked hand, AK and pistol bullets

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