The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 191 End and Treatment

"Everyone! Are there any injuries!" All Might stood in the ruins, looking over, surrounded by chaos.

"Everyone! Is there anyone who can answer my words!!"

"Ms. All Might!! We are here!!" A hand was raised in the bunker with only a layer of skin in the distance, and the brown arm could see clearly in the smoke.

"Ida boy voice, are you all right!"

"Ahem! We're all right! This cigarette is very choking." Ida Tenya coughed a few times.

"Right! Where's the Midoriya boy?!" All Might still remembered that it was his apprentice, Midoriya Izuku, who was fighting Villain in the war zone.

"I don't know, after Midoriya moved the battlefield to the forest corridor over there, we couldn't see it!"

"Forest corridor?" All Might turned his gaze to the almost missing forest corridor. The original lush forest corridor was blown up in half, and the remaining trees were either directly blown down or were burning.

"Midoriya boy!"

"Huh!!! Puff!!!"

"Who!! It's so noisy! Don't you know we just finished a fight?!!!" Red-eyed Izuku's head popped out of the pond, shouted and then fell again.

"Very smelly! Red eyes, even the water in the pond is stinky by you." Izuku's voice was a little weak.

"Get up quickly and take a shower."

"Well, get up." Izuku also stood up from the pond. All Might saw his current horror. Only the upper body of his shirt was corroded and he could be worn. The lower body was almost corroded and clean, and the pants were scratched a few times. At the crossing, the icy weather caused the blood droplets to quickly condense into ice beads, hanging on Izuku's white legs.

"Puff!" Izuku pressed his right nostril and sprayed fiercely, blood sprayed out of Izuku's left nostril.

"I should blow it or I will blow it, I really know how to play it." Redeye also stood up. He was fine, but the junior high school uniform on his body was much older, and the bodies of both of them were wet.

"Midoriya boy! Are you okay?!"

"All Might, I'll be fine." Midoriya showed a smile.

"I'm fine too!" Red Eye gave a thumbs up.

"But it's no longer usable here, it needs to be renovated."

"And it's still a major repair." Red Eye spread out his hands as he said so, suddenly a hurricane blew, and the helicopter arrived.

"All Might, you suddenly jumped down like this, but it shocked me and the pilot." Aizawa Shouta walked out of the helicopter cabin. As soon as he appeared, Izuku and the red-eyed body trembled and turned quickly. When planning to leave, Mr. Aizawa said that he can’t use [quirk] outside casually and he still didn’t allow it.

‘I can’t see I can’t see I can’t see me. Izuku and red eyes and sweaty faces hurried away.

"Hey! Problem boy!" These words nailed Izuku and Red Eye there like a nail, and didn't dare to move.

‘It’s done, it’s done! Ruined! ! ’

‘I will definitely be called to write a review! ! ! ’

‘And will be confined! ! ’

‘The 20,000-character review begins! ! ’

‘One month of confinement! ! A lot of homework will definitely be left behind! ! ’

‘A review of 20,000 words, your hands will be broken! ! Both of them are imagining their future scenes, and they are pressing to the extreme.

"Problem boy?!" Aizawa Shouta slowly walked behind them, and suddenly the two suddenly turned and bowed.

"I'm really sorry! Teacher Aizawa Shouta!!!"


"We are not good! We should not use [quirk] casually!!!"

"Please don't let us write a review!!!"

"???" Now it was Aizawa Shouta's turn to be stunned.

Twenty minutes later, Izuku and Redeye came to the bathroom again, but this time behind them was All Might.

"No matter how many times you take a bath! It won't be greasy, hahaha!!" A white towel was wrapped around the red-eyed waist.

"Don't run around, watch out for slipping."(Read more @

"If you want to slip, the body slips, I'm a shadow!"

"Wow ah ah ah!!!" Izuku's body began to fall forward as soon as the red eye finished speaking.

"Be careful!" Izuku's hand was held by another big hand.

"Thank you, All Might teacher."

"Be careful in the bathroom."

‘Midoriya boy’s hands are really very thin. ’

"Hi." Izuku nodded.

"But All Might, you don't have to deal with the riots in the city, but is it really good to take a bath here?"

"The riots have been dealt with by other professional heroes. I finally came here. How can I do without a shower? Before I came, I just finished running."

"Wow Gadana."

"VV~~Main body! This water is still hot! I want to take a bath!"

"Go and wash away the smell first! Don't pollute the bath water." Izuku took out a whole jar of shampoo from the basin he was carrying and threw it to Red Eye.

"Use this whole jar for me."

"Vanilla? It will taste great."

"But you have a bigger smell now."

"Hi, hi." Redeye chose a shower head casually, found a small stool and began to wash.

"But." Izuku turned to look at All Might, who was also wearing a towel around his waist.

"I always thought All Might doesn't actually sweat."

"Hahaha! I'm not a robot! How could I not sweat!" Wiping the sweat off his face with the towel in the basin, All Might's stiff face like a zombie smiled.

"That's it." Izuku nodded.

"Do you want me to wash your hair?"

"Eh? it really okay?!" Izuku's face was blushing crazily, white smoke came out of his head, and his head was overloaded! Medical soldiers! !

Two minutes later, Izuku sat on the small bench obediently with a blush on his face, and his green hair was enveloped in white bubbles.

‘Midoriya boy’s hair is very soft. ’

"Does All Might usually use this shampoo? It smells good, should I also buy a tin? Should I not wash my hair for a month? Hey, the filter is too thick. If you don’t wash your hair for a month, it will be stinky!

"Hair has bubbled up, I'm going to flush next, close your eyes."

"Hi." I closed my eyes, and the warm water fell from his head. The hot water irritated the wound on Izuku's back, and Izuku's body trembled fiercely.

‘I’m also the first to see the body who came to take a bath before the back was cleaned. ’

‘If it wasn’t for the smell on your body, I would also like to go to the infirmary to check the wound! ’

‘It’s okay to go after the shower. ’

‘But it hurts my back now! The scald cream seems to have been washed off too! ’

‘Need treatment here? There are three more tubes of scald cream. ’

"Midoriya boy, isn't there any pain on your back?"

"Ah, it's okay, I will go to the health room for treatment after the shower, but is there a doctor in the health room?"

"Not yet. Several classmates with [treatment] [quirk] are treating the sword dancers. The first thing that suffers in the city is the hospital. If the sword dancers are to be treated more deeply, they have to be transferred to Go to another city hospital." All Might said with a sigh.

"Are there enough medical supplies in the health room?"

"I don't understand, but it should be enough."

"Let's take a look." Izuku opened his eyes and turned off the shower head with his hand.

"Ontology, I only used half a can of shampoo here."

"Don't worry about the shampoo, hurry up and go to the health room. With guns and projectiles of that caliber, it's not a joke if you get hit."

"I see, I see." Turning on the shower head, red eyes quickly rushed to his head.

"Sorry, All Might, you have to take a bath yourself."

"No, I'll take a look with you, maybe I can help." All Might said so and took the shower head and rinsed his body casually.

"It's All Might! The shower is so fast!" The filter is too thick! !

The three of them quickly washed their bodies, put on their clothes, and walked to the health room.

In the health room, several students were worried. Although they said that the wounds on the teacher of the sword dancer had been cleaned up, the blood loss of the teacher was too serious and he had to be transfused in time. However, the blood types of several of them did not match.

"The sword dancer teacher has blood type B, but we are all blood type A, so we can't do blood transfusion at all, what should I do?"

"Now it's too late to convene other classmates to test their blood types. We can only find people with type B blood first."

"How is the sword dancer teacher now?" The three of Izuku walked into the health room.

"You are here just right. Who of you has blood type B? Teacher Sword Dancer is bleeding severely now and must undergo a blood transfusion on the spot." Now these classmates are already in desperate conditions.

"I have blood type A." All Might said a little frustrated.

"I have blood type O, let's draw mine." Izuku said as he rolled up his sleeves.

"O type blood? Universal blood transfusion type? Then please." Izuku was placed on a chair with an infusion tube connected to his arm.

"Guru Guru." Red blood kept flowing out of Izuku's veins and toward the sword dancer lying on the hospital bed.

"Ontology, I thought you went to the health room to heal yourself, but in the end you also helped others." From the shadow, he took out a medical kit and squatted down to treat the injury on Izuku's foot.

"How long will the blood transfusion take?" All Might looked at the student who was taking care of the sword dancer.

"It takes about half an hour, about 600cc."

‘Fortunately, the amount of blood transfusion is not too much. ’

"Hi! Red eyes, how can you directly pour disinfectant on your legs like this!"

"Hey, disinfect the whole leg, and then give you medicine."

Because the incident was resolved, Shijie’s residential students were forced to go back to the dormitory to sleep under Aizawa Shouta’s security (weigh). The current time is 12:30 in the morning, and Izuku is here. Stayed up all night in the true sense.

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