The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 194 The Second Day at Shijie High School

Eyes opened, green pupils appeared in front of them, and Ida Tenya's face stiffened.

"Midoriya-san? You are awake."

"Ida-kun? What's the matter?" Izuku rubbed his eyes and sat up from the bed.

"It's seven o'clock in the morning. Does your injury matter? I brought you breakfast. Do you want to eat?"

"I am very hungry now, I need this too much, thank you Ida-san, Aliado." Taking the lunch box from Ida, Izuku saw the U.A teachers sitting in the chairs.

"Yeah, good morning, Midoriya." Spider-Man waved his hand, with half of Deadpool hanging on his body.

"Hululu." Mr. Deadpool seemed to be still asleep.

"Midoriya kid, how did you sleep?" Teacher Midnight wore a gray robe, and her combat uniform was damaged during the battle.

"Well, good morning, Mrs. Spiderman, Mrs. Midnight, I slept well." Izuku obediently greeted the two teachers.

"Well, what happened to Deadpool?"

"I encountered a powerful Villain in the game yesterday and directly tore Deadpool from the middle. Deadpool was not dead. That Villain was scared by Deadpool and passed out first.

‘Deadpool, such a miserable man. Thinking like this, Izuku opened the lunch box in front of him. There were a few pieces of bread and a jug of milk in the lunch box.

"Good morning, classmate Midoriya Izuku." Two police officers walked from the health room, one of whom was All Might's old friend, Tsukauchi.

"Good morning, Mr. Tsukauchi, are you here to make a transcript?"

"Yes, so please go out first."

"No problem." Midnight, Spider-Man and Ida Tenya walked out of the health room. Izuku turned to look at the hospital bed next to him. The sword dancer teacher is not there. Was he transferred to the big hospital?

"So, let's start, what is the Villain you saw?" Mr. Tsukauchi pulled a small chair and sat next to Izuku.

Half an hour later, Izuku and Mr. Tsukauchi walked out of the health room.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a horrible Villain. I really wronged you this time." Mr. Tsukauchi patted Izuku on the shoulder.

"My husband, I should have been protecting my classmates, not to mention that I also mastered [ONE FOR ALL] It is my duty to protect other people."

"Then is the injury on your back okay?"

"Hey, I don't know why, I have recovered very quickly recently, and there is no pain in my back." Izuku scratched his head and said with a smile. The battle last night made his messy hair even messier.(Read more @

"Although you have mastered [ONE FOR ALL], you are still a student, Midoriya boy. I hope that next time you can hide in a safe place like other students."

"I see, All Might teacher." In front of All Might, the idol and teacher, Izuku remained respectful.

"But I will do my best to protect those who need protection." Izuku raised his head, and his emerald eyes looked at the zombie face.

"...Be careful." All Might said and patted Izuku on the shoulder. Izuku saw a few students walking in the distance. It was the first group of teachers to support the sword dancers last night. All Might also turned his head and took a look.

"Let's go, Tsukauchi, the two of us go find a place to have breakfast. Do you want to drink soy milk?" All Might blinked at Tsukauchi. Tsukauchi, who has been cooperating with All Might for many years, instantly understood this. It's a matter between the children, and it's no longer the responsibility of their adults.

"I want to drink milk tea, I hope there is in the cafeteria here." The two chatted as they walked away.

"...Student Ye Lan, what's the matter?" Izuku tilted his head. He hadn't had enough for breakfast just now.

"Extremely sorry!!!" Yelan Inazuo was another head-to-head grab for the ground. This time he was so powerful that he directly smashed the ground into a big crack.

"What's the matter?" Izuku's face was dumbfounded.

"I'm really sorry! I said that to you yesterday!" Ye Lan Inazuo shouted loudly.

"We are deeply sorry, we were speechless yesterday." Roucang Jinger and others also bowed ninety degrees.

"Husband, husband, I actually did something wrong, I should have taken you to evacuation." Izuku smiled awkwardly.

"Student Ye Lan, you have bleeding on your head, okay?" Taking the band-aid from the red eye in the shadow, Izuku helped Yelan Inasa, who was still over there with his head, and gave it to him. Put a band-aid on the bleeding forehead.

"If you keep hitting your head like this, you will get a concussion." Midoriya's smile was like the warm sun that had just risen, illuminating everyone.

"Snee! It's a bit cold in winter. I have to go back to my room to find a long-sleeved dress. I don't know if I need to run in the morning, so I'll go back first." Izuku wiped his nose, turned and ran away.

"Midoriya is indeed an angel!" Mineta Minoru put away the camera and said.

‘That smile is something only angels have! All Might, who was hiding in the corner peeking, thought so in his heart.

‘I thought there would be a fight, but it turned out to be like this, it’s boring. "The mound lighted himself a cigarette, teacher! Here is one who is not too big to watch the excitement! !

"Let's go! I'm hungry! I didn't even eat supper and breakfast to make a transcript." Dragging All Might, Tsukauchi went to Shijie's cafeteria while smoking a cigarette.

At 8:20 in the morning, due to the Villain attack, Shijie High School took a special day off. The repair and reinforcement of the doorway were temporarily repaired by the cement department of U.A High School.

"Above, all right, brats! I will give you a day off today! I still have to give me an honest exam tomorrow!!" As soon as the sword dancer finished speaking, the classroom door was pushed open, and several medical staff in white coats He surrounded him directly, and moved the sword dancer teacher out at a super fast speed.

"Yes, the sword dancer has already caught it. It will be sent to the ambulance in one minute, and to the hospital in twenty minutes." A medical worker holding a mobile phone nodded and said.

"Well, according to preliminary analysis, the other teachers are just in a coma, and they can recover in just two days..."

"Let go of me! I can go by myself!"

"Knock faint, take it away." A medical staff directly knocked the sword dancer teacher faint with a hand sword, and then took it away.

"Guru." Everyone swallowed, hoping that they won't encounter such a scary medical staff when they go out on missions in the future.

"Since it's okay in the morning, Midoriya, do we want to look outside again?" Mineta Minoru is a master who doesn't think it is too much to watch the excitement.

"Today is a holiday, and Villain made trouble again yesterday. Now the city is full of chaos. Maybe there will be other Villain to take advantage of the fire. I think Mineta's idea is very good. We can go and help." Ida stood up and cleaned up. Took a look at the schoolbag.

"Yeah! I also think this idea is pretty good."

"But, Midoriya, are you okay? I only played one game last night. Wouldn't it be too reluctant to move out now?" The class's eyes faintly looked at Izuku.

"My husband, my husband, I think I'm going out to play for a while. If I can help, I won't force myself." Izuku scratched his head and said, under the black trouser legs, there are still a few pieces of ointment. tear off.

‘Is it interesting to deceive others, but not yourself, ontology? ’

'who knows. Izuku's smile is still as warm as the sun.

"Okay! So today's event is to get out of school to help!" The monitor of Class 1-A of Shijie High School suddenly stood up, waving his sturdy (all Mao) right hand, and shouting to the class.

"SIR YES SIR!" It is worthy of being a militarized school.

"Then start grouping now." Under the deliberate black-box operation of the deputy squad leader Roucang Jing'er, four ten-member teams including the UA three were established in Shijie High School. Their goal today is to help people in the city. Professional Heroes solves the troubles, to put it bluntly, they are just hanging out.

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