The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 210 The situation in the Sanfan District continues to be chaotic

"Swish! Swish!" The ejector on the mechanic's back continuously ejected blue flames.

"You two! Don't fight here! Otherwise, you will be arrested!" The mechanic shook his hands, and several anesthesia guns appeared on the mechanic's body.

"Boom boom boom!" The two monsters continued to fight wherever they were concerned.

"Damn, the two guys don't listen to me, fire!"

"Bang bang bang bang!" The anesthesia gun fired instantly, dozens of anesthesia rounds hit the two monsters.

"Huh! Huh!" The hurricane waved from the wings of the two monsters directly blew the narcotic bombs that had hit them.

"Damn it, can't a long-range attack work?" The mechanic dodges several anesthesia bombs that were blown back, holding the anesthesia guns in his hand, after a dazzling operation, a two-meter-long giant blade Appeared in the hands of the mechanic.

"Can you only fight melee?" The mechanic wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Then you can only get on! The first two! You have violated the "Quirk Use Management Law"! Now you are to be arrested!"

In Shijie’s bus, Midoriya was leaning back in his chair looking at the scenery outside the window. Shijie’s speed was much faster than U.A's. After only four hours, they were almost in the city where U.A High School was located.

"Goo! When can I go to the toilet? I can't hold it anymore!" Mineta Minoru, who was sitting next to Izuku, clutched his crotch, holding back quite fortunately.

"It should be almost at the rest stop, I have seen the sign of the rest stop." Ida Tenya pushed his glasses, his legs were tightly clamped, and it seemed that he was holding back.

"Hey, Midoriya, don't you hold back?" Mineta Minoru poked Izuku, who was still watching the scenery.

"Ah? I don't feel anything, probably because I didn't drink so much water during lunch, so I don't want to go to the toilet that much."

"By the way, that lunch is really unpalatable. If there is no water, you can't swallow it dry. I didn't expect Midoriya to be so happy that you could still eat."

"Because it's the first time to eat, and that's the key lunch, even if it tastes bad, you have to eat it, right?"

"That's true."

‘The body is deceptive. It’s obviously the same food as compressed biscuits. In fact, the body hasn’t eaten it for a long time. It’s a bit greedy. ’

‘It’s a bit, but the taste is not bad. ’

The bus quickly drove into a rest station, and the sword dancer teacher stood up.

"Chicklings, here I will give you ten minutes to rest, and in an hour, we will be in that city. We will cheer up Laozi. Can you hear me clearly?"

"Sir yes sir."(Read more @

"Speak up! I can't hear you!"


"Okay! Get off!" The door of the bus slowly opened. The cold air that belonged to November rushed into the bus and fought against the heating in the bus. I couldn't care about that. They rushed out of the bus and rushed to the rest stop toilet. Izuku was the last one to get out of the bus.

"Hmm! Sometimes the cold air is very refreshing!" The first thing Izuku got out of the car was to stretch a big waist. Izuku saw the blue sky, a few clouds floating in the air, a little bit chilly. a feeling of.

When I walked into the restroom's restroom, the small pits were already full, and only the large ones were left, and a few were vacant.

‘I had to go to the big toilet and play the trumpet. ’

‘It’s a strange tone, does the body think of something? ’

I opened the door of the big toilet, and as soon as I entered, I heard the people in the next room calling for help.

"Well, anyone of you brought paper? I forgot to bring paper when I went to the big toilet!" The other rooms rang in the next second.

"Did not bring."


"Wipe your ass with your hand."

"Damn! You are too unfeeling!"

"I have a ten thousand yuan note here, but I don't want to use it for you, it's too wasteful."

"Asiba! I don't want to wipe my ass with my hands!" There was a desperate cry from the next door, and Izuku touched his pocket. There was a pack of wet tissues for wiping his mouth in his pocket. Remove the wet tissues from his pocket He took it out and stuffed it with the gap in the compartment.

"I also have a pack of wet tissues here, which should work."

"Thank you so much! I thought I was going to stay in this toilet and couldn't get out." The wet tissue was pulled over, in exchange for a word of thanks.

At 3:45 in the afternoon, Izuku lifted his pants in the toilet, opened the door, and washed his hands. Izuku returned to the bus. As soon as he got back on the bus, I saw the bus’s on-board TV. The news is being broadcast live.

"Dear viewers! We are now near the Sanfan District of XX City. Just now, All Might appeared here. A Heroes who had been on alert here has already taken action to stop two Villains from attacking each other! He can succeed. Will All Might take the initiative to subdue the two Villains in the ending this time?"

"Be careful!" Suddenly, the host was thrown over by an alert policeman. A fragment of a jet slid across the camera, making a loud noise behind the camera.

"Push the cordon back five hundred meters! It's not safe anymore! When will Hawks come?!" The shouts of the police and the screams of the melon-eating crowd resounded, and from time to time someone would be heard falling down. The voices on the ground, their distance is still too close, the mound is sweating profusely on Hawks' cell phone.

"Moximosi, who?"

"Mr. Hawkes, when will you arrive?" There are a few more blue veins on the head of the mound, but the tone is still more polite.

"I'm rushing to you. There will be at most two minutes. I am flying on the highway, and electromagnetic interference is relatively large." Hawkes said while controlling his wings to make himself fly faster.

"Please Mr. Hawkes, we are already in a mess here, hello! Don't cross the cordon! I also hope that Mr. Hawkes will arrive as soon as possible, please."

"I see." After hanging up the phone, Hawkes touched the glasses on his face.

"Saying, speed it up a bit, it looks like it's already very difficult over there." The wings on Hawks's back flapped quickly, pushing Hawks to the city quickly.

In the third zone, All Might was standing on another building, holding the maimed mechanic in his arms. He just bravely held the two-meter sword and slashed one against two monsters. When I was young, I was kicked back by two monsters one by one. They smashed through three buildings before stopping. All the machinery on his body was shattered. Several fragments were inserted into the mechanic's body, causing not only external injuries but also internal injuries. .

"How can it be repaired, cough cough~" the weak mechanic coughed a few times and spewed blood.

"Mechanic, don't talk for now, we will take you to the ambulance now." Shi Shuo and the Special Combat Sword came to All Might after a few jumps, and took the seriously injured mechanic.

"Sorry, All Might, we can't deal with those two Villains, we have to leave them to you."

"It's okay, you hurry up and send him to the ambulance, I will take care of it here!"

"Then leave it to you, please, All Might-sang." After the special warfare double-sword, he jumped downstairs with the mechanic and ran to the ambulance parked outside the cordon. Fight the back of the double sword.

"It would be great if it could be done so easily." All Might quickly changed back to the appearance of Toshinori Yagi after they left in the special warfare, and sighed long.

"Mr. Tonori Yagi with a trust value of 100%, have you encountered any difficulties?" Just when Tonori Yagi was sitting on a rock and thinking about how to subdue two Villains at the same time, a mechanical sound aroused Yagi's note.

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