The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 216 Before the Patrol

Walking on the street, Midoriya introduced to people from Shijie as he walked.

"The front is Sanfan District. Although it is not in the center of the city, Sanfan District also has many interesting places. The fitness building of the pavilion..."

"Hoho, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with Sanfan District." Suddenly a red figure hung upside down from a telephone pole.

"Huh? Teacher Spiderman?!"

"And me! Ouch!" Another red figure jumped directly from the telephone pole, his head on the ground.

"Mr. Deadpool?"

five minutes later.

"So, you six of you have to patrol with me in the Sanfan District today and tomorrow, I said! Deadpool, can you stop sticking to me!" Spiderman said, pushing and hugging his waist. , A big bag grew on his head, two tearful Deadpool.

"The relationship between Mr. Spider-Man and Mr. Deadpool is really good, but is it really okay to have such a big bag?" Izuku squeezed his face.

"Hurry up and stand up for me! They are all grown-ups already, don't act like a child like a baby!"

"Headache! Little spider rubbed it for me."

"Please beg your face! Who drank so much alcohol at night! A ghost is not a pain in your head!"

"How to patrol like this?"

"Swipe!" Deadpool, who said that his head hurts, was hung up again.

"That should be fine." Looking at Deadpool hanging upside down on a telephone pole, a drop of cold sweat ran on Izuku's forehead, and Spider-Man was scary when he was angry.

"Okay, now that this guy who is still hanging over is done, let's start our patrol today." Spider-Man clapped his hands, and a spider silk spouted from the web launcher on his wrist.

"The place to be patrolled today is the back mountain in the Sanfan District. Everyone speed up. Get there first. I'll treat you to a Mexican hand roll!"

"The back mountain in Sanban District?" Izuku and Bakugo were stunned at the same time.

‘The back mountain in Sanfan District, isn’t that the place where I will fight [Phantom Change]? ’

‘Back Mountain? Isn't that the place where Fei Jiu was injured? damn it! Bakugo Katsuki became disgusted at the thought that the counterfeit put on his face in that duel, and didn't know whether it was the disgusting counterfeit or herself.

"Midoriya, do you know where the back mountain is?" Shoto Todoroki suddenly approached Midoriya.

"Uh, there." Midoriya pointed to a mountain that was half green and half brown.

"Now that you see it, let's go." Shoto Todoroki stretched his right hand to Izuku's left hand super natural.

"Well, I have to go quickly." Izuku walked forward quickly, and Shoto Todoroki was blank.

‘Did Spider-Man find something? ’

‘One of the Villain I saw on TV yesterday is very similar to the monster from the previous duel and attack on Shijie High School. ’

‘Is that a variant of that monster? Why would another Villain fight it? Midoriya thought, walking faster and faster, and gradually changed from fast walking to trotting.

‘Flying variant, Villain will be more difficult to face next. ’

‘Yeah, I have to keep getting stronger. Izuku nodded, his arms began to swing, and the speed continued to increase.(Read more @

‘Mexican hand rolls, I haven’t eaten it for a while. ’

"If the first one arrives, I will eat the most expensive caviar flavor!"

"Too greedy!" Spider-Man yelled as he shuttled through the tall buildings.

"Obviously you are the first to let go of the big talk! Let me obey it!"

"That's it!" Red eyes emerged from Izuku's shadow and ran with Izuku. Behind them were Bakugo and others who used [quirk] to catch up quickly.

"Sa, run faster! Ontology, the ghost catching game begins!" Red Eye said, first touched Izuku's body with his hand, and then ran away at a super fast speed.

"Five, four, three, two, one! I'm starting to scratch!" A thin green electric glow appeared on Izuku's feet.

"Whoo!" Green lightning flashed through the crowd.

"Wow! The body is shameless! Without [quirk]!"

"Really?" Midoriya lifted [ONE FOE ALL] and the speed slowed down significantly.

"I mean!"

"Then don't play parkour!"

"That's interesting! Hey!" With a stomped foot, the red eyes rose to the sky, and then stepped on the stone steps of the flower bed with his right foot, avoiding Izuku's scratching.

"Red eyes!"

"Slightly! Catch me!"

"Tatata!" The red eyes suddenly felt bad, and turned around to see that Izuku was stepping on the wall at high speed and chasing him.

"You can play parkour if you forget the body!" Redeye stepped on the railing and ran on the railing quickly.

"Swish!" Falling to the ground, Izuku chased the red eye who was still running on the railing.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta." Izuku stepped on the stone next to the street tree, tapping the ground from time to time, and the distance between the two gradually approached.

"It's almost here, the body hasn't caught me yet."

"Don't underestimate me!" Izuku yelled and jumped onto the railing.


"I'm optimistic! Batuk's fast forward!" Izuku's body swayed to the left and right on the railing, but the speed did not decrease at all, on the contrary, it accelerated.

"Batuk's fast-forward? Don't you know how to do it before?" Batuk's fast-forward is one of Ugo's special skills, which is quite difficult to master. , This trick is the most suitable for Ugo who has 【body shell】【quirk】.

"Hey, after the physical fitness is up, you can try many tricks. This is the first time I have tried when I came back here. Sa! The ghost catching game is over!" Izuku stretched out his hand, thinking Grab the red-eyed collar.

"Tsk! It won't be so easy to end!" Red Eye jumped off the railing, rolled on the ground, stood up quickly, and continued to run.

"Wow, you can run with red eyes!"

"Come and catch me, just a little bit."

"I can't take care of you! Haha!" Izuku kicked his feet and flew towards the red eye.


"This game! I won!" Izuku closed his eyes and slammed his hands.

"Papa!" The two slammed to the ground, and Spider-Man who fell on the tree said that the picture was too beautiful to look at.

"Wow! The body is too good!!" Redeye quickly stood up from the ground, pulled up his pants, and sneaked a glance at Mr. Spider-Man and said, there was nothing there, super exciting!

"I'm sorry, but I won the game this time!" Izuku sat on the ground and scratched his head.

"Hey, hey, get up quickly, the ground is dirty." Red eyes pulled Izuku up.

"Whhhh, the first person to arrive this time is [Deku]! I will treat the Mexican hand roll as agreed." Spiderman dropped to the ground with an somersault, squinting at Izuku and red eyes, and then looked at again. Bakugo and others who just ran over.

"The most important thing about Heroes is speed. Your speed is too slow, and your [quirk] is not proficient enough! When you show up to classmate Guy Mi, you just run so dry! I don't know if there is a taxi available A taxi is much faster than your feet, okay? Your head can't be stiff." Spider-Man nodded his head as he said.

‘I’m so angry but I can’t refute it. ’

"Yo Xi, then this patrol will officially begin. Before we start, I have to tell you one thing. Everyone knows that Villain appeared in Sanfan District yesterday, and Villain may be hidden in the back mountain area. The patrol is to find the trace of Villain. If you encounter Villain, please retreat as soon as possible and notify the teacher. Have you heard clearly?"


"Then let's start."

"The three are in a team." Shoto Todoroki said so and glanced at Bakugo, Bakugo instantly understood that the two directly grabbed Izuku's hands and ran into the back mountain.

"Then let's go in too."

"Hot-blooded patrol!!"

"Mountain climbing is bad for girls' feet." Shijie's trio was noisy and entered the back mountain, Spider-Man followed behind Shijie's trio.

"I hope it wasn't that guy who showed up, or else I really have a headache for a long time." Spider-Man squeezed the bridge of his nose and throbbed on the branch.

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