The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 236 Third【 quirk】Awakening!

‘Midoriya’s 【quirk 】get! ’

"I remember using it like this?" Monoma Neito made a gesture and pressed it against Izuku's head.

"Try it?"

"No! It can't be used!!" Izuku violently pulled off the two hands between the objects and hugged the person directly.

"Boom!" There was a fire in the viewing area. Hey! Fight the fire! !

'Eh? ! what happened? ! This guy actually hugged me? ’

"Why can't it be used?"

"It will hurt myself! Red eyes! Help quickly!"

"I see!" In the shadow behind Monoma Neito, a few large hands made of shadows suddenly hugged Monoma Neito.

"Hello! My classmate! I am red-eye! It is the main body [quirk], please advise!" The red-eyed figure emerged from Izuku's shadow and gave it to Monoma Neito and the other members of Class B who were tied up. Say hello.

"Sa! Quickly end this training!" The red eye stretched out his hand, and several other class B classmates also appeared behind several big hands trying to catch their master.

"Why! Ooo!" Monoma Neito just wanted to shout when a pair of big black hands covered his mouth.

"Although Wujian classmate, you are very good-looking, but it's a bit too long-winded." Red Eye gave Wujian a very kind (?) smile.

‘This person is a bit annoying. ’

‘The Wujian classmates are actually very good. ’

‘Is the main body looking at the value of the dishes? ’

'what? ’

[Monster! Go to hell! ! ! ]

"Goo! Poof!" Izuku bent down abruptly, his hands suddenly filled with black gas.

[Kou Kou's most cherished toy is you, kill you, will Kou Kou be angry? ]

"Hex..." The black gas slowly enveloped Izuku's body.

"What's the matter?!" Everyone in the viewing area clearly saw the strangeness on Izuku.

"Is it the [quirk] from Class B?"

"No, no one in our class has this kind of [quirk] Will it be Villain?"

"Not necessarily."

"Need help?"

"Stay here." Aizawa Shouta said and turned on the microphone.

"Notify all the students in the training ground that the training of the third group is over. The winner, Class A, everyone returns to the viewing area."

"Ahhh!!!" The screaming sound covered the sound of the horn, and the black gas suddenly shot out, flying the dueling field and everyone in the duel field.

"Boom! Wow! Wow!"

"What's the matter?!" Monoma Neito was also lifted out.

"The main body forgot to take the medicine again? This time it was a sudden?" The red eye was lifted, a backflip, and fell to the ground to offset the momentum.

"What's the matter?!" Uraraka Ochaco, who was standing on a high place, shouted loudly.

"Hex!!" Izuku's voice resounded through the training ground.(Read more @

[boom! boom! boom! ]

[Dodge the bombing! ]

[Hiding here, good...Boom! boom! ] The fortress in the dream was once again shattered by the missile.

[blood! blood! blood! ]

[Help! Help! ! ] The screams and howls rang in my ears again.

[You monster! leave me alone! ! ]

[Why are you still not dead! ]

"Why? Because I am a monster! Ah ah ah ah!!!" It was another large-scale shock wave.

[Help me, I don't want to die yet! ]

[Wrap yourself so that you will not be hurt by others, nor will you hurt others. ]

The black gas evolved into black whips.

"What's wrong with Xiaojiu?!"

"I'm not quite sure about the main body this time!" The red eye wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and the black uniform on his body was constantly shaking, even he was affected.

"The mental state of the ontology is very unstable, damn it, what the hell are those black things? Take the opportunity to make trouble?"

"It's far away from...I...It's dangerous!" Izuku spit out a few words hard, and his left eye slowly turned red and blood.

"Oops, it seems to be in a very tricky state." Red Eye stood up.

"This state must be stopped, otherwise it will be dangerous."


"I can't do this." Red Eye walked towards his body.

"Xiaojiu-kun! What's wrong with you?!" Uraraka rushed forward.

"Stay away from...I..... Point!!!" There was no strength to send out another shock wave, and consciousness gradually became confused.

[Quack! Blood! ! Quack quack! similar! similar! Quack quack! ] The ankle was grabbed.

[Boom bang bang! ]

‘Did you get hit? It's so cold, so cold, so cold, so cold, so cold...’ The black long whip exudes like scattered branches, squeezing every trace of Izuku's physical strength.

[Be realistic, [no quirk] does nothing at all. ]

‘Wow, I’m still a trash, a [no quirk] trash, even [ONE FOR ALL] is not my own, so sleepy..." Izuku's body fell backward.

"Papa." His body was held back, his right eye opened slightly, and he saw... Uraraka Ochaco.

"Uraraka... away from me..."

"I can not do it!"

‘Ontology, relax, we can survive. The red eye also came slowly, the black whip was like a forest, and Izuku was the source of this forest.

"Red eyes..." Izuku opened his eyes, and a blood-red eye pierced Uraraka's nerves.

"Red eyes, I need to me..."

"I see..." The red eyes didn't say anything, and his body turned into a black glow, rushing into the center of Izuku's eyebrows.

"Let's get started..." Izuku blinked, using his remaining strength.

"One bullet is 1,000 yuan, a magazine is 30,000 yuan, a pistol is 100,000 yuan, and a submachine gun is 200,000 yuan..." As Izuku murmured constantly, he became more and more focused. The black long whip sent out gradually recovered.

In the viewing area, Aizawa Shouta has notified All Might and let him come to the training ground quickly, while he himself has rushed into the training ground and let others stay in the viewing area.

‘How can I stay here. Not long after Shoto Todoroki rushed into the training ground at Aizawa Shouta, Shoto Todoroki also rushed into the training ground.

"What should we do now?"

"You will be scolded by the teacher if you rush in together."

"Do you just watch it here?"

At the same time, All Might is speeding up to the training ground.

'what happened? Could it be that [ONE FOR ALL] ran away? No, maybe not, maybe it’s the previous generation 【quirk 】, the master? Or earlier? In short, the sudden burst of [quirk] has to be suppressed. The speed on All Might’s feet increased again.

"One armour-piercing bullet is 10,000 yuan...It's really expensive to fight a battle." The black long whip has been retracted to the range of one meter around Izuku's body.

"Xiaojiu-kun, what have you been whispering just now?" Uraraka tried his best to put on a smiley face.

‘A lie, I’m so scared. ’

‘That’s worrying about the body...’

'I will still be worried about, I'm really rubbish, I'm not strong enough, then All Might... he is strong enough, he has enough power to let others not worry about his safety... .'

‘Ontology, aren’t you worried about All Might? The scene of fighting [ALL FOR ONE] flashed in my mind. Isn’t he the one standing in front of All Might?

‘And there is me, ontology, we are always one person, don’t throw me out. ’

"Shinso Hitoshi! Help me!" Izuku said fiercely, and shouted at Shinso Hitoshi who was standing not far away with all his strength.

"Eh? Good! Midoriya!" Shinso Hitoshi was stunned for a moment, happy, and then immediately used [quirk].

"I'm here." Izuku's focus zoomed in again.

"Cancel [quirk]!" The black branches dissipated like dust.

"The incident is over, this training, our class A, we lost, so sleepy..." Dissipated [quirk] Izuku closed his eyes and exhausted all his energy. Let's sleep.

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