The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 24: Poor Izuku

Grandma slept in Izuku's room at night. Izuku was on the floor. Before Izuku went to bed, he sent a message in the group on his mobile phone.

Midoriya Izuku: Everyone, tomorrow I will accompany my grandma who just came here to go shopping, so I won't go to class activities tomorrow.

Uraraka Ochaco: Eh~ so so! I also want Mr. Izuku to help us carry things!

Mineta Minoru: Cut, it's your loss if you don't go. Tomorrow we are going to the big shopping mall, where there are so many beautiful ladies! Drooling.JPG

Ida Tenya: Classmate Izuku, are you sure you are not going?

Midoriya Izuku: No way, my grandmother and grandpa had a quarrel, and we ran away from home to come to us. As the eldest grandson, I have to accompany her to go shopping to make her happy.

Kaminari Denki: .......

Ashido Mina:.......

Aoyama Yuga:.......

Mineta Minoru: Didn't you expect someone as old as your grandmother to run away from home?

Ida Tenya: Izuku is very good at doing this. After we become Heroes, we will become quite busy, and even our family will not be able to accompany us. In order not to make the future self regret, it is also very important to be with our family.

Mineta Minoru: How do you feel that Izuku is an excuse to avoid carrying bags?

Midoriya Izuku: Absolutely not!

Kaminari Denki: So tomorrow you can simply bring your grandma to our event place. Our event tomorrow happens to be going to the supermarket to buy something.

Erlang Xiangxiang: You don't want to carry things and just say, why are you pulling Izuku in? Pull the ears.JPG

Uraraka Ochaco: I agree with this proposal.

Ida Tenya: It’s a good idea to combine family accompany with class activities. Izuku, do you agree with this idea?

Midoriya Izuku: This is a great idea. What about tomorrow's meeting place?

Bakugo Katsuki: Promenade supermarket, waste, if you don't come tomorrow, Laozi will blow you up!

Midoriya Izuku: ..........

Midoriya Izuku: The baby is scared.JPG

Midoriya Izuku: I slipped away.JPG

Midoriya Izuku finished playing with his phone, then took out the diary and started writing again.

"Little Izuku, what are you writing?" Grandma's head popped out of the bed.

"It's just writing a diary." Izuku gave grandma a sweet smile.

"Then when I go shopping tomorrow, grandma will buy you some clothes...Your closet is all clothes for school and training clothes for going out. There are no clothes for home or going out, grandma. I must give you some nice clothes!" A flash of light appeared in my grandmother’s eyes. Izuku suddenly remembered that although her grandmother treats herself very well, she has a habit of making herself particularly uncomfortable. He does it every day. To be bewitched by my grandmother, wear a lot of weird clothes and take pictures.

‘Okay...Okay. Izuku smiled very reluctantly at this time, and he picked up the phone again to speak in the group.

Midoriya Izuku: Hmm... can you please, when grandma and I go shopping tomorrow, please don't take pictures.

Ida Tenya: Why?

Midoriya Izuku: My grandmother especially liked to wear messy clothes for me when I was young, and I guess this time I can't escape the claws, pAq.

Uraraka Ochaco: Don't worry, we won't take pictures of you with your mobile phone.

Hagakure Toru: We will take pictures of you with a SLR camera with super pixels, hehehe.

Kaminari Denki: I'm a little curious, how miserable Izuku was tossed by his grandmother when I was young.

Mineta Minoru: Curious +1, Izuku's photo shoot! !

Midoriya Izuku: Never show up! ! That is already my black history! ! !(Read more @

After Midoriya Izuku sent this message, he turned over and fell asleep.

The next morning, Izuku got up for a run at five o'clock as usual. After the workout, Izuku walked into the bathroom with a sweaty body and started taking a shower.

"I hope nothing will come up today." Izuku, who took a shower, started to prepare to go out with her grandma after breakfast.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Izuku accompanied my grandmother out of the house and took the bus. Izuku and grandmother arrived at the Changlang Supermarket on time.

As soon as I arrived at the Changlang Supermarket, Izuku didn't even have time to say hello to other classmates, so my grandmother dragged me to buy and buy.

Mineta Minoru: I saw Midoriya just now. He was pulled by a woman in her forties and walked to the second floor. That woman is so big! ! !

Mineta Minoru was banned by administrator Ida Tenya for one hour

Ida Tenya: We are now in the very center of the supermarket. Other students who have not arrived have noticed. We will not wait any longer. Three hours later, we will wait for you at the open-air steak shop in the center of the first floor of the supermarket. !

Uraraka Ochaco: Okay, we'll take a sneak shot of the duo next time!

Hagakure Toru: Today’s sneak shot target is-classmate Izuku!

Uraraka Ochaco: We will bring you real-time follow-up reports!

Izuku looked helpless and was taken into a beauty shop by her grandmother. As soon as she entered the beauty shop, her grandmother asked Izuku to carry a basket and follow her behind to catch the cosmetics thrown by her grandmother.

"Grandma, why do you still buy smoky makeup cosmetics? Now smoky makeup is not in fashion.

"I just bought your grandfather angry and told him not to come to see Izuku with me, huh! Buy this too." Another piece of cosmetics was thrown over, and Izuku caught the cosmetics dangerously and dangerously. It's an eye shadow pen. When I saw this eye shadow pen, Izuku's heart suddenly moved.

‘Grandma doesn’t want me to wear women’s clothing! ’

Uraraka Ochaco: Voice reports GET!

Hagakure Toru: The voice is being uploaded...The upload is complete.

Kaminari Denki: I really didn't expect that there is still such a wayward grandmother now, who has gained a lot of knowledge.

Ida Tenya: Be careful, don’t let classmate Izuku find out!

Erlang Xiangxiang: Wow! Squad leader, you have changed!

Aoyama Yuga: This is not Yuga’s behavior~

Bakugo Katsuki: Where is that guy Fei Jiu now?

Uraraka Ochaco: Now it's in the beauty shop on the second floor. Wait a minute, they are now on the third floor. I remember the clothing area and camera area on the third floor.

Bakugo Katsuki: I will go up immediately.

Ida Tenya: Bakugo classmate! [Quirk] cannot be used here!

Bakugo Katsuki: You are so annoying! I can always go up by the elevator!

Hagakure Toru: Ida classmate is like a long-winded mother!

Kaminari Denki: What? The squad leader has changed sex?

Kaminari Denki was banned by administrator Ida Tenya for three hours

Erlang Xiangxiang: Clapping Shangming, he perfectly showed us what disaster is from the mouth.

Izuku took the cosmetics I just bought and followed my grandmother to the third floor. As soon as I reached the third floor, Izuku knew that his dark history was about to begin again.

"Little Izuku, don't be nervous. Grandma is just picking a few nice clothes for you." Grandma said so and pulled Izuku into a clothing store.

Uraraka Ochaco: Alert alert! Izuku was pulled into the clothing store by my grandmother!

Hagakure Toru: I'm sneaking into this clothing store, wait, grandma picked a suit for Izuku! Photo explosion ready! !

Bakugo Katsuki: Where are you now!

Uraraka Ochaco: We are now opposite a clothing store called Suit Pride. Izuku and his grandmother entered this clothing store.

Bakugo Katsuki: I saw you, and I will be with you now.

Asui Tsuyu: Why does it feel that Bakugo now is more like a trailing idiot,

Erlang Xiangxiang: You are not the one who feels this way!

When Izuku changed the suit, he just remembered that he has not taken off the sandbag on his back. If the sandbag is taken off, the tuxedo suit will become bigger and it will not look good when worn. So he said to the waiter standing outside the locker room.

"Can you get me a suit one size smaller, this one is a bit big for me."

"sure no problem."

Hagakure Toru: Izuku suddenly ordered a black tuxedo suit one size smaller, and the time to take pictures was extended by three minutes.

Three minutes later, Izuku walked out wearing a black tuxedo.

Grandma nodded. "Sure enough, Izuku in formal clothes is the most handsome, and the boss will also give me a set of white ones!"

Hagakure Toru: A photo of Izuku's black tuxedo.

Hagakure Toru: Izuku is so handsome with his cuffs!

Erlang Xiangxiang: I didn't expect Izuku to be so handsome in formal clothes! ! !

Ashido Mina: Super handsome +1! ! !

Ida Tenya: I didn't expect Izuku to have such a handsome time.

Kirishima Eijiro: That is to say, but he feels super passionate and super man like this now!

Uraraka Ochaco: Kirishima, you leave, it's time to blow Izuku, it doesn't matter what you are a man.

Bakugo also saw the photo of Izuku's black tuxedo posted in the group, and he also thought Izuku was really handsome at that moment.

"Grandma, this is all right." Izuku changed this suit. Grandma bought two of these clothes. These clothes are not cheap.

"How could it be possible? Grandma still has a lot of clothes to try on for you, let's go! Next store!" Izuku carried two bags and followed her grandma into the next store.

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