The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 261 Information and Assassination

"Hush hush hush, this kind of information can only be written in words, so I brought this thing." Casper took a document from Qian Gida's hand, and the cafe welcomed some people at this time. The cafe’s small tables and decks are almost full.

Casper handed the document to Jonah with a smile on his face. The document was a bit thick. Jonah took the document and glanced at Casper suspiciously.

"How can a lazy guy like you make such a thick file?"

"Yeah yah yah, they are all integrated by borrowing the information from the intelligence department of our agency. It's a bit messy. It took me half an hour. I'm still a little sleepy. Boss, isn't the coffee okay?" Casper said. While yawning.

"Come on, your two cups of mocha and a cup of cappuccino." Three cups of coffee were on the table. Jonah picked up the coffee and opened the document. The first page is the Symphony Orchestra II that he repelled some time ago. People group.

"The corpse of the symphony orchestra duo was stolen..." Jonah closed his mouth after just chanting.

"How? Is it interesting?"

"It's quite interesting.... I saw the symphony orchestra here. Both are alive." Jonah's words shocked Caspar and Qian Gida.

"How is it possible! Jonah, don't scare me, oh... so scary!" Casper made a rare move that was scared.

"Is it exactly the same as the original symphony orchestra?" Qian Jida caught the point.

"Not only the appearance, but even the tone and marksmanship are the same." Jonah put down the coffee in his hand, pinched the footer and turned the page.

"Is anyone buying the corpses of mercenaries in the Middle East?" Jonah frowned when he looked at the message.

"Who is so nervous? Someone actually buys corpses?"

"Keep looking, not only the corpse of the mercenary in the Middle East, but also the corpse of the mercenary in the USA that died accidentally. The corpse of the guy who died before the'SR class' was also bought, but well, The most important thing is this one." Casper saw that Jonah was turning too slowly, so he turned to the fifth page from the bottom of the file.

"From this page, it should be what you and Kou Kou want to see."

"This..." Jonah saw the face he had wanted to kill, Hex, on this page.

"Hex’s body was once buried in the National Cemetery, but when you left the team and returned here, her body was stolen from the National Cemetery. It’s ironic, right! A country even has its own people. The body cannot be protected. That incident caused the senior officials to throw the'scholars' and the guys guarding the cemetery to the Middle East for'summer vacation'. Although I don't care about them, I have to contact the context when reading."

"Hmm..." Jonah took a lollipop from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You mean, those corpses will be resurrected?"

"It's just a guess, but now that you have met the resurrected symphony orchestra duo, it shows that someone has resurrected them. This technique is not only scary, but also jealous."

"Resurrected from the dead, it can only be the kind of crazy scientist who can do this kind of thing for the result." Kasper said while leaning on the back of his chair, spreading his hands to Jonah. .

"But HCLI is very interested in this technology?"

"It should be that you and Kou Kou are very interested. Although I am also a bit interested, but only a little bit. After all, it is orthodox to let the dead sleep peacefully. No one likes to sleep well and is pulled up to continue working." Casper said disgustingly and looked at Qian Jida, who was sitting beside him smiling and not smiling.

"Who is the one who plays video games late at night and doesn't sleep? Casper, it's a good boy to sleep on time every day."

"So, what do you want me to do for you?" Jonah knew that this guy was interested in a little bit, but it wasn't really just a little bit. His appetite was not so big.

"Find the person who developed this technology, or capture him (her), or kill him (her) is as simple as that." Casper merged his hands and put them on the table, Qian Gida took out from his pocket A check was placed on the table.

"The advance payment, I have to ask Jonah for your help."

"I tried my best." Jonah accepted the check, but didn't look at the number on it.

"Sad, we should almost leave. There will be a salon event waiting for me later." Casper did not recall that document. For him and the HCLI Intelligence Department, this document is nothing more than It's a mess of news, totally worthless.

"Okay, then I will take this document." Just when Jonah and Casper were about to get up and leave, an inexplicable reflection caught the attention of Jonah and Qian Gida, which was the reflection of the sniper scope.

"Be careful!" Qian Ji Da fiercely pressed Casper under her body.

"Boom!" A bullet pierced the glass of the cafe, wiped Qian Jida's long sleeve and hit a chair, and Jonah also slumped on the deck.

"Yeah yeah, I'm really popular now."

"Red Eye! Escort Casper away, Qian Gida, contact the driver." Jonah pulled out the Glock from his waist. At this time, in the cafe, more than a dozen customers who were drinking coffee suddenly stood up. , Took out the pistol from his pocket or waist and pointed it at Casper and Jonah.

"Ah!!!" Although it was not the first time that Erlang Xiangxiang heard the gunshot, he was so afraid that he bent down and covered his head.

"Ah, the elite of the'SR class' really came to the assassination, Casper, I told you that it is best to use satellite phones when calling others. Sometimes Casper is really bad. Jonah, are there any bullets in your gun?"

"Only anesthesia bombs."(Read more @

"It's good to be principled, isn't it? Well, I'll go by myself, you protect Casper."

"No." Jonah pulled out a tactical sword from his back. Red eyes came out of Jonah's shadow after disguise, and he used the shadow of the table to protect Casper. Except for RPG and bombs, basically Nothing can break the protective cover made by the shadow of the red eye,

"Yeah, have you decided to take action?" Qian Jida blew a whistle and played with the sword in her hand.

"The most wounded, I can't kill." Jonah said, rushing out with Glock and a tactical sword.

"Kill them!"

"Get up!" A man with a gun took away the ears of the ears and planned to attack from her position. As a result, the chin was pierced with a sword before she could see it.

"Woo!" The assassin fell down while clutching his chin.


"Bang-bang-bang-bang!!!" The fire sounded in Erlang Xiangxiang's ears. At this moment, she just wanted to go back to the moment before entering the cafe, and it was terrifying now!

"Swipe!" Jonah shuttled among the bullets. The next moment, the tactical sword slid through the hand of an assassin with a gun, and his hand muscles were severed.


"Boom!" The anesthesia bullet hit the neck, knocking out one.

"There are probably nine more, eh?!" Jonah knelt down fiercely, and a sniper shell nuzzled his hair and hit the flower stand in the cafe to watch.

"It's really dangerous, Qian Jida, won't you make a move?" Jonah squatted in a deck and shouted towards Qian Jida.

"If I make a move, don't you have to play?"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Help!!!" The gunshot was still roaring, and the ear man who curled himself up in the corner couldn't stand the sound, and screamed.

"The voice is a bit familiar, eh? Classmate Erlang?"


"Boom boom boom boom!"

"It seems to be true."

"Whoo!" Another sniper shell pierced a pot of flowers and plants beside Jonah.

"Qianjida! It's time to make a move! The longer you stay, the more harmful it will be to Casper!" Jonah stood up fiercely from the hiding place, and two anesthetic bombs hit the two assassins.

"Boom bang bang bang bang!" Several assassins realized who they were shooting the gun and actually laughed.

"Hey, hey, isn't this Jonah the ‘monster’? We will be crushed so badly. If we kill you, there will be a lot of rewards."

"Are the elites in the'SR class' so rude?"

"I heard that the most unseen thing about'monsters' is that Villain threatens him with hostages. Let's try one?"

The gunfire was still roaring, and even though he knew these guys were playing aggressive tactics, Jonah couldn't help but frowned.

"Help! Help!!" Erlang Xiangxiang, who was still crying, was taken hostage.

"Hey!'Monster'! Just hand in Casper when you get to know it, otherwise I can't guarantee that the gun in my hand will not go off fire!" Aiming at the head of the ears of the ears.


"The body, do you want to help?!" The red eye clearly felt that his body's mood was quite unstable now.

"Count down to five, if you don't hand over Casper, I will shoot myself, five!"

"No need." Jonah frowned. These guys are really boring.

"Four! Three! Two!" The assassin's finger slowly stretched to the trigger.

"Rin!" A silver light flew out from the hiding place and shuttled among the assassins.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" The hands of several assassins were cut off, and Jonah took a flying sword and plunged directly into the arm of the assassin who took the earlang Xiangxiang as a hostage.

"Fuck!" Erlang Xiangxiang was rescued, but several assassins had not yet been killed.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" A few flying sword pierced the remaining assassins, and all the assassins were wiped out.

"I've said that if I take the shot, you won't have to play, I'm right." Qian Jida's hand was beating with a few small sword, and his face was still with an emotional smile.

"Yeah, yeah, it looks like the assassination is over? Hmm! I slept really well." The red eye took off the protective cover, and Casper sat up from the deck and looked at the corpses in the cafe. She covered her face with her hands.

"Oh my God! How much hush money will I have to pay now!!"

"The hush money will be discussed later. There is also a sniper, where's the car?" Jonah said as he grabbed the exposed ears, and there was blood from the assassin on Jonah's face.

"Go! Red eyes, cover!"

"Understood!" The red eye waved his hands, and the black shadow was made into a reflective cloth by the red eye. The reflective cloth reflected sunlight to the floor where the sniper on the opposite side might appear. Qian Gida protected Casper, and Jonah dragged the ears. Xiangxiang, the four of them got into the car that just drove over.

"Red eyes!"

"Come!" The red eyes shook the reflective cloth again, and then turned into a black glow and rushed into the car. The car started instantly, and a sniper shell pierced the trunk of the car.

"It's dangerous and dangerous, huh? Jonah, why did you bring this person up?" Casper pulled off the tie around his neck, and then looked at the ear man who fell in the car.

"Compared to this, you should think about how to give those people a hush money now. The police here are still very fast, unlike the USA, and this matter will be reported in the newspapers. Is it possible to seal a person? One person." Jonah disassembled Glock in his hand and put the parts into a garbage bag.

"Drive the car to the outskirts of the city in five minutes and let me and this person down."

"What about that document?"

"Here." Jonah patted his clothes.

"Cough cough cough! Cough cough cough! It scared me to death! Is there any water?" The ear man lying in the car finally relieved his energy.

"Yes." Casper took a bottle of water and handed it to the ear man.

"Thank you, cough cough cough, it's really horrible." Erlang Xiangxiang took the water, first took two sips of water, and then looked at Jonah in the seat.

"Um, there is blood on your face..."

"Oh, thank you." Jonah wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand, then looked at Casper.

"The ‘SR class’ has more than that, Casper, you should leave quickly, it’s dangerous."

"Weapons merchants are those who have to sell weapons in the rain of bullets. Do you think I will be afraid? Well, but when this happens, I am not in the mood to go to the salon anymore. Long, give me my phone, I have to ask Ask the Secretary of Defense to see how he let these assassins into the country."

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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