"Go and die all! Rubbish Heroes!!" Villain's hands were already full of blood, and another Heroes fell down, sinking into a deep pit, not knowing whether he was alive or not.

"How can it be repaired! Now there are three of us, and Villain still can't stop it!"

"Does this guy really want to wipe out the entire city before he is willing to give up?!"

"Why haven't the supported Heroes come yet!"

Villain raised his fist that could kill someone with a single blow.

"Huh! Who will die next?! It's you! Go to hell!!"


"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The Lakers behind the Villain had three violent explosions.



"Boom! Boom!!" A beam of light directly hit the bridge of the Villain's nose. Unexpectedly, the bridge of the Villain, who looked rather powerful, was actually very fragile.

"Well, who am I? There doesn't seem to be any slogan to say under this identity, BUT, I still have to say." Putting the flip phone cover back in and taking it with him, FAIZ patted it with both hands.

"仮面ライダーFAIZです! Remember me!" FAIZ rushed towards Villain, clicked a few stones that fell on the ground, jumped to the same height as the Villain, FAIZ raised his right fist.

‘2.5 tons of fists! Hit hard! ! 'Two and five tons of boxing power is not easy for everyone to follow, even if this Villain quickly raised his arms to defend, he was still hit hard, his arms were pierced, meat and blood splashed, his arms Villain's bones were directly interrupted, and Villain slammed back more than ten meters.

"Ahhhhh!!! My hands! My hands!"

"Without your hands, don't you still have feet? Do you want me to remove your feet too, the kind that is painless." FAIZ steadily fell on the ground, red blood washed over the body, The yellow compound eyes looked coldly at this wailing Villain.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Stay away from me! You monster!!! Whoa!!!" The sound wave brought up by the roar blasted the blood on FAIZ again.

"Monster? Someone called me this nickname again. Finally, I will give you a trick. Be a good man in prison."

"Well, it is also possible that this punch will directly send you to the world of bliss, and you will have a good baby in your next life, eh? Why do I believe this?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Does this happen when two personalities are forced into one body? I don't want to separate now, but it's really tired to talk to myself like this." FAIZ took the camera on his waist from the left belt and moved The energy chip on the flip phone is inserted into this camera, and the camera instantly becomes a glove.


"EXCEED CHARGE [energy filling]" FAIZ slowly crouched down, then rushed towards Villain.


"Rider Punch!!"

"Boom boom boom boom!!!" Rumble, explosions, and the sound of breaking buildings, dust and rubble splashed everywhere.

"Che, you should have punched him to death, your body is too soft."

"Smashing one of his right hands is already a great punishment, hululu~ Hurry up while they haven't reacted yet!" FAIZ said a few words on his own, turned and left the battlefield.

The mobile Tianma that was performing a mission in the distance suddenly trembled. The radar showed that the energy response of the owner continued to increase, but it had just returned to the normal value.

"The repair of the owner's belt is completed, and it is stronger than before. The energy value shows that the owner can use AXEL. When the task is over, give the owner AXEL and add this item to the agent list." Mobile Tianma said and continued. Walking on the way to the mission location, it has to find a place where it can connect to the Internet, and Internet cafes are the best choice.

"This guy, what are you doing in the middle of the night? I haven't finished the game yet, and the card pool hasn't been finished yet. If it delays my draw at twelve, I will be the first to remove your charging cable! "The resentful [mechanic] squatted in the corner with an energy bar in his mouth, watching the mobile Tianma walk towards an internet cafe, huh? Why do you say? People are mechanical experts. Isn't it a matter of sprinkling water to install an imperceptible tracker on someone else's body?

"By the way, does Tianma have the money to go to the Internet cafe? Whether he is on duty (forcibly pulled) or looking after me in the hospital, I don’t seem to have seen him buy anything with money. It can help him alleviate his embarrassment or something." I think you just want to go to the Internet cafe to play it, right?

"Yeah, I'm just going to see if the guy from Tianma can help." Pulling on the mask, [Mechanic] followed the mobile Tianma into the Internet cafe.

"Welcome here, how many hours do you need to play?"

Mobility Tianma carefully calculated the speed of its own search and analysis of information.

"Please give me five hours, this is money." Mobile Tianma put a few 500 yuan coins on the counter, huh? Where did you say the money came from? There is an iron absorption stone on the foot, and the change is sucked up to the foot. Do you have any comments?

"Please enter your identity here." This Internet cafe has a high level of technology, and fingerprints are used for identity verification. BUT, a robot, where does the fingerprint come from.

"Okay." Mobile Tianma said, raising a finger and aiming at the fingerprint. Just when it stretched out its finger, a few tiny connecting wires penetrated the inside of the fingerprint logger.

‘Just make up an identity. Thinking about it this way, the fingerprint of a human who did not appear in this world at all was entered into the system.

"Then I wish you a good time."

"Thank you." Mobile Tianma nodded and walked to a computer desk with no one. When it turned on the computer, a person sat in the chair beside it, a guy with a mask, hat and sunglasses. The camera on the head of the mobile Tianma turned to this guy slightly and scanned the guy again.

‘I’m either a celebrity or a guy who is going to be cool. I still haven’t found the meaning of being cool. I’m so sorry. ’Plug the connection cord from the waist into the data connection port of the computer.

‘Connecting to the network, starting to search for data, the matrix is ​​starting to build, the information network is being shaped, and the analysis is starting. A series of blue light flashed on the computer of the mobile Pegasus, and the computer in front of it opened a black editing webpage, and countless pieces of unknown code were running.

‘A virus program is found and the secondary firewall is activated. ’

‘The virus program carries unknown information. Shikai analysis is opened. In order to prevent other viruses from intruding, an additional three-level firewall and four-level firewall warning are activated. ’

Ah, ah, I don’t know what information our family’s mobile pegasus like Zhang Baizhi will collect? A little curious. (Curious about your brother-in-law! Isn't it all written by you?! Is it interesting to promote the plot like this?! Ah!)

Well, very interesting.

It was two o'clock in the morning. After sorting out some of the information, Mobility Tianma unplugged the cable from the computer, not because it was checked, but because there was too much data, and its computer couldn't clear up so much space at a time.

‘There are about three hours left. It takes half an hour to clean up the garbage and sort out the extra information, and start to clean up the garbage. 'The red junk data streams were cleaned up by the mobile Pegasus. In order to make himself look more like a human, the mobile Pegasus turned his head, twisted his neck, and saw the [Mechanical] who had fallen asleep on the table next to him. Teacher] At this time, the [Mechanic] has taken off his mask and glasses, lying on the computer desk, his eyes moved slightly, and his body trembling slightly.

'The current temperature, 13 degrees, humidity 40%, reached the limit temperature of the human body. [Mechanic] needs insulation items. This task is contrary to the task assigned by the owner. The contradiction processing and analysis have begun. The task is now 20% complete. The garbage is being cleaned up. It takes twenty-eight minutes. This period of time is idle. You can perform this task and start processing this task. After handling the contradiction in this mission, the mobile Tianma stood up and walked to the front desk.

"Trouble, can you give me a blanket? It's a bit cold."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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