The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 275 The Sudden Situation of the Battle

"Ah, there is Xiaosheng!" Izuku stood in front of a cave, looking at the Bakugo Katsuki standing on the high mountain peak.

‘Bakugo Katsuki is very dazzling about the body, no wonder he exists in the heart as ‘light’. ’

"Xiaosheng is standing there, seems to have been found!" Izuku rushed into the cave behind him. This scene was not only seen by Bakugo but also by Shoto Todoroki who was skating on the ice track. Arrived.

"Is it there?! Feijiu! You fucking stop me!"

"Finally found out, Izuku, wait for me." Both of them rushed towards the cave at an extraordinary speed.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you have to dig things out! Then hurry up and take it away, I don't want to be the first person to be robbed of the bracelet." Izuku said while digging holes.

"Where do you want to get the hand ring! Waste Jiu!"

"Izuku, you are here." Two familiar voices made Izuku tremble. You two came too quickly.

"Huh, let's fight! Waste a long time!"

"I'm not allowed to do anything to Izuku!" Before anyone could catch them, the two of them drew their arms out first.

"Xiaosheng and Hongjun don't quarrel, let alone fight! You two are in a group now! The completion of the task should be the first thing!" Izuku just finished speaking and covered his mouth. What bullshit! Didn’t this point the finger at yourself?

Just as Izuku thought, just two seconds after the words came out, the eyes of the two big guys turned around and looked at him.

‘First grab Fei Jiu, and then blow up this Yin-Yang face! ’

‘Izuku is right, finish the task first (get Izuku)’

‘It’s over! Izuku slowly backed away, and the two gradually walked into the cave.

"By the way, what about that counterfeit? Doesn't he come out often? Let him come out! Laozi wants to fight him well!"

"Izuku, there are only three people here, please hand over things (with you)."

"Is there really only the three of us here? Xiaosheng is a bit too unsuspecting, and so is Junjun." Izuku, who was trembling in the corner, suddenly changed his aura, and his green combat uniform changed in the next second. He became a black junior high school uniform. With a wave of his hands on his face and hair, red eyes and black hair emerged, red eyes!

"I never thought that you two were actually fooled. Well, ontology, it's coming out."

"Swish!" Two figures fell from the top of the cave, authentic Izuku and Ojiro Mashirao.

"Although I guessed that Xiaosheng and Hongjun will come, but you guys are coming too soon." Izuku spread his hands and said, Ojiro Mashirao was tight all over, after all, he was facing two big guys and was not vigilant. Can not be done.

"Feijiu, are you going to trap and catch people? You are not brave!" Bakugo Katsuki's face changed quickly, and the explosion of fire broke out with both hands and rushed towards Izuku who was standing there.

"Eh eh eh! Xiaosheng's speed has become faster! Arrows roar!" Izuku quickly bent his bow and set an arrow, and an arrow flew towards Bakugo. The wind pressure was flattened by a blast from Bakugo.

"Didn't you eat?! Waste for a long time! Just so much strength?!" Bakugo shouted, raising his right hand that was still exploding, clenched his right hand into a fist, and rushed towards Izuku.

"Humph! I'll win this round!"(Read more @

"Searchable! I don't want to lose!" The moment Izuku hit Bakugo's fist, Izuku turned around sharply, and flew past the tip of his nose.

‘I feel like my waist is about to break! ’

"But this is just a chance to counterattack!" Izuku's feet changed quickly, and his hands slammed Bakugo's shoulders, gave him a shoulder fall, and threw him directly into the cave again, sliding to the red eye. By the feet.

"Yeah, how does it feel to be thrown back by the main body within ten seconds of being awe-inspiring?"

"Ah!" Bakugo Katsuki jumped up from the ground with a carp, and he pulled the pull ring of a cage hand directly.

"Fuck!! Be careful! Bakugo is getting bigger!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!" The roar of the explosion directly blasted the ears of the people in this cave, almost deaf, and the flames of the explosion rushed directly to Ojiro Mashirao and Izuku.

"Ohaku-kun! Epee! Block!" Izuku stood fiercely in front of Ojiro Mashirao, a large sword made of green arcs stood there, blocking the attack, but because it was a temporary epee, it was still Part of the explosion hit Izuku's body.

"It hurts, Xiaosheng's explosion is still so powerful, eh? Naninani?!" Izuku clutched his purple belly and said, but when he was about to fight back, the cave suddenly shook. Small pieces of stones fell down.

"Boom! Bang!!" Several large rocks fell and buried Izuku and Ojiro Mashirao. The pile not only buried Izuku, but also blocked the way out for Bakugo Katsuki.

"Cough cough cough! What happened?!"

"Gan! The main body fainted! This is a fart!" The red eye turned into a black glow at a super fast speed and flew into the stone push.

"Beep!! Everyone stop training!" Aizawa Shouta said, throwing the microphone away and running out of the monitoring room. All Might had already ran to the training ground.

"What happened?"

"I heard a loud explosion just now!"

"Go and help."

"Everyone! Gather first! See who is not here!"

Ten seconds later, everyone gathered.

"Are Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Midoriya and Ojiro Mashirao not there?"

"Could it be that they are in that explosive cave?"

"Everyone, go and help!"

Everyone rushed to the cave where the explosion occurred. All Might was already using his strength and speed to quickly throw the blocks blocking the road out of the cave.

"No problem..... Midoriya boy is not that weak.... Bakugo boy and Bakugo boy are also there, so I have to hurry up."

"We are here to help too!"

"Stay away from here! In case of a second collapse, you will suffer!" Aizawa Shouta blocked the crowd running towards the cave.

"But! Xiaojiu is still inside!"

"We can also help! Rescue is also part of Heroes!"

"I don't need your help, fools!" Izuku's voice came from the pile of rocks, which relieved All Might's hanging heart.


"Hey! Midoriya boy! Are you all right?!"

"Huh! Of course something is going on! He is bleeding on my head! Give me a break! I don't care if I hit you at that time!! All Might, you too!"

"This tone? Hey! Is it red eye?!"

"Hurry up and get out of here! Now my head is dizzy! I don't know how long I can last."

"Okay! Let's get out of it now!" Everyone outside the cave got out of it one after another.

"Get out of the way! Then I'll start! BLACK SMASH!!" The black flash mixed with the green arc directly exploded the cave completely, and the gravel and smoke made everyone have to raise their hands to defend.

"So, this bad training has something to do with it?! Cough cough, choking." Izuku drooped a purple hand, and the other hand was carrying Ojiro Mashirao's combat uniform. The combat uniform was worn everywhere. The most conspicuous thing is the deep purple burn on Izuku's abdomen and the blood spattered from his head.

"Xiaojiu, are you... okay?"

"Ah? Ah! It's okay! Now the adrenal hormones are soaring, and I don't notice the pain at all, anyway! The main body seems to be dizzy for a long time this time and said, Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki are still inside, you should hurry up and save They, I'll take Oshiro-kun with him... Bang." Before I could finish speaking, Izuku suddenly shook his body and fell to the ground.

"Xiaojiu?!! Xiaojiu, don't scare us!"

"Boom!!" Izuku's last consciousness stayed in a scene where he had not peeled half of his lychee head and picked him up.

‘The main body and I are not fruits. For broccoli, they should be considered as vegetables. ’

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