The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 3 The Last Day of School

Midoriya Izuku was running wild, and he was late in three minutes.

"It's been too long to watch Heroes. I should leave early, but Heroes is really cool!" Izuku changed his shoes within the prescribed time and ran into the classroom.

"Yeah, waste is here." Bakugo Katsuki leaned on the table and yelled at Midoriya Izuku who had just entered. Midoriya's seat was behind Bakugo Katsuki.

"Everyone... Good morning." Midoriya put his school bag on the desk and held his own copy of "Future Heroes Analysis No. 13" and kept writing something.

"Class is in class."

"Morning classmates."

"Teacher early."

The class time is always very long. Midoriya often takes a handwritten note and holds a gripper in the other to practice strength on his own.

"Midoriya classmate! Please get up and answer this question."


The time for lunch is when Midoriya feels the happiest and loneliest time.

"Wow! Mom really made my favorite pork chop rice!" Midoriya opened the lunch box. It was his favorite pork chop rice.

"I'm going to start." Midoriya whispered. He was surrounded by people who were eating together in twos and threes, and he was the only one eating lunch by himself.

"After lunch, I have to find a place to train. I don't know what Xiaosheng is doing now?" Midoriya thought while eating lunch.

"Hey, do you know? U.A already has two enrollment packages."

"The one who can recruit U.A must have a super powerful [quirk]. I heard that those who can enter U.A will be heroes on the popular list after they come out."

"But U.A is proud to be No.1."

"Whether it's fighting or popular, it's all right."

"Do you think we can enter U.A?"

"I'm afraid that Bakugo will be able to enter..."

The topic gradually turned from U.A to Xiao Sheng. Everyone really paid attention to him, but I also want to go to U.A and be the strongest HERO!

"Hurry up and train." Izuku put the sword hidden in his schoolbag into his pocket and walked out of the classroom.

Izuku took the sword and kept training in the grove where there was no one in the school.

"Cut, is it still not possible?" Izuku fell to the ground and looked at the sword beside him.

"Today is the last day. I can't cut the branches of this tree. That would be a failure!" Izuku stood up with a carp and picked up the sword that was stuck in the ground.

"Then it's the last one!" Izuku took the sword and focused his attention on the withered but thick branch.

"With all your strength, slash it down!"

"Boom!" The moment the branch fell to the ground, Izuku's sword that had been with him for three years broke.

"The sound of Damn it is too loud, run!" Midoriya put on the mask he had prepared, and immediately left the grove. When he ran away, he put the sword in his pocket.

Time gradually passed, the two classes in the afternoon were class meetings, and the head teacher stood aggressively on the podium.

"Hey, you are all in the third grade, it's time to seriously consider your future!" The head teacher held a stack of paper in his hand.

"Now I'm sending out a graduation aspiration letter to everyone." The head teacher used his [quirk] to send everyone a graduation aspiration letter.

"Anyway, everyone's volunteers are in Heroes, right~" At the moment when the head teacher turned his head, everyone in the class showed off their quirk and called out with a loud hand.(Read more @

"Yes!" Even Izuku raised his hand slightly, his expression a little ashamed.

"Well, everyone has a good quirk." The head teacher nodded, but he also said.

"But in principle, the use of [quirk] in the school is not allowed, please be quiet, everyone."

"Teacher-don't say anything [everyone] confuses us!" Bakugo Katsuki continued to arrogantly said while using the tripod on the table.

"I won't go to the bottom with their [weak quirk] love and harmony!"

"That's not what I said, Katsuki!!!" Some of the exploded classmates immediately jumped up and objected.

"The mobs just stay aside for me honestly! I'm so annoying!!"

"Wait a minute, I remember that the school Bakugo applied for seems to be U.A."

"National? This year's score difference is seventy-nine."

"Each time the admission rate is quite exaggerated."

'Ruined! Izuku was lying on the table with his head in his arms.

"The riot is like this, so you are a mob!" Bakugo Katsuki jumped up and stood on the table and shouted proudly to the class:

"My mock test score is A, which is within the admission range of U.A high school!!!"

"I will surpass that All Might and become the strongest Heroes! I will definitely leave my name on the list of high taxpayers!" Bakugo Katsuki shouted loudly.

"By the way, Midoriya's volunteer is also U.A high school."

The scene went cold all of a sudden, everyone turned their heads to look at this non- [quirk] rubbish in the same class as them.

"Puff!" Someone couldn't help but began to laugh, he smiled and everyone else laughed.

"Midoriya? No way, hahaha."

"You can study but you can't enter the Heroes subject." The whole class was laughing at him.

Bakugo even directly used his [quirk] to blast Izuku onto the wall.

"You are more than a [weak quirk], there is no [quirk] waste at all! Why can you stand on the same arena with me!" Bakugo walked into Izuku step by step with a ferocious expression.

"Wait... I didn't mean that... wait a minute for Xiaosheng."

"I definitely don't mean to compete with you, I don't mean that at all!" Izuku hurriedly drew, with fear in his eyes.

"It's just...that was my long-cherished wish since I was young, and...that." Izuku lowered his head.

"How do you know if you don't try it..."

"What do you mean if you don't try it!!" Izuku's words annoyed everyone, and they surrounded Izuku.

"What do you think of this!" Everyone stared at Izuku blankly, making Izuku hairy.


This riot was suppressed by the class teacher. He used his [quirk] to restore the whole class to their senses, except for Bakugo.

After school, Izuku was packing his schoolbag while looking at his mobile phone. Just as he was about to put his notebook in his schoolbag, Bakugo Katsuki snatched his notebook.

"what is that?"

"Facing the future.... Really or not... Midoriya?"

"Okay... Alright, give it back to me."

Suddenly, Bakugo Katsuki put his hands together and directly used his [quirk] to blow up the notebook.


"It's too much...!!" Midoriya looked like he wanted to cry.

Seeing Izuku like this, Bakugo breathed out and said:

"Most of the top heroes of the first-line level have been known to people in their school days." Bakugo unceremoniously threw Izuku's notebook out the window.

"I will be the first in this ordinary municipal high school! And the only {UA high school naturalized citizen} to gain a reputation, well-it is the so-called perfectionism." After Bakugo Katsuki said he was not completely cold. The hand that came down patted Midoriya's shoulder. Midoriya's clothes were scorched, and a small puff of gray smoke appeared.

"So just in case, you don't want to take the U.A. You dumb-jun." After speaking, Bakugo walked out of the classroom, and a follower behind him couldn't stand it and said:

"Oh... I should be a little defiant anyway if I was abused like this."

"He can't tell. It's so pathetic. He's in the third grade of middle school and he doesn't seem to recognize reality." Bakugo said as he walked.

"So if you want to become a hero, there is actually an efficient way." Bakugo said, turning his head slightly to look at Midoriya.

"Believe in the afterlife to have a quirk and then stand on the roof and jump like a dog!!"

Midoriya turned sharply and looked at Bakugo.

"What's the matter?" Bakugo's hand burst into small bursts again.

Midoriya stood still trembling.

After Bakugo walked out of school, Midoriya got his {Future-oriented Heroes Analysis NO.13} notebook.

"This idiot, actually throws it around. This is my notebook." Izuku picked up his notebook from the sink.

"If it is eaten by a fish, the fish will not have a bad stomach." Izuku sighed while looking at the notebook whose cover had turned yellow.

"What the hell am I worrying about, I'm going to be a HERO!" Midoriya said, squeezing his schoolbag.

"Why do you feel that the schoolbag has become a little lighter? Next time, put twenty catties of iron in it." Midoriya said so and walked out of the school.

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