"Uh, it's almost eleven o'clock now, and there is no half of a human figure. Why did the boss tell us to come here?" A man and a woman, two plainclothes policemen are sitting in a camouflage car at the police station , The man was eating cup noodles that had just been soaked while looking at the port with a binoculars.

"What do you care about the boss telling us what we are doing. Anyway, if nothing happens, he will have to treat us to a big meal, eh, what do you think about that newest Chinese restaurant? I got them. Half-price coupons."

"Even if you get the half-price coupon, the fees there are so high, you will feed the boss poor, suck and suck."

"Eat poor, eat poor. That guy saved his wife's book for several months. Now it's all cheap for us. Hurry up and help me see how this nail polish is?"

"I said, Sister Xinghui, you are already shining enough in our police station, why do you still wear such bright nail polish! It flashes into my eyes!!"

"Huh~ the aesthetics of our Aoyama clan, you ordinary people just can't appreciate it." The woman sat in the passenger seat and looked at the newly launched nail polish on her mobile phone enthusiastically.

"Hey, I really don't understand, now it's not plain clothes patrolling the street, what kind of nail polish did you put on at night~ What if the people who the boss said find out?"

"We still have two special police officers waiting, don't worry."

"It's a chill in my heart because of Mao?"

"If you talk nonsense again, I will let you enjoy the glorious baptism of Sister Xinghui!"

"No! Sister Xinghui! I really will be blind!!" The man curled up abruptly, and the woman snorted, and withdrew her hands that were about to burst out. The title of the Police Station Shining Queen was not for nothing. Although not comparable to Heroes, her flash bomb hands also shocked Villain a lot. What's more, she was blinded by Aoyama Xinghui, and she was still lying in the hospital.

"Watch your old lady well, otherwise, you will suffer."

"Yes." The man said a distressing female colleague in his heart, set up the binoculars again, and continued to monitor.

"I'm so boring~~" Deadpool was standing upside down on the picnic mat and playing games, but even playing games was not fun. Bored to death, he turned his gaze to the red eye who was still preparing guns.

"Hey, Jonah, do you have any fun?"

"No, Mr. Deadpool, are you so impatient when you have this kind of task?"

"I never accept this kind of task. I want to die of boredom. This is the first time. For other tasks, I just rush in directly. I will leave when I get something. Anyone who stands in front of me will have to die! It's that simple." The waiter suddenly said sharply.

"Oh, Mr. Deadpool is really amazing." At last, Red Eye stuffed a few sniper rifle clips into the pocket of the body armor, erected the sniper rifle against the container, and Red Eye took out a sniper rifle from the pocket of the combat uniform. The pair of Bluetooth headsets looked at the battery. It should be enough. He nodded and took out the flip phone.

"Mobile Pegasus, how is the situation?"

"The monitor can already see cargo ships 3,000 nautical miles away. The estimated time of arrival at the port is 12:05. Several port workers have already begun to enter the port."

"Even the people in the port have been bought? Really rich, don't care about them, since the freighter is coming soon, then those guys are coming soon, the radar is maximized, hide yourself, and report to me as soon as there is a new situation. ."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Good master, but I have spotted some people from the police station."


"It was a plainclothes police officer and a special police officer sent by the police officer in Tsukachi, but he did not follow."

"It's fine if you don't come. Anyway, this matter will be a big deal today. Get ready."

"Yes Jonah."

"Buzzing~" Just as Red Eye and the police were waiting for those who would commit crimes, two vans and a semi-trailer drove from a distance, and the co-pilot of the first car changed from a cloaked blood surge. Becoming a handsome black-haired guy, the three cars entered the port unimpeded, and at the same time they did not find the three cars representing the police and special police hidden in the shadows.

"Sister Xinghui, Sister Xinghui, three cars have entered the port."

"Enter the port at this time? Those three cars are definitely the dangerous people the boss said. Let's get out of the car and have a look."

"Huh?! Sister Xinghui, isn't that bad?"

"Will you go? If you don't go, I will go by myself, you won't have your share of the big meal then."

"Okay, okay, let me go, what about the special police officers?"

"Bring a communicator and a mobile phone that can broadcast live. I want to let the boss see all this mission. It saves him that we can't work hard."

"OK." The two sneaked into the port quietly with a communicator and a mobile phone.

U.A High School, the principal's office, All Might, the principal, and the three people in Tsukauchi are sitting on the sofa studying the red text message.

"I have dispatched two capable subordinates and a special police officer of a squad to stand by at the port. If there is any special movement, they will immediately send a message to this mobile phone."

"Well, isn't this great? Why are you coming here? I really want to sleep, grumbling, ah~" The principal sat on the sofa, holding a cup of black tea in one of his paws, and took a sip.

"However, the location of the sender of this text message is in the U.A school."

"Huh?!" All Might and the principal's spirits were for a while.

"So I was wondering if the ghost in the school was telling me to divert my attention." Tsukauchi's words made the expressions of All Might and the principal become serious.

"It's not impossible, so you came to us to find the inner ghost who sent the message at the school?"

"Yes, I think if you find the person who sent the message, you should not be far from finding the inner ghost."

"Well, it makes sense, we will help." The principal said, jumping off the sofa, walking back to his desk, and using his authority to start searching in the computer for who sent the text message to the mound. On your phone.

"So can I go back to bed?" All Might yawned a long time, and finishing his lesson plans gave him no time to rest. He was sleepy now.

"I'm afraid not yet, Yagi, you should know that your disciple was involved in a public opinion storm." The headmaster looked at All Might who was still drinking tea over there with a mocking smile.

"Hmm... I originally thought that the inner ghost would use this public opinion storm to attack the Midoriya boy, but now it seems that the inner ghost has not acted yet."

"Maybe the actions of the inner ghost were covered up by your fans?" The principal turned the computer around, and the school network is now refreshing with some inappropriate comments about Midoriya Izuku every moment.

"No matter what the inner ghost thinks, Yagi, you have to speak up now. Otherwise, this school will become a hell of public opinion. No one who is followed will be alive here. This bad atmosphere must be contained. "The principal said seriously.

"I see! I will immediately issue a statement to clarify." All Might could not stand it for a long time. If it weren't for attracting ghosts, he would have issued a statement to clarify. He quickly took out his mobile phone and posted it on his school network account. Issue a statement on typing.

"I will release the cleanup operation here, hurry up."

"Woo~buzzing~" The cell phone in the mound suddenly rang. It was a video call. He glanced at All Might and the principal who were playing with the cell phone and computer, sighed, and picked up the video call.

"Boss, boss, we have entered the port." Aoyama Xinghui's face appeared in the camera.

"You actually entered the port, I didn't say that you were allowed to act without authorization." The mound frowned.

"Don't talk about this now, boss, two vans and a semi-trailer came just now, and the guy you said is going to do big things has appeared!"


Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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