The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 327 Dreamland and Bakugo's Request

[I don't like coming to this reception very much. When Young Master Pizzabi followed Jonah to the corner, he put the juice on the table and said, Jonah turned his head slightly.

[I don’t like you either. The guy with Madara tits on his face is annoying. Pizzabi put his hands in his pockets and stared at Jonah's back.

[But at least you have to tell each other's names. When the time comes, my dad said that I didn't play well with you. I'm Pizzabi d.Frandi, and I haven't asked the lady her name. Flandy stretched out her hand to Jonah, Jonah turned around, the same lack of emotion in the red pupils, she also stretched out her hand and shook Flandy's hand.

[My name is Jonathan Meyer, and it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Frandi. ] The corners of the mouth hung the arc measured with a ruler. The two just shook hands and quickly released them.

[OK, since we all know each other, then there is no need for me to play with you. I'm going to find other friends to play. I wish Miss Meyer have a good time. Mr. Frandi waved his hand, turned and walked to the friends who had been waiting for him.

[No problem, Mr. Frandi. ] There was still no emotion in the red pupils, she cleverly stood in the corner of the reception with her glass of juice.

[It's kind of boring, no wonder Uncle Rem and they are not willing to participate. ] She tugged at the collar of her dress, and even though the reception hall had air conditioning, she still felt a little hot.

[But the juice is good. ] Red, sweet cherry juice.

Lifting the cup containing the juice, Jonah narrowed one eye to the bright light, and the red eye looked at the cup of red cherry juice.

[The big scene, haha, it's a rare occasion, let's go shopping. ] Dreams continued to take shape in his thoughts, and unfamiliar faces were reappearing. Jonah was walking in this huge reception.

[It's worthy of a big cocktail party, even tuna, huh! It's really delicious! ]

[Don’t keep eating! Hurry up and stare at Kou Kou! ]

[You're all eating, why can't I eat it! The Scarecrow duo was also at the reception at this time. While Shangrati delivered tuna sashimi to his mouth, while holding the Italian sausage, he took a bite from time to time, with a glass of dark beer on hand.

[Puff~ha. ] The scarecrow turned his head and looked at Jonah who was laughing just now.

[Miss, what are you laughing at? ]

[I'm laughing, the two of you are here for a different purpose than the others. ] This sentence is what Izuku is thinking now, and it has nothing to do with what he said at the time.

[Hmph, compared to the two of us, you guy should not be qualified to talk about us! Ba Gaya Road, kid! ] The scarecrow suddenly lifted his foot and kicked his face. At this moment, as if time had been slowed down, Jonah opened his eyes wide, trying to defend, but his right hand seemed to be pressed by the wine glass in his hand. I couldn't move, and my left hand was grabbed by the two hands that suddenly appeared.

'what happened? ! Jonah could only watch that foot kick in his face, kick him.

‘Om~ ontology, what the hell is this dream? Why does the Scarecrow kick us? Red eyes put his hands on his chest in his head, and it seemed that he hadn't woken up yet.

‘Who knows...ha~ what time is it? Izuku opened his eyes slightly, took out his right hand from under the pillow, touched the phone next to the pillow, and the bright light shone on his face, 3:05, it’s too early. Izuku took a look and put the phone back to its original place. Unconsciously, he wanted to turn over and find a more comfortable angle, but when he was about to turn around, he saw two clusters on the big hole in the ceiling of the room. Shadow.

'what? Izuku was taken aback for a while, his eyes widened, his focus will be focused, two familiar human heads, but still can't see clearly.

"Hush! Midoriya, it's me." Shangming lightly illuminated himself and the old mother Ida Tenya who hadn't slept for the same night with his 【quirk】.

Ida Tenya held up a finger, told Izuku to speak quietly, and then pointed to his side again.

‘Huh? What does the squad leader tell us to do? Ontology, turn around and take a look? ’

'it is good. As soon as Izuku wanted to lift his left hand, he felt that something was under control. When he turned around, he almost vomited his soul out of fear and died! ! ! ! Why is Bakugo in my bed? ! ! !

"Little victory?!" Izuku yelled with eyes wide open. Bakugo Katsuki didn't wake up. Izuku looked at the two people on the ceiling asking for help.

what's up? ! Why is Xiao Sheng in my room? !

Shangming shrugged, Ida Tenya made a silent gesture to Izuku, and then quietly came down from the big hole, brother, it seems useless for you to come down.(Read more @

I can't say that. The sound Ida Tenya made when it fell on the ground was quite small. If Izuku hadn't watched him come down, he would have thought why nothing happened.

When Ida came down, he was holding a notebook and pen. After landing, he began to write on the notebook. After writing, Ida Tenya walked over with a gloomy face and opened the notebook and placed it in front of Izuku:

It seems that Bakugo entered your room through the big hole in the room between you and Shangming after you fell asleep. Later, the upper tweet told me to come over and look at Bakugo. Midoriya, don't you feel any discomfort, right?

Izuku shook his head, everything else was fine except that he couldn't move his hands.

"That's good, if something happens, it will be bad, eh!" Ida Tenya suddenly covered his mouth. Midoriya was a little confused, turned his head, and Bakugo opened his eyes slightly, feeling a little confused, thinking that this is In my own room, the quilt in front of me is an eye-catcher, so bulging for the hair? Go up with one foot and see if you still bulge, with confused thoughts. Bakugo Katsuki raised a foot and put it on Izuku's body. Isn't it touched? Don't dare to move, don't dare to move.

‘What the hell? ! ! Ontology! This guy is looking for a fight! ! ’

"Huh..." Bakugo Katsuki finished pressing the quilt, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"Huh~ Fortunately, Bakugo didn't wake up, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble..." Ida Tenya let go of her hand covering her mouth.

"What should I do? Squad leader?" Izuku whispered to the squad leader for help.

"I don't know, but I know, the look of you two is really very good."

‘Please! Now it's for you to think of a solution, not for you to tease! ’

‘Then you can only rely on me, ontology, wait a minute. 'Black spots of light burst from the center of Izuku's eyebrows, forming a human figure above Izuku. A relatively small red eye. The red eye opened his eyes. Looking at the red pupils, Ida Tenya couldn't help but feel that these eyes and Bakugo Is a bit like,

"Look at me." Red Eye shrank his figure again to the size of Deku. Several small black whips sprang out from the back of Red Eye, carefully stirring Bakugo Katsuki's hand.

"Um..." Bakugo Katsuki did not move, but the hand holding Izuku's left hand seemed to tighten.

"Axi, the hand holding the main body has become tighter. There is no way to get it in this state." The red eye snorted softly.

"Hush, don't make Xiao Sheng sleep, red eyes, you send Mr. Ida back first."

"How can I deliver it if there is no light or shadow?" Red eyes curled his lips, Izuku turned on the phone and shone on the table.

"Then Midoriya-san, what do you do?"

"I can only wait for Xiao Sheng to wake up by himself, Ida-san, you and Shang Ming-jun should have not slept all night, go back and have a rest, red eyes."

"I got it." The red eyes curled his lips and waved his two small hands. A black hole appeared in front of Ida Tenya.

"The following is your room, Mr. Ida. There are still activities today. Hurry up and go back to rest. Here I am watching~" The doll floating in the sky waved and patted his chest, showing that he could Stop the guy Bakugo Katsuki.

"Well, I'm also super sleepy. By the way, at nine o'clock this morning, everyone changes their Halloween costumes and gathers in the classroom, okay?"

" problem," Izuku whispered, nodding.

"Then I will leave first, Shangming, and you should rest soon." Ida said to Shangming who was still watching the show, and walked into the big hole.

"Oh, well, I am sleepy." Shangming yawned and stared at Bakugo all night, but he was exhausted.

The room quieted down again, sitting on the pillow with red eyes, and patted Izuku's face.

‘In the body, you sleep well, and he dare not do anything when measuring. ’

"Okay..." Izuku thought, closing his eyes again, his breathing gradually became steady, but he still didn't fall asleep, he just closed his eyes to rest, anyway, whoever puts this situation on will sleep what!

‘Why did Xiaosheng come to my room? ! What the hell is going on! ! ! No matter what you think, it's not right! ! The more I think about it, the more chaotic I get, and Izuku's face gradually becomes strange, and his body gradually stiffens.

"Hmm..." Bakugo felt that his quilt had its own ideas, why it became so hard, to obey Laozi! Raising your right hand to face the quilt is a palm!

"Puff!" This palm almost made Izuku vomit blood.

'Ok? soft? ’I squeezed twice, painful Izuku grinned, Xiaosheng, don’t pinch! Back pain!

After squeezing the quilt twice, Bakugo might think that the quilt should be covered on his body. Then he grabbed the good quilt Izuku had covered with his hand, and put it on his body, even covering his head.

Midoriya Izuku: I'm so difficult! ! Crying.

"...That...Xiaosheng? Can you get up?" His left hand was firmly grasped, and Izuku had to poke Bakugo who snatched the quilt with his right hand.

‘The body, don’t care about him! Let's keep sleeping! I’m trapped to death, ha~’ Red eyes hugged Izuku’s hair and hit Bakugo’s hand twice with a small whip.

‘Is this really good? ’

‘It’s almost four now. If you don’t take a break, you won’t have the energy to play tomorrow. Go to bed. The doll rubbed Izuku's face, grabbed Izuku's eyelids with a small hand, and let Izuku fall asleep again.

Let's guess if Bakugo is awake, um...very good, I can't see it.

Bakugo Katsuki in the bed had already opened his eyes. The red eyes were constantly trembling in the dark. He was also a little confused. Although he had planned, what is the situation now? ! Why did Fei Jiu wake up so early! Do you want to give up! ! I don't know what to do at all! ! !

"Call Call ~ ~" Izuku red-eye and slowly fell asleep, he did not care who has not quilt, after all, the room temperature is still quite comfortable, can not tuck.

‘Fei Jiu fell asleep again? Bakugo Katsuki slightly opened the quilt. Izuku and the offensive counterfeit Deku both closed their eyes, breathing steadily, and they seemed to be asleep fairly well.

Opening the quilt halfway open, Bakugo saw Izuku's face thoroughly. It was still like that of a baby. The eight moles on the face seemed more obvious at this moment, but they were more pleasing to the eye. Bakugo stretched out the one The right hand stretched out to Izuku's face, but when he touched Izuku's face, he stopped.

"It's better not to wake him up.....the way he is sleeping, it's okay..." He slowly released the hand holding Izuku's left hand and looked at his purple wrist pinched. , His brows wrinkled involuntarily. In my dreams, I always thought that someone had robbed him for a long time. The two hands were very tight. He gently blew on Izuku’s purple wrist, and then he held Izuku’s hand. Slowly lowered his head.

"Izuku...return the intimacy to me, okay."

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