The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 353 Aoyama is not without a secret, the shadow is easy to find someone

Five minutes later, Aoyama and Izuku came to the infirmary together, where they saw PETER who was putting medicine on his feet and Deadpool who was beaten into a pig's brain.

"Sorry, I have to help this little brother with medicine first. You can wrap it up with the medical supplies and gauze over there, sir, don't move!"

"Can the wine tonic be quickly coded? Just buy it. (Can't you hurry up? I want to buy wine.)"

"Blame you! Deadpool! I told you to come down and walk by yourself. You fucking don't listen! Let's do it! My ankle is twisted! Grab your own wine!" When Peter heard the words of Deadpool, this The fire came up, and it hit Deadpool's head again. I'll go to you for a banana! Are you a kid? ! Someone has to carry it! Are you fucking too much and don't count yourself? !

"That's right for paving (I'm sorry)." Deadpool narrowed his swollen eyes.

"Okay, the medicine is ready, be careful, don't exercise vigorously these days." The doctor clapped his hands and said to PETER, then the doctor turned to look at Izuku and the others. Aoyama used a tissue to put the Bloodline on Izuku's hand. Wipe it off, and then pour the disinfectant directly onto Izuku's hand.

"Hmm!" The white foam and sudden pain made Izuku snorted, and the white liquid mixed with Bloodline fell to the ground. Seeing the clumsy disinfection action, the doctor couldn't help covering his forehead.

"Okay, kid, let me come, you're a waste of it." The doctor got up from the chair and grabbed the bottle of disinfectant in Aoyama's hand. PETER and Deadpool didn't know when Leaving the infirmary, but Deadpool will definitely not be able to go back to fight.

"Hug... sorry."

"Aoyama-san, you should go back to the store first. You haven't got the booth yet. I'll just stay here by myself."

"Really...I'm was my fault...if Midoriya was not allowed to play Domino dominoes..." Aoyama looked at a loss now.

"It's okay, it's all my fault this time. I was not careful. Aoyama-san, please go back first. The others are waiting for you.

"Then.... Then I'll go there first, Midoriya, if you have anything to do, call me."

"Yeah! I will." Izuku said, smiling at Aoyama Yuga, Aoyama was taken aback, nodded, and walked out of the infirmary.

"You have to put red potion later, kid, you have to endure the pain."


After Aoyama Yuga walked out of the infirmary, he took out the paper towel that Izuku had wiped with blood before. With a usual smile, he put the blood-filled paper towel into a test tube that he carried with him. Then he took a cork to seal the test tube, and then put the test tube back into the backpack he carried.

"Okay, it's time to get that booth. After all, my reason is that." Huh! Why didn't you follow the routine? !

Ten minutes later, with plaster on his back and gauze on his hands, Izuku walked out of the infirmary.

"Thank you very much, doctor."

"If it doesn't work, then go to the hospital." The doctor cut his ears and waved at Izuku.


"Ahhh~ Midoriya, you just came out of the infirmary now, are you okay with your hands." Turning his head, he saw Aoyama and the others holding the booth.

"Ah? Hmm! The hands are all right." Izuku waved his right hand wrapped in gauze, and suddenly he frowned.

"But I still have to rest for a day or two, Ida-san, I want to go back first, okay?"

"Of course you can. Remember to be safe when you go back. Do you need me to send you back?"

"No, no, I can go back alone." Izuku waved to the others and said that he was okay, and Ida nodded.

"Then be careful when you go back by yourself, and call me when you get home."

"I will! Then I'll go first, everyone play slowly." After Izuku finished speaking, he ran to the supermarket exit.

‘Do we want to go home now? It's only two o'clock in the afternoon. ’

"Before I go back, it is necessary to investigate that strange demon god."

"The Demon God~ It feels very mysterious, there are so many people in the world, how can I find it?" Red eyes jumped out of Izuku's shadow, and followed Izuku with his hands behind his back.

"That's why I have to investigate." Izuku weighed the bag on his back.

"It shouldn't be difficult for people who contract with the foreign demon god to shed the'Sand of Time' and follow this clue to find it."

"The scope is locked in this country or this city."

"Brother Ryotaro said that the Demon God will complete the contract as soon as it signs the contract with the contractor, that is to say."

"The guy who has contracted with the alien demon may still be in this supermarket, red eyes, what is the limit of the shadow you can sense?"

"Well... it is not a problem to cover this supermarket. It can extend up to 20 meters in the past, but you have to use your full strength."

"That guy probably hasn't gone far yet. Find a place and feel it with all your strength." Izuku said, taking a green sweater from a shop, red eyes rushed into Izuku's shadow, red eyes erratic.

"Well, can I try this dress?"(Read more @

"Of course, the dressing room is here." Izuku walked into the dressing room, the red pupils disappeared, Izuku closed his eyes, and the next second, the blood red eyes opened.

"Shadow radar, good name, turn it on, buzzing~"

'Stop it! Faster! ’

"Hi, hey~" Izuku, uh no, red eyes put his hands against his temples, and mobilized his [Shadow] [quirk] with all my strength. Invisible black ripples spread out with Izuku as the center of the circle, covering the whole At the supermarket, a bunch of messy feelings flowed into the red-eyed brain.

‘What are these! ! ’

‘It’s the feeling of a shadow. Someone stepped on it, something accidentally fell on the shadow, and someone spit on the shadow. It’s disgusting. You can sort the body quickly, otherwise the brain will explode. ’

‘I got it! Increase the scope! ’

'To understanding! The red eyes frowned tightly, and the dark ripples quickly scanned and expanded.

"Ahhh~ Something has been scanning, Xiaoan, do you feel it?"

"Well, I don't know who it is, but I scanned this place without the permission of my dark vatican. Is it true that there is no one in my dark vatican?! Shadow, let's go! Dark feast!" Tokoyami Fumikage said as he ran out COPLAY

Shadow: ...Sometimes I really don't want to be the [quirk] of the second disease, it's too embarrassing!

"Sha Sha Sha, Sha Sha Sha." With the sound of sand falling to the shadow, Red Eye and Izuku raised their heads at the same time.

"The Sand of Time, I found it! The direction is there!" The red eye pointed diagonally across the supermarket.

‘Is the location outside the supermarket? What a vigilant guy who actually ran so far, red-eyed, let's catch up! ’

"Don't you inform Ryotaro brother?"

‘Let’s find that guy first, let’s catch up! ’

"Know it, let's go!" Red eye wiped his eyes, red blood slipped from the corner of his eye, red eye jumped into the shadow of the fitting room, and only the green sweater was left in the fitting room.

"Sir, have you finished changing your clothes?" The waiter opened the fitting room.

"Huh?! Why is there no one?"

Outside the supermarket, the cleaner who signed the contract with the alien gods carried the garbage bag full of jewelry, and walked towards home with his head low.

"Buzzing~I LOVE YOU I would like to do everything for you~" The cleaner who heard the ring shook his body, shaking and took out the phone.

"Moxi, Miwako..."

"San Lang, when on earth can you make that "special wedding dress"? I've been waiting for it~"

"Miwako, give me some more time! I can make it right away!"

"I have been waiting for two years! I can't wait anymore! Let's break up!" The other side hung up after speaking.

"Miwako! Hey! Hey! Miwako!! Searchable!!!"

"Yeah, yeah, I finally dumped that annoying guy, hey~ let's go drink milk tea, Ming Qian~"

"No problem~ Miwako." Tsk, he was a scumbag, and said shamelessly!

Go back to the cleaner who was just dumped. The hand holding the phone jumped up. He just wanted to lift the phone and threw it to the ground, but he gave up because the phone was so expensive, his face was sullen. Continue to walk with the bag of jewelry.

"Searchable, searchable, searchable!!! I'm going to fuck you!!!" The cleaner cursed as he walked into a residential building where he rented a house.

Entering the small rented house, the room is divided into two extremes, one is a hill of instant noodles and garbage, and the other is a snow-white wedding dress and a dozen insect boxes on the shelf. , The insect box was filled with silkworms and mulberry leaves.

The door was closed heavily, the cleaner put the bag in a clean place, and then threw himself into the trash. For that'special wedding dress', he quit his previous job and went to the promenade supermarket to do cleaning. The clerk, just to see the wedding dresses placed on the exhibition stand every day, and constantly learn the matching of wedding dresses on the mobile phone, and it is because of his own [quirk] that he bought so many silkworms and mulberry leaves. I have remitted money to Meihezi's bank account more than once, and the money was left by him frugally.

"But whoosh, I was dumped! Really!! What is the purpose of all the mess that Laozi did before!!! How can it be repaired!!!" Trash bags and cup noodles flew around in the small room.

"Boom! It hurts!!" Accidentally stepped on the beer bottle, the cleaner hit the wall, and the hat on his head fell to the ground.

"Damn!! Huh?" Touching his head, the cleaner saw a mirror placed in the clean area. The mirror reflected his current face. He became thinner, at least twice as thin as the original job he quit.

"Cut! It's okay to break up with that woman! At least you don't have to send money to that woman anymore! Ahhhhhhh!!! Let's clean up here first!" The cleaner, who had barely adjusted his mood, began to clean up his house.

"Is it a day for recyclable or non-recyclable garbage? Forget it, throw it away." Shanlang Mushishi was babbling while sorting out the garbage in the room, and the white sand fell to the ground along his trouser tube.

Izuku walked out of a shadow, and he looked at the residential building.

"That gentleman should live here, right."

‘I can hear the sound of sand falling on the shadow, but the Demon God hasn’t come over yet. ’

"Call Ryotaro first." When Izuku flipped his hand, the flip phone appeared in his hand. In addition to the phone number of Mobile Pegasus, there is an additional phone number for Ryotaro in the current mobile phone address book.

"Mosimosi, Brother Ryotaro, are you there?"

"I'm here, you guys, keep your voice down." On the den line, Ryotaro held a mobile phone in one hand and waved at the four strange demon gods who were making noise with the other.

"Next time I will get on with Dragon Talos! You two have already enjoyed it!"

"What are you talking about! Stupid bear! I was snatched by the turtle before I even cut twice!"

"Turtle is a master grabbing head! Let's boycott him!! Let's fight!!" Long Talos shouted while taking the coffee in the hands of the tram attendant Naomi.

"Be quiet! If it wasn't for your eagerness to possess Ryotaro one by one! That strange demon would have been killed long ago! After all, it is your own fault!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Idiot kid!" Taotarus squatted down, comparing his own head to that of HANA.

"Huh~ you don't grow tall even if you get here, kid!"

"What are you talking about!" Take my uppercut from NAHA! !

"Bang!!" Taotarus' head hit the ceiling of the tram, and then fell to the ground with a loud noise.

"Uh... Brother Ryotaro, is there anything else on your side? If something happens, I'll call you later."

"It's okay, it's keep your voice down."

"But... But whoosh, Booger! Ah!" Taotarus' head was stepped on by a pair of small shoes.

"Now it's all quiet for me!"

"Hi, ah! This coffee is delicious."

"Huh? Really? Give me a drink too!"

"Yeah! Me too!"

"Hey! The three of you come over and help me! Hey!"

"It's okay, Midoriya-san, do you have anything to say?"

"Uh... what I want to say is that I may have found someone who has contracted with the alien god."


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