The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 361 Dinner time on Saturday afternoon.

"Izuku, dinner is ready, let Katsuki and Todoroki come out for dinner."

"Okay, Mom, but I might have to wait a little bit." Izuku is clearing the monopoly's chessboard. Shoto Todoroki's "Property" was directly played out of GG because of the destiny card. Now, like Bakugo Katsuki, they are all in the corner. It’s on the edge.

Putting away the chessboard, Izuku stood up and looked at the two dolls facing the wall, with red eyes smiling in the shadows.

'puff! Hahahaha! ! It's just a game, they actually take it so seriously, hahahaha! ! Almost laughing at me! ’

"Wow, I always feel that my luck this time is very good. I used to lose with Xiaosheng. Xiaosheng and Hongjun are going to have dinner. Don't face the wall." Izuku reluctantly faced the two facing the wall. The person said.

"Huh! Laozi made a mistake this time! Next time I will definitely win Feijiu and Yin Yang face!!" Bakugo Katsuki stood up and slammed his head against the wall.

"I lost to Izuku's luck this time. I didn't lose." Shoto Todoroki said as he stood up from the ground.

‘Uh... Ontology, to a certain extent, Bakugo and Hung-kun are both very stubborn people. ’

‘Wow, just say it. Izuku nodded slightly, and put Monopoly's box on the table.

"Then go to dinner together, ah, by the way, did the teacher Xiaosheng and Hongjun do the homework that the teacher sent on Thursday?" Izuku said as he walked out of the room, he didn't see the two people in his room. Qi trembled all over, oops, almost forgot to do homework.

"Just that little homework, it's... it's almost done, hey, waste a long time, don't you miss it?"

"Well, I plan to write in the evening, where are Xiao Sheng and Hong Jun?"

"Laozi writes tomorrow, huh, I'm not like you, such a simple homework Laozi finishes it in less than an hour."

"I use it for half an hour." Shoto Todoroki lowered his head and said.

"twenty minutes!"

"A quarter of an hour!"

"Ten minutes! Yin and Yang face! You fucking try to fight with me!!"

"Ten minutes, Xiaosheng, you are joking, but homework is a bit too much." Izuku said, walking into the kitchen and helping her mother put chopsticks on the dining table.

"Okay, Katsuki and Todoroki, you two hurry up and sit on the chairs. I prepared food that you both like today." Yinzi turned his head, with a smile almost identical to that of Izuku on his face. I have a bowl of cold soba noodles and a beef ramen that is super spicy at first glance.

"Thank you, Auntie Yinzi."

"Thank you, auntie." The two sat on the chairs beside the dining table. Izuku pulled the TV remote control placed in the center of the dining table, pressed the switch, and the TV turned on.

"Dear viewers, we are now in the city’s two-footed deer park. Thirty minutes ago, Heroes [mechanic], a professional at the entanglement firm, robbed the city’s promenade supermarket and Sato Jiuji. Tang’s Villain is wiped out, now let’s interview the mechanic..." A dozen microphones almost pierced the mechanic’s face. The mechanic was unhappy, and there were blood clots on his forehead and face.

"Of course I used all my strength to get rid of it. Its behavior has seriously affected social security. When I arrived, I had already seen the Bloodline of this large beach. This Villain not only robbed him, Killing, as an upright professional Heroes, I haven't let him go..." While reading the manuscript handed to him before the Special Combat Sword in the mechanical accident, he was disgusting in his heart, and he was still upright~ Villain didn't do it himself. Yes, the captain is also quite snobbery.

"...Above." After the mechanic finished speaking, he immediately turned and left. If it weren't allowed on the spot, he would have vomited a trash bag for a while, so official words would only be written by the Captain's Special Combat Sword. Up.(Read more @

"Thanks for your hard work, the captain's official tone is very uncomfortable." Shi Shuo's face had a smile of'I sympathize with you but still want to laugh', and Shi Shuo held a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Drink some coffee, don't get angry with the captain's official voice."

"Hey, we have to take some fixed-body photos later, saying that it is for publicity. The captain is really good, ha."

"Calculate carefully, the two big supermarkets have agreed to promote, and we can make a fortune just for the promotion fee."

"My equipment and injuries can cost a lot of money, and my small vault is about to bottom out."

"Ah? Isn't there insurance?"

"Is there?! The captain didn't tell me! How can it be repaired! He must have taken my insurance money to drink! I have to find him to settle the account!!"

"At this time, you'd better let the captain worry about it." Shi Shuo took a sip of coffee and pulled the mechanic who was going to find the special warfare dual-sword theory.

"Hurry up and go back to the office and change into a nice dress. We will all get busy later."

"Ah ah~ we are not entertainers, can we just take a photo at an angle? I am super sleepy now!!" The mechanic now wants to lie on a hospital bed and take a good night's sleep, by the way. Beautiful female nurse at the Eye Hospital.

"Hey! Mechanic! Come and get in the car! Let's go back to the office!"

"Hey, Captain! I'm a wounded man!"

"Even the wounded! You have to take the promotional photos for me before leaving! If you don't take them, not only will there be no one-month vacation! Even this month's salary will be gone!"

"Hi, I'm coming right away!" As soon as the mechanic heard the salary deduction, he immediately put on a smiling face and ran to his captain.

'Nonsence! The evil capitalism! ’

"I didn't expect the robbed jewelry to be found back so quickly. Recently, Heroes did a lot of hard work, don't you think? Izuku?" Yinzi has a smile on his face, watching watching TV intently. Izuku.

"Ah? Huh! That's right, the recent Heroes are working hard! Especially the mechanic just now, he has entered the top 100 in the Heroes ranking list, and this incident will at least allow him to rise again. Five to six rankings are quite remarkable!"

"is it?"

"Cut." Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki frowned at the same time, and they didn't want Izuku's attention to go elsewhere.

"Katsuki, Todoroki, how does it taste? If it doesn't taste good, I will cook another one." Yinzi's gaze turned from the TV to Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki.

"It tastes good, I like it very much, thank you auntie." A super standard answer, you learn something.

"Well, Aunt Yinzi's craftsmanship is still so good! It's delicious!"

"Xiaosheng, your mouth is full of red oil, it's kind of funny."

"Cut!" Bakugo Katsuki wiped his mouth regardless of the image (as if he had an image, huh...not an angry image?) There was indeed red oil, he quickly took two pieces of paper and wiped it. mouth.

"Oh, by the way, Izuku, some of the seasonings at home are gone. You can buy them for me when you go out for training later, okay?"

"Of course there is no problem!" Izuku said loudly with a smile.

"Izuku, can I go with you?" Shoto Todoroki asked after taking the last bite of soba in the bowl.

"Laozi is going to go with him! Do you a wealthy young master know how to buy the seasoning?" Bakugo drank the super spicy soup in one breath, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and opened it to Shoto Todoroki Taunt mode.

"You don't think of sugar as salt? Or do you think of MSG as sugar? Have you ever cooked your own food? Hmm...should you have done it before, can you eat it? Huh?"

"I know how to cook Western food, but I rarely cook my own cuisine. There are indeed some unfamiliar seasonings. Izuku, can you take me to see it?"

"Hey! Don't ignore me! Baka Yalu!! Fei Jiu, dare you take him to try?!"

‘Yin and yang face, just stay here for me! ’

Feeling Bakugo's arrogant gaze, Shoto Todoroki snorted coldly in his heart.

‘You want me to let go? Think so beautiful you! The eyes of the two collided in mid-air and caught fire.

‘Interesting, so funny! Ontology, don’t you say? ! ’

'Ok! Xiao Sheng and Hong Jun have a very good relationship. "Ahhh~ Where did you think of Midoriya?

"Goooooo~" On a telegraph pole near Midoriya's house, a pigeon with blood on its body landed on the top of the telegraph pole. It tidied its wings, and Izuku was reflected in its black pupils. The door of home.

A blue butterfly with broken wings shrank by the corner of Midoriya's house, and it took more than ten seconds to flap its wings. In winter, insects are very sad.

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