The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 368 Two secretly rubbing guys and Overhaul are coming

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Izuku, who had watched the All Might video, put the phone under his pillow again, and Izuku let out a sigh of relief as the black tulle was gradually dissipating.

‘No matter how many times I watch it, I feel that All Might’s posture to save people is so handsome! ! ! ’

‘Not only is it powerful, but the speed of saving people is also super fast. It can save a hundred people in ten minutes...If we use FAIZ’s acceleration mode, it might be better than what he did. ’This is another high degree of self-confidence in strength.

‘Plus your shadow with red eyes [quirk] is super perfect! We will definitely become the NO.1 Heroes! ’

‘It’s you who will become the NO.1 Heroes. ’

‘Ah? why? ’

‘Forget that we are actually the same person? ’

‘Swish! I almost forgot! Red Eye rolled his eyes, what kind of ontology did I meet?

‘Okay, I’m going to sleep. Izuku twisted his body, found a comfortable position, and closed his eyes, but it didn't take long for him to feel a chill, and he couldn't help tightening his quilt.

‘It’s a bit cold, did I open the window in the room? ’

‘I’m not sure. I listened to the weather forecast and said it would snow from tonight to tomorrow. Do you want to check the windows? ’

‘I’m too lazy to do it...huh~’

‘Sleep so fast....’

Because of the cold, Izuku curled up.

[Huh~Task.... Above, Jonah remembers to wrap the gun with a bandage, otherwise the gun is easy to break, although the gun in your hand basically did not last a day. ]

[Can Villain be wiped out? ]

[This time it’s hunting, what do you think? ]

[Sure enough, nine people squeezing a van is still too crowded! Lutz, you let go! ]

[Who makes your ass too big? Go to the hospital for an ass cutting operation. Your goal is simply too big. ]

[shit! Obviously you have taken the position! ]

[What is Coco doing now? Jonah is holding the gun and looking at Farme in the passenger seat.

[I heard that I was eating and chatting with some troublesome character. ]

[She is so idle. While talking, Jonah let out a breath of cold air, and the cold air coming in through the gap in the van made Jonah shiver.

"so cold......."

"Izuku, are you cold?"

[Is not this nonsensical? Jonah, how can the snow mountain be cold? ]

[Snow Mountain...I hate it. ]

[If you hate it, just change to another place. How about the sea over there? The eighth person in the van wrapped Jonah's shoulders with both hands, and Jonah turned his head slightly, familiar face.

[Would you like to get some sun? ]

[seaside? ]

[A small island] The next second, Jonah and the ninth man fell out of the van and they landed straight on a beach.

[The beach is so soft and familiar. ]

[Do you want to play in the water? ]

"Izuku......" An arm was placed on Izuku's waist, Shoto Todoroki's head was pressed against Izuku's neck.

[It seems that someone who is irrelevant is coming in] The eighth turned his head and looked behind Izuku.

[Can’t you let me sleep well? Also, I remember there are only eight in the team now, where is the eighth? ]

[Sleep without dreams is good sleep, and your mind is still too much. The eighth man took off the hood on his head, with red eyes, he pointed to the back of Izuku.

[It’s Shoto Todoroki]

[Almost forgot, Jun Hong slept with me. Jonah turned around and saw a person embracing his body. The dreams were all weird.

[But I can’t see my face. ] Jonah's head approached Shoto Todoroki, only the conspicuous hair could be seen, but the face was not real.

[It’s normal if you don’t see clearly. Everything in your dreams is basically fake. Would you like something to drink? Redeye lay on a bench, holding a bottle of white wine in his hand.(Read more @

[liqueur? ]

[It looks like, it's actually nothing. ]

[Where did the recliner come from? ]

[In the dream, anything can be made, sit down. ] Another recliner appeared out of nowhere.

[Thank you. ] Izuku turned over on the bed, Shoto Todoroki's arms fell empty, Jonah sat on the recliner, a cup appeared in his hand, a liquid floated from the wine cup, and it fell into the cup and Jonah drank A bite.

[It's totally tasteless. ]

[That is to say. ]

The moment Shoto Todoroki's arm fell to the ground, Shoto Todoroki opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Izuku's quiet sleeping face and Bakugo, who was quietly getting up.

[Sniff, why is there a sweet smell, you added sugar? ]

[The food here is tasteless. ]

[Then what does it taste like? ]

[how could I know. ]

"Boom." A tiny explosion exploded on Bakugo's hand, and a small sharp cone of ice appeared on Shoto Todoroki's hand. The red pupils and the heterochromatic pupils collided with electric sparks in mid-air.

[Why did it feel a bit too bright just now,’s still a bit cold]

[I don’t know, do you want to wake up and see? ]

[Don’t...this is good....]

[Swish.....hiccup~ At home, it's safe, right? ]

[Well, and it's so comfortable that I want to stretch my waist. ] Izuku opened his body, stretched his waist, opened his hands, and almost hit Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki.

"Cut, Fei Jiu, what the hell are you doing!"

[Ahee! Someone called me? ]

[There should be no one, after all, even Bakugo and Hun-kun are asleep. ] Didn't fall asleep at all.

[Still feeling a bit cold. ]

[It's not the real seaside after all. ]

[Uh...I can't take my hands back. ]

[That's a bit bad, do you want another drink? ]

[How to drink without hands? ]

[I’m feeding you on the body. ]

[Someone needs to feed the completely tasteless water? just forget it. ]

[Humph~whatever. Redeye did not know where he took out a pair of sunglasses and put it on his face.

"I want to take it back after I stretched it out? It's too beautiful, waste a long time~" Bakugo held Izuku's right hand, his head moved close to Izuku's ear, and bit.

[what! It's so crispy. ]

[The body, don't worry about the strange feeling, there are other things entering here. ]

[Ah? Is there anything else that can enter the dream state? ]

[It should be someone else’s [quirk], but I don’t know who’s it, it feels a bit familiar. ]

[Want to go see it? ]

[No, they are already here. ] Redeye stood up, took off his sunglasses, and looked at the sea level in the distance.

"Huh~" Two hot air sprayed on Izuku's left and right ears. Shoto Todoroki stretched out his tongue and licked Izuku's ears. A damp sensation made Jonah twitch in his dream.

[It feels... so strange! ]

[What's wrong? ]

[Something is licking my ears! ] Jonah squatted down while talking. He didn't know when he covered his ears with both hands. In reality, Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki had both hands grabbed.

Both ears became red in reality and dreams.

[Get up quickly! Ontology, come here, cut it! It's that guy, do you have to fight again? ]

Jonah raised his head and looked at the sea horizon line in the distance with a look of confusion. Suddenly, two figures walked over from the sea horizon line. Although they couldn't see who it was, Jonah still said the person who came by. name.

[Overhaul and... a pig? ]

"Who is a pig! This uncle is a different demon god! Does the different demon god know!" The pig actually began to speak! !

[It’s the dream-eating tapir, no, is the devil of the dream-eating tapir? No wonder it can enter human dreams, and can it also lead people? ]

"It's been a long time, Midoriya Izuku." One person and one strange demon walked quickly, and they walked quickly to the beach, facing Izuku's red eyes.

"Who is this? New here?" Overhaul pointed to Izuku, who was still in Jonah at this time.

[Exercist, your eyesight is really not good... you can't even tell who is the real body. ]

[Overhaul, you dare to appear in my dreams, are you really not afraid of me here to send you to the police station? ]

"Huh~ I have this uncle here, you should hand over your dreams obediently." Jonah tore off the mask on his face, revealing what he was.

"Midoriya? Huh, funny, do you think you can fool me with this disguise?"

[Why should I lie to you? Also, do you know what the Demon God will do after completing the contract? Do you really know the price you will pay? ] Izuku said, standing next to Red Eye.

"I knew the price paid a long time ago, isn't it just the past time? As long as you kill you, even if it is attached, everything is worth it!"

"What are you doing nonsense with them?! I'm on it first!" The Dream Eater Tapir shook his nose and rushed towards Izuku and the others.

[This is the second time you provoke me, I hope not the third time. ]

[The body is really kind. Red eyes trembled the uniform on his body, and the next second his body teleported directly to the top of the Dream Eater Tapir, his right hand suddenly enlarged, and he directly hammered the Dream Eater Tapir into the beach.

Overhaul took off his gloves and touched the beach. In an instant, the beach was completely broken into scum, and then recovered in the next second, but Overhaul's hand had an extra white sword.

[Reconstitute sand into weapons? Do you want to fight melee? ] Izuku bent down and touched his waist with his right hand. A silver-gray scabbard appeared on his waist.

"Anything can happen in a dream, such as..." Overhaul's figure flickered, and eight Overhauls appeared in front of Izuku. They were exactly the same, all holding the same white sword in their hands.

"It's an honor to kill you with your proudest moves."

[It won’t be a problem if you cut you off here. ] Crappy kick-off, Midoriya's feet are attached with green arcs.

"Who knows." The eight Overhaul shrugged at the same time and rushed to Izuku at the same time.

[Is it one-to-many again? Can you give me a good night's rest? ] The green figure rushed to the eight Overhauls like lightning.

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