‘Ontology, you can see it too, it’s a blue butterfly person. ’

‘Yes, I saw it, but it’s not easy to start here. Izuku and Francis chatted without paying attention.

"Wow, then I'm really lucky to be able to promote it over there."

"Yes, you are actually very popular in Shijie High School, and you are called Little Sun."

"Really?! They are too exaggerated, haha." Izuku smiled and scratched his head.

"Mr. Francis, I have applied for a meeting room from the person in charge of U.A High School, please come with me." Francis' assistant (SMART LADY) suddenly appeared and bowed to Francis.

"Ah, forgot to say, this is my assistant, Anna, Anna, this is the Midoriya Izuku that our boss must want us to promote."

"Hello, Mr. Midoriya Izuku." SMART LADY also bowed to Izuku.

"Hello, hello." Izuku also nodded to SMART LADY.

‘This should be it. ’

‘Even SMART LADY is here. It seems that Francis is also one of the more important blue butterflies. He caught a big fish. ’

‘I mean. ’

"Please also two of you come with me." SMART LADY performed his work as an assistant perfectly.

“I’m actually more inclined to go back to Midoriya to promote with us today. After all, the prices here are so high. If you stay for a few more days, the company may go bankrupt. Hahahaha! This is just a joke, haha Haha!!" Francis smiled and patted Izuku's shoulder. A particularly thin anesthetic needle plunged into Izuku's shoulder. The tiny anesthetic needle did not even feel Izuku, who was always sensitive.

"Kanto's joke?" Izuku tilted his head.

"It's from Osaka! Hahahaha!" Haha, it's cold.

SMART LADY took Izuku and Francis to a small office.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Mr. Izuku and Mr. Francis, please sit here for a while. I will get the contract and the brochure." SMART LADY finished, bowed to the two and walked out of the room.

"Yeah, yeah, it looks like UA’s strength is really good, even the chairs are so comfortable, Mr. Midoriya, don’t look at it, sit down, just sit down and talk. I don’t know if there is tea or something here. "Francis pulled out the two chairs from the conference table. He sat on one first, then patted the other one, letting Izuku sit next to him.

‘Look at what they do? ’

‘Anyway, sooner or later, I’m going to turn my face and play with them for a while. ’

"Um, I want to understand your propaganda model first." Izuku pulled the chair over and sat down opposite Francis.

"Propaganda mode, ahem, this is of course necessary. After all, we are in this business. First of all, we will do all-round packaging for you. First of all, we will help you set up a personal setting. You can also Choose by yourself. Of course, it’s better to set a personal set that is more in line with your own quirk. I just have a few personal set cards here. You can take a look first." Francis said as he took it out from the inside of the suit. Several cards were handed to Izuku.

"Human and animal harmless little rabbits? Make people feel bad about Little Sun?" Izuku whispered at the person in his hand to set up the card, and pulled the corners of his mouth. I don't have ears. It's not a rabbit, Little Sun? I am definitely not anymore!

"It seems that you don’t like these person settings very much. It’s okay. Our company still has a lot of people setting up cards. You can think about it again, ahem, let’s talk about our company first, although our company is a new company. Jin’s company, but our strength is very strong. We have already taken root in the city where Shijie High School is located. We have ranked among the top five local companies in terms of asset ranking. Ah, in fact, I still don’t say that much. Actually, even I feel that this is too insincere to say so, so let’s do it, in fact, it doesn’t matter whether we sign the contract or not. I just want Mr. Midoriya to see our sincerity. I will apply to your teacher, Mr. Midoriya, and let you live. Take our car over there for a while, and see with your own eyes the strength of our company, how about it?" If I changed to an ordinary person, I would have been fooled by Francis's words, but Midoriya was still sober.

‘Is the purpose for me to leave U.A school with them? It's a good method, it's very serious, and you can't stop it. ’

‘It’s a normal request, what should I do? Ontology? ’

"Can I really go?! Thank you so much!" Izuku nodded vigorously with his eyes glowing.

"Knock, Mr. Francis, I brought the contract here." The door of the small office was knocked, and SMART LADY walked in with a few contracts. In the contract, there was also a doctor developed [short-term rigidity]. Liquid], can temporarily make the body stiff and uncontrollable, this is the last killer of SMART LADY.

"Ah, let's not let Mr. Midoriya sign this contract. Let's take him to our company first." Francis winked at SMART LADY.

"It's okay, I'll sign it. After all, it's not easy to find a reliable publicity company." Izuku reached out and took the contract from SMART LADY. SMART LADY quickly hooked the [short-term stiffness liquid] with his fingers. Into the sleeve.

"Where do you want to sign?" Izuku took out a pen from the small bag in his belt, opened the contract, and carefully looked at the contents of the contract.

"Hahahaha, it’s great that Mr. Midoriya decided to sign the contract, then S... Miss Anna, please help me ask the teachers for a leave, just say that we will take Mr. Midoriya to our company for a tour and come back in the afternoon. ."

"Okay, I will go now." Miss'Anna' bowed again to Izuku and Mr. Francis, and quickly left the small office, just two minutes after Miss'Anna' left the small office, two kills Matt (Boom & Boom: Are you looking for death?!) Cough cough cough, two class A classmates sneaked up to the door of the small office to eavesdrop.

"But I still don't understand. Why is your company looking for me instead of Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki?"

"Mr. Shoto Todoroki and Mr. Bakugo Katsuki? The popularity and strength of the two of them are indeed high, but they are also super difficult to approach. They are like a wall, not to mention that there are so many promotional companies that have advantages over us. Going for it, there is no chance." Francis shrugged.

"Hahaha, after all, Jun Hong and Xiaosheng are the first and second places, and they are signed." Izuku handed the contract to Francis.

"Let me see, is your Heroes name: Deku? Puff, ahem, I don't know if this name can be changed, this name is a bit unsuitable for publicity."

"As for the name of Heroes, I still want to use this. After all, I was once called DEKU too, haha." Izuku scratched his head, and Bakugo Katsuki frowned behind the door.

"Ontology, do you still want to act?" So tired~’

‘I don’t know~ I’m going to throw up too. ’

"Sure enough, it's not right to talk like that. I'm looking for tea or something." Francis was almost unable to act anymore. He stood up with a dry smile and began to look for anything to drink in the small office. .

‘Has Izuku signed a contract with them? Searchable! ........Ok! Which company Izuku goes to, I also go. Thinking like this, Shoto Todoroki pushed open the door and walked into the small office.

"Is Mr. Francis? I want to ask if your company still has a contract, and I also want to sign a promotional contract with your company."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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